21 research outputs found

    Cooperation of Striatin 3 and MAP4K4 promotes growth and tissue invasion

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    MAP4K4 is associated with increased motility and reduced proliferation in tumor cells, but the regulation of this dichotomous functionality remained elusive. We find that MAP4K4 interacts with striatin 3 and 4 (STRN3/4) and that STRN3 and MAP4K4 exert opposing functions in Hippo signaling and clonal growth. However, depletion of either STRN3 or MAP4K4 in medulloblastoma cells reduces invasion, and loss of both proteins abrogates tumor cell growth in the cerebellar tissue. Mechanistically, STRN3 couples MAP4K4 to the protein phosphatase 2A, which inactivates growth repressing activities of MAP4K4. In parallel, STRN3 enables growth factor-induced PKCθ activation and direct phosphorylation of VASPS157 by MAP4K4, which both are necessary for efficient cell invasion. VASPS157 directed activity of MAP4K4 and STRN3 requires the CNH domain of MAP4K4, which mediates its interaction with striatins. Thus, STRN3 is a master regulator of MAP4K4 function, and disruption of its cooperation with MAP4K4 reactivates Hippo signaling and represses tissue invasion in medulloblastoma

    Author Correction: Cooperation of Striatin 3 and MAP4K4 promotes growth and tissue invasion

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    MAP4K4 is associated with increased motility and reduced proliferation in tumor cells, but the regulation of this dichotomous functionality remained elusive. We find that MAP4K4 interacts with striatin 3 and 4 (STRN3/4) and that STRN3 and MAP4K4 exert opposing functions in Hippo signaling and clonal growth. However, depletion of either STRN3 or MAP4K4 in medulloblastoma cells reduces invasion, and loss of both proteins abrogates tumor cell growth in the cerebellar tissue. Mechanistically, STRN3 couples MAP4K4 to the protein phosphatase 2A, which inactivates growth repressing activities of MAP4K4. In parallel, STRN3 enables growth factor-induced PKCθ activation and direct phosphorylation of VASPS157 by MAP4K4, which both are necessary for efficient cell invasion. VASPS157 directed activity of MAP4K4 and STRN3 requires the CNH domain of MAP4K4, which mediates its interaction with striatins. Thus, STRN3 is a master regulator of MAP4K4 function, and disruption of its cooperation with MAP4K4 reactivates Hippo signaling and represses tissue invasion in medulloblastoma

    Archeologia delle alte quote sulla montagna veneta: la campagna di ricognizione di superficie 2019 a Recoaro Terme (Vicenza)

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    In this paper we present the preliminary results of the 2019 field survey conducted in the framework of the project \u201cBeyond the border. Study and enhancement of the highlands between Veneto and Trentino\u201d. The aim of this overarching project, which applies a multidisciplinary approach, is threefold: to detect in this mountain landscape the main activity areas and reconstruct possible connections between them; to analyse the long-term relationships between Trentino and Prealpine Veneto from prehistory to the present day; and to study the evolving function of this frontier area during periods of conflict/interaction. Several methods were employed to shed light on the above-mentioned research aims: field-walking survey, analysis of aerial photos, ethnographic and archival research, GIS-based landscape analysis and predictive modelling, and LiDAR data for feature detection in wooded areas. The combined use of all these approaches allowed us to identify long-term exploitation activities, which are documented also by both the ethnographic and archaeological data. The major periods of conflict in these areas are also highlighted in the archaeological record. The 2019-survey campaign opens up new research directions such as the future excavation of Bronze Age occupation zones; network and connectivity analysis between Prealpine Veneto and Trentino; hillforts and their interaction with the highlands

    Hypoxia inducible factor-1β regulates a pro-invasive phenotype in acute monocytic leukemia

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    Hypoxia inducible transcription factors (HIFs) are the main regulators of adaptive responses to hypoxia and are often activated in solid tumors, but their role in leukemia is less clear. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), in particular, controversial new findings indicate that HIF-1β can act either as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene, and this may depend on the stage of leukemia development and/or the AML sub-type. In this study, we find that HIF-1β promotes leukemia progression in the acute monocytic leukemia sub-type of AML through activation of an invasive phenotype. By applying a list of validated HIF-1β-target genes to different AML sub-types, we identified a HIF-1β signature that typifies acute monocytic leukemia when compared with all other AML sub-types. We validated expression of this signature in cell lines and primary cells from AML patients. Interestingly, this signature is enriched for genes that control cell motility at different levels. As a consequence, inhibiting HIF- 1β impaired leukemia cell migration, chemotaxis, invasion and transendothelial migration in vitro, and this resulted in impaired bone marrow homing and leukemia progression in vivo. Our data suggest that in acute monocytic leukemia an active HIF-1β-dependent pro-invasive pathway mediates the ability of leukemic cells to migrate and invade extramedullary sites and may be targeted to reduce leukemia dissemination

    Spatial proteomics finds CD155 and Endophilin-A1 as mediators of growth and invasion in medulloblastoma

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    The composition of the plasma membrane (PM)-associated proteome of tumor cells determines cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and the response to environmental cues. Whether the PM-associated proteome impacts the phenotype of Medulloblastoma (MB) tumor cells and how it adapts in response to growth factor cues is poorly understood. Using a spatial proteomics approach, we observed that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase c-MET in MB cells changes the abundance of transmembrane and membrane-associated proteins. The depletion of MAP4K4, a pro-migratory effector kinase downstream of c-MET, leads to a specific decrease of the adhesion and immunomodulatory receptor CD155 and of components of the fast-endophilin-mediated endocytosis (FEME) machinery in the PM-associated proteome of HGF-activated MB cells. The decreased surface expression of CD155 or of the fast-endophilin-mediated endocytosis effector endophilin-A1 reduces growth and invasiveness of MB tumor cells in the tissue context. These data thus describe a novel function of MAP4K4 in the control of the PM-associated proteome of tumor cells and identified two downstream effector mechanisms controlling proliferation and invasiveness of MB cells

    Ethnoarchaeology of Pastoralism in Valcamonica high pastures

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    The high pastures of Vione, in the northern Valcamonica, have been exploited since many centuries by shepherds and people carring out many other activities. A systematic field survey, made by one of the authors in the summer 2017, has found out many structures, most of them probably linked to the pastoral activities. Fourty-seven buildings have been documented, put on a map thanks to the GIS technology and classified in different categories according to their dimensions, shapes and constructive techniques. Thanks to a multidisciplinary approach, data coming from different fields and sources (such as remote sensing, historical cartography, written sources, historical cadastres and place-names) has been combined - and processed with GIS spatial analysis - in order to understand the interaction between structures and territory; understand pastoral strategy and their changes through time; reconstruct the absolute or relative chronology of the structures; understand the relationship between pastoral structures and rock art. The paper will compare the northern Valcamonica situation emerging from this study with those of the two areas used as model for this research: Val di Sole (Trento) and Lessinia (Verona). Some remarks will be made also about the possible relationship between the analysed structures and Valcamonica graffiti

    Diagnosis for the Conservation of Wooden Ceilings inside the Ducal Palace in Sabbioneta (Mantua, Italy)

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    The Ducal Palace in Sabbioneta, commissioned by Vespasiano Gonzaga in the end of 16th century, keeps four precious wooden ceilings inside. Rough wooden planks nailed to a skeleton structure creates the support for fine wood decorative elements. The requirement of a conservation work has prompted a diagnosis phase about the ceilings as a whole. This was carried out by closed up observations, drilling tests and laboratory analysis.</jats:p

    Crosstalk between SHH and FGFR Signaling Pathways Controls Tissue Invasion in Medulloblastoma

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    In the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) subgroup of medulloblastoma (MB), tumor initiation and progression are in part driven by smoothened (SMO) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-receptor (FGFR) signaling, respectively. We investigated the impact of the SMO-FGFR crosstalk on tumor growth and invasiveness in MB. We found that FGFR signaling represses GLI1 expression downstream of activated SMO in the SHH MB line DAOY and induces MKI67, HES1, and BMI1 in DAOY and in the group 3 MB line HD-MBO3. FGFR repression of GLI1 does not affect proliferation or viability, whereas inhibition of FGFR is necessary to release SMO-driven invasiveness. Conversely, SMO activation represses FGFR-driven sustained activation of nuclear ERK. Parallel activation of FGFR and SMO in ex vivo tumor cell-cerebellum slice co-cultures reduced invasion of tumor cells without affecting proliferation. In contrast, treatment of the cells with the SMO antagonist Sonidegib (LDE225) blocked invasion and proliferation in cerebellar slices. Thus, sustained, low-level SMO activation is necessary for proliferation and tissue invasion, whereas acute, pronounced activation of SMO can repress FGFR-driven invasiveness. This suggests that the tumor cell response is dependent on the relative local abundance of the two factors and indicates a paradigm of microenvironmental control of invasion in SHH MB through mutual control of SHH and FGFR signaling

    Crosstalk between SHH and FGFR Signaling Pathways Controls Tissue Invasion in Medulloblastoma

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    In the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) subgroup of medulloblastoma (MB), tumor initiation and progression are in part driven by smoothened (SMO) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-receptor (FGFR) signaling, respectively. We investigated the impact of the SMO-FGFR crosstalk on tumor growth and invasiveness in MB. We found that FGFR signaling represses GLI1 expression downstream of activated SMO in the SHH MB line DAOY and induces MKI67, HES1, and BMI1 in DAOY and in the group 3 MB line HD-MBO3. FGFR repression of GLI1 does not affect proliferation or viability, whereas inhibition of FGFR is necessary to release SMO-driven invasiveness. Conversely, SMO activation represses FGFR-driven sustained activation of nuclear ERK. Parallel activation of FGFR and SMO in ex vivo tumor cell-cerebellum slice co-cultures reduced invasion of tumor cells without affecting proliferation. In contrast, treatment of the cells with the SMO antagonist Sonidegib (LDE225) blocked invasion and proliferation in cerebellar slices. Thus, sustained, low-level SMO activation is necessary for proliferation and tissue invasion, whereas acute, pronounced activation of SMO can repress FGFR-driven invasiveness. This suggests that the tumor cell response is dependent on the relative local abundance of the two factors and indicates a paradigm of microenvironmental control of invasion in SHH MB through mutual control of SHH and FGFR signaling