527 research outputs found

    Infrared observations of the candidate double neutron star system PSR J1811-1736

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    PSR J1811-1736 (P=104 ms) is an old (~1.89 Gyrs) binary pulsar (P_orb=18.8 d) in a highly eccentric orbit (e=0.828) with an unidentified companion. Interestingly enough, the pulsar timing solution yields an estimated companion mass 0.93 M_{\odot}<M_C<1.5 M_{\odot}, compatible with that of a neutron star. As such, it is possible that PSR J1811-1736 is a double neutron star (DNS) system, one of the very few discovered so far. This scenario can be investigated through deep optical/infrared (IR) observations. We used J, H, K-band images, obtained as part of the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS), and available in the recent Data Release 9 Plus, to search for its undetected companion of the PSR J1811-1736 binary pulsar. We detected a possible companion star to PSR J1811-1736 within the 3 sigma radio position uncertainty (1.32 arcsec), with magnitudes J=18.61+/-0.07, H=16.65+/-0.03, and K=15.46+/-0.02. The star colours are consistent with either a main sequence (MS) star close to the turn-off or a lower red giant branch (RGB) star, at a pulsar distance of ~5.5 kpc and with a reddening of E(B-V)~4.9. The star mass and radius would be compatible with the constraints on the masses and orbital inclination of the binary system inferred from the mass function and the lack of radio eclipses near superior conjunction. Thus, it is possible that it is the companion to PSR J1811-1736. However, based on the star density in the field, we estimated a quite large chance coincidence probability of ~0.27 between the pulsar and the star, which makes the association unlikely. No other star is detected within the 3 sigma pulsar radio position down to J~20.5, H~19.4$ and K~18.6, which would allow us to rule out a MS companion star earlier than a mid-to-late M spectral type.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Gemini optical observations of binary millisecond-pulsars

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    Milli-second pulsars (MSPs) are rapidly spinning neutron stars, with spin periods P_s <= 10 ms, which have been most likely spun up after a phase of matter accretion from a companion star. In this work we present the results of the search for the companion stars of four binary milli-second pulsars, carried out with archival data from the Gemini South telescope. Based upon a very good positional coincidence with the pulsar radio coordinates, we likely identified the companion stars to three MSPs, namely PSRJ0614-3329 (g=21.95 +- 0.05), J1231-1411 (g=25.40 +-0.23), and J2017+0603 (g=24.72 +- 0.28). For the last pulsar (PSRJ0613-0200) the identification was hampered by the presence of a bright star (g=16 +- 0.03) at \sim 2" from the pulsar radio coordinates and we could only set 3-sigma upper limits of g=25.0, r= 24.3, and i= 24.2 on the magnitudes of its companion star. The candidate companion stars to PSRJ0614-3329, J1231-1411, and J2017+0603 can be tentatively identified as He white dwarfs (WDs) on the basis of their optical colours and brightness and the comparison with stellar model tracks. From the comparison of our multi-band photometry with stellar model tracks we also obtained possible ranges on the mass, temperature, and gravity of the candidate WD companions to these three MSPs. Optical spectroscopy observations are needed to confirm their possible classification as He WDs and accurately measure their stellar parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    VLT/FORS2 observations of the optical counterpart of the isolated neutron star RBS 1774

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    X-ray observations performed with ROSAT led to the discovery of a group (seven to date) of X-ray dim and radio-silent middle-aged isolated neutron stars (a.k.a. XDINSs), which are characterised by pure blackbody spectra (kT~40-100 eV), long X-ray pulsations (P=3-12 s), and appear to be endowed with relatively high magnetic fields, (B~10d13-14 G). RBS 1774 is one of the few XDINSs with a candidate optical counterpart, which we discovered with the VLT. We performed deep observations of RBS 1774 in the R band with the VLT to disentangle a non-thermal power-law spectrum from a Rayleigh-Jeans, whose contributions are expected to be very much different in the red part of the spectrum. We did not detect the RBS 1774 candidate counterpart down to a 3 sigma limiting magnitude of R~27. The constraint on its colour, (B-R)<0.6, rules out that it is a background object, positionally coincident with the X-ray source. Our R-band upper limit is consistent with the extrapolation of the B-band flux (assuming a 3 sigma uncertainty) for a set of power-laws F_nu ~nu^alpha with spectral indeces alpha<0.07. If the optical spectrum of RBS 1774 were non-thermal, its power-law slope would be very much unlike those of all isolated neutron stars with non-thermal optical emission, suggesting that it is most likely thermal. For instance, a Rayleigh-Jeans with temperature T_O = 11 eV, for an optically emitting radius r_O=15 km and a source distance d=150 pc, would be consistent with the optical measurements. The implied low distance is compatible with the 0.04 X-ray pulsed fraction if either the star spin axis is nearly aligned with the magnetic axis or with the line of sight, or it is slightly misaligned with respect to both the magnetic axis and the line of sight by 5-10 degreesComment: 8 pages, 8 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Studies of Neutron Stars at Optical/IR Wavelengths

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    In the last years, optical studies of Isolated Neutron Stars (INSs) have expanded from the more classical rotation-powered ones to other categories, like the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and the Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs), which make up the class of the magnetars, the radio-quiet INSs with X-ray thermal emission and, more recently, the enigmatic Compact Central Objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants. Apart from 10 rotation-powered pulsars, so far optical/IR counterparts have been found for 5 magnetars and for 4 INSs. In this work we present some of the latest observational results obtained from optical/IR observations of different types of INSs

    Optical spectroscopy of the radio pulsar PSR B0656+14

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    We have obtained the spectrum of a middle-aged PSR B0656+14 in the 4300-9000 AA range with the ESO/VLT/FORS2. Preliminary results show that at 4600-7000 AA the spectrum is almost featureless and flat with a spectral index $\alpha_nu ~ -0.2 that undergoes a change to a positive value at longer wavelengths. Combining with available multiwavelength data suggests two wide, red and blue, flux depressions whose frequency ratio is about 2 and which could be the 1st and 2nd harmonics of electron/positron cyclotron absorption formed at magnetic fields ~10^8G in upper magnetosphere of the pulsar.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, To appear in Astrophysics and Space Science, Proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", eds. D. Page, R. Turolla and S. Zan

    Multi-wavelength observations of 3FGL J2039.6-5618: a candidate redback millisecond pulsar

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    We present multi-wavelength observations of the unassociated gamma-ray source 3FGL J2039.6-5618 detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. The source gamma-ray properties suggest that it is a pulsar, most likely a millisecond pulsar, for which neither radio nor γ\gamma-ray pulsations have been detected yet. We observed 3FGL J2039.6-5618 with XMM-Newton and discovered several candidate X-ray counterparts within/close to the gamma-ray error box. The brightest of these X-ray sources is variable with a period of 0.2245±\pm0.0081 d. Its X-ray spectrum can be described by a power law with photon index ΓX=1.36±0.09\Gamma_X =1.36\pm0.09, and hydrogen column density NH<4×1020N_{\rm H} < 4 \times 10^{20} cm2^{-2}, which gives an unabsorbed 0.3--10 keV X-ray flux of 1.02×10131.02 \times 10^{-13} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}. Observations with the Gamma-Ray Burst Optical/Near-Infrared Detector (GROND) discovered an optical counterpart to this X-ray source, with a time-average magnitude g19.5g'\sim 19.5. The counterpart features a flux modulation with a period of 0.22748±\pm0.00043 d that coincides, within the errors, with that of the X-ray source, confirming the association based on the positional coincidence. We interpret the observed X-ray/optical periodicity as the orbital period of a close binary system where one of the two members is a neutron star. The light curve profile of the companion star, with two asymmetric peaks, suggests that the optical emission comes from two regions at different temperatures on its tidally-distorted surface. Based upon its X-ray and optical properties, we consider this source as the most likely X-ray counterpart to 3FGL J2039.6-5618, which we propose to be a new redback system.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journa

    Observations of Isolated Neutron Stars with the ESO Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator

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    High-energy observations have unveiled peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars which, at variance with radio pulsars, are mostly radio silent and not powered by the star rotation. Among these objects are the magnetars, hyper-magnetized neutron stars characterized by transient X-ray/gamma-ray emission, and neutron stars with purely thermal, and in most cases stationary, X-ray emission (a.k.a., X-ray dim isolated neutron stars or XDINSs). While apparently dissimilar in their high-energy behavior and age, both magnetars and XDINSs have similar periods and unusually high magnetic fields. This suggests a tantalizing scenario where the former evolve into the latter.Discovering so far uninvestigated similarities between the multi-wavelength properties of these two classes would be a further step forward to establish an evolutionary scenario. A most promising channels is the near infrared (NIR) one, where magnetars are characterized by a distinctive spectral flattening with respect to the extrapolation of the soft X-ray spectrum.We observed the two XDINSs RX J0420.0-5022 and RX J1856.5-3754 with the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) as part of the instrument guaranteed time observations program, to search for their NIR counterparts. Both RX J1856.5-3754 and RX J0420.0-5022 were not detected down to K_s ~20 and Ks ~21.5, respectively. In order to constrain the relation between XDINSs and magnetars it would be of importance to perform deeper NIR observations. A good candidate is 1RXS J214303.7+065419 which is the XDINS with the highest inferred magnetic field.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Search for the Optical Counterpart of the Vela Pulsar X-ray Nebula

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    Observations of the Vela pulsar region with the Chandra X-ray observatory have revealed the fine structure of its synchrotron pulsar-wind nebula (PWN), which showed an overall similarity with the Crab PWN. However, contrary to the Crab, no firm detection of the Vela PWN in optical has been reported yet. To search for the optical counterpart of the X-ray PWN, we analyzed deep optical observations performed with different telescopes. We compared the optical images with those obtained with the Chandra ACIS to search for extended emission patterns which could be identified as counterparts of the X-ray nebula elements. Although some features are seen in the optical images, we find no correlation with the X-ray structure. Thus, we conclude that the diffuse optical emission is more likely associated with filaments in the host Vela SNR. The derived upper limits on the optical flux from the PWN are compatibile, within the uncertainties, with the values expected on the basis of the extrapolations of the X-ray data.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Signature of relic heavy stable neutrinos in underground experiments

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    Considering heavy stable neutrinos of 4th generation we calculate the relic density of such neutrinos in the Universe. Taking into account the condensation of heavy neutrinos in the Galaxy and applying the results of calculations to experimental data from underground experiments on search for WIMPs in elastic neutral current scattering on nuclei we found an exclusion region of neutrino mass 60 GeV < m < 290 GeV. The bounds obtained from present underground experiments while confirming the previous bounds derived from analysis of cosmic ray spectra are more relible ones. We discuss also the first indication of elastic scattering induced by WIMP in DAMA experiment finding a very narrow window of neutrino mass 45 GeV < m < 50 GeV compatible with the possible signal rate in the detector.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure