11 research outputs found

    Absolute calibration of HMPAO SPECT using Xenon-133

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    European Journal of Nuclear Medecine 27(8):967International audienceno abstrac

    Classification of SPECT Images of Normal Subjects versus Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    This wo rk aims atpro vidi g ato o lto assist the i terpretatio o SPECT images fo the diag ogno Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

    Statistical parametric mapping of 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT images for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: normalizing to cerebellar tracer uptake.

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    Background: for a quantitative comparison of images obtained during 99mTc-hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), brain activity values are usually normalized to a reference region. In studies of Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD), the cerebellum is often used as a reference region, assuming that it is spared any major pathological involvement. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) may enhance the evaluation of SPECT scans in ATD patients. However, current SPM software only allows scaling to average whole brain activity (i.e., global normalization). The aim of this study was to develop an easily applied, objective, and reproducible method for determining average cerebellar tracer uptake so that images can be scaled specifically to cerebellar activity prior to the performance of SPM analysis. We also investigated whether cerebellar normalization increases the sensitivity and specificity of SPM analysis of ATD patients compared with global normalization. Methods: Image files were taken from a parallel study investigating the use of SPECT as a diagnostic tool for early onset of ATD. Two methods for determining cerebellar activity were developed: one manually, using templates, the other automated, using specified coordinates entered into a Matlab routine. Group comparison of ATD patients versus controls (= healthy volunteers and depressed patients) was performed on a voxel-by-voxel basis using SPM 96 on Windows 95. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) were computed for 20 student raters examining patient and control scans with and without single-subject SPMs. Results: The reduction of cerebral blood flow in the group of ATD patients appeared 1.7 times greater in spatial extent when the tracer uptake was normalized to cerebellum rather than to average whole brain activity. Computing the reverse contrast (reductions in the control group compared with ATD patients) produced clusters of significance in globally normalized images which were not manifest after normalizing to cerebellum. This is consistent with the notion that the cerebellum is spared in ATD. Analysis of the area under the ROC curve showed that cerebellar-normalized SPM produced significantly improved accuracy over perfusion scans alone. Conclusion: An easily applied, objective, reproducible method was developed for normalizing images to cerebellum prior to the performance of SPM analysis. Cerebellar normalization produced more extensive abnormalities in SPM analyses of ATD patients than global normalization. Furthermore, cerebellar normalization produced marginally more accurate diagnostic results in single-scan SPM analysis of ATD patients than did global normalization

    Perfusion brain SPECT and Statistical Parametric Mapping analysis indicate that apathy is a cingulate syndrome: a study in Alzheimer's disease and non-demented patients

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    International audienceApathy is the most frequent behavioral symptom in Alzheimer's disease and is also frequently reported in other brain organic disorders occurring in the elderly. Based on the literature, we hypothesized that apathy was related to an anterior cingulate hypofunction. Forty-one subjects were studied. According to ICD 10 diagnostic criteria, 28 patients had Alzheimer dementia (demented: diagnostic group 1), and 13 had organic personality disorders or mild cognitive impairment not attributable to dementia (nondemented: diagnostic group 2). Apathy was evaluated by the Neuro-Psychiatric Inventory. As a result each diagnostic group was divided into two symptomatic subgroups: apathetic or nonapathetic. Brain perfusion was measured by 99mTc-labeled bicisate (ECD) brain SPECT and the images were compared using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM96). We began by comparing apathetic vs nonapathetic patients, whatever their diagnostic group (whole population), then analyzed them within each group. Twenty-one subjects were apathetic (14 in group 1 and 7 in group 2) and 20 were not (14 in group 1 and 6 in group 2). For the whole population, the Z map showed a significant decrease in ECD uptake for the apathetic patients in the anterior cingulate (P < 0.002) bilaterally. This area was also identified as hypoactive by SPM analysis in the demented (P < 0.035) and in the nondemented (P < 0.02) apathetic patient groups. Finally, conjunction analysis indicated that the anterior cingulate was the common hypoactive structure of the two apathetic subgroups (Z = 4.35, P < 0.0009). These results point to a close relationship between apathy and the anterior cingulate region