21 research outputs found

    Priporočila za pripravo pisnih učnih gradiv

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    The author stresses that study would be m a de easier and swifter if the presenter, in preparing written study materials, would respect certain basic aims and purposes of th e material. The basic purpose of the material is to provide aid in organizing the presentation of in­ formation, to make the study process easier, to highlight the key points, to combine the written word with illustrations, and to include visual and audio components, with the possibility of la ter reproduction. The material should be divided into three parts: an Introduction, to prepare the participants for study and to familiarize them with the aims of the course: the Core Material, which presents neinformation, while also including examples and practical tasks; and a Conclusion, which bas the function of summarizing the information conveyed and of aiding the participants in memorization. ln the article, a detailed description is given of the prin ciples involved in compiling the three specific parts of the material.Avtorica poudarja, da bo učenje lažje in hitrejše, če predavatelj pri pripravi pisnega učnega gradiva upošteva nekaj njegovih osnovnih ciljev. Osnovni namen gradiva je pomoč pri organizirani predstavitvi informacij, lažje spremljanje poteka učnega dogodka, poudarjanje ključnih točk, združevanje pisane besede s sliko, vključevanje vizualnih in avditivnih komponent ter možnost kasnejšega ponavljanja . Gradivo naj bi bilo razdeljeno na uvod, ki pripravlja udeležence na učenje in jih seznani s cilji učenja, jedro, v katerem predstavljene nove informacije in vključuje tudi primere ter praktično delo, ter zaključek, katerega funkcija je povzeti informacije in pomagati slušateljem pri pomnjenju. Podrobno pa opiše tudi načela pri pisanju posameznih treh delov gradiva

    Comparison of Organizational Climate in the Regional Unit of the National Institute of Public Health Before and After Reorganization

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    Organizations have been focused on organizational climate (OC) as one of the influencing factors, which has an impact on organizational outcomes, attaining organizational goals and employee satisfaction. Our research focuses on the regional unit of the National Institute of Public Health in Slovenia and the comparison of the OC before (2013) and after reorganization (2015). We used a modified SiOK (Slovenian Organizational climate) questionnaire to shed light on employees’ perception of OC. OC and reorganization are closely connected on account of the relationship between management and employees; if OC is positive, we can expect less complicated process of reorganization as it can be if it is negative. The research revealed misfired attempt of OC improvement in all dimensions, though we expected ameliorated results in the three worst assessed OC dimensions before reorganization. Further, in the paper several recommendations are suggested to managers facing reorganization

    Razlike med narodnimi kulturami so pomembne

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    Aims: Global business today usually requires organizations to be present locally in countries where their customers are. To do this successfully, good cooperation with local people is needed. Therefore, this paper focuses on the integration of cultures in the business world. The insights from this study are expected to benefit Slovenian expatriates to foreign companies in South Korea, as well as national culture researchers. The main goals of this research include a comparison of Hofstede’s IBM survey results with the researched working environment, and identifying the benefits of merging two national cultures for the working environment. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to purposive samples within the researched working environments and the collected data analysed used SPSS, where the hypotheses were tested using a chi-square test and t-test for independent samples. Results: The results revealed significant differences between the two national cultures in the working environment, e.g.: fear of expressing disagreement towards superiors, commitment to work, preference of challenges, tendency to avoid conflicts and innovations - all differed according to nationality. Conclusion: Working together with people from different cultures requires a certain amount of adaptation (learning about another culture, expecting situations that are not usual). If this adaptation is successful, then cooperation between the different cultures can also be successful, leading to a potential output that is even better than cooperation between people from the same culture.Cilji: Globalni posel danes po navadi od organizacij terja, da so prisotne lokalno v državah, kjer so njihovi kupci. Za uspeh tega je potrebno dobro sodelovanje z domačini, zato se ta članek osredotoča na integracijo različnih narodnih kultur v poslovnem svetu. Doprinos članka je pričakovan za slovenske delavce v tujih podjetjih v Južni Koreji, kot tudi za ostale raziskovalce narodnih kultur. Glavni cilji te raziskave vključujejo primerjavo rezultatov Hofstedejeve IBM raziskave z raziskovanim delovnim okoljem, kot tudi ugotavljanje prednosti za delovno okolje pri združitvah dveh narodnih kultur. Metode: Ciljnim skupinam znotraj raziskovanega delovnega okolja je bil razdeljen vprašalnik, zbrani podatki pa analizirani s pomočjo SPSS, pri čemer so bile hipoteze testirane s hi-kvadrat testi in t-testi za neodvisne vzorce. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali značilne razlike med dvema narodnima kulturama znotraj delovnega okolja. Razlike glede na narodnost so tako pristone npr. pri strahu ped izražanjem nestrinjanja z nadrejenim, predanosti delu, obravnavanju izzivov, nagnjenosti k izogibanju konfliktom in inovacijam. Zaključek: Delo z ljudmi iz drugih narodnih kultur zahteva določeno mero prilagodljivosti (učenje o drugi kulturi, pričakovanje neobičajnih situacij). Če je ta prilagoditev uspešna, potem je lahko upsešno tudi sodelovanje med različnimi kulturami, kar lahko pripelje do rezultatov, ki so lahko še boljši kot rezultati kadar delajo skupaj ljudje iz iste narodne kulture

    Vpliv zunanjih in notranjih dejavnikov na individualno uspešnost prodajalca – primer družbe Relax Turizem

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    Relax Turizem is one of seven subsidiaries of the Relax business group. The company developed a system of their own business units where touristic services are sold at the place of purchase. The company’s sales network consists of 20 places of purchase with 30 salespersons. The decision to develop their own sales network was based on the presumption that the number and the quality of sales in their own sales units would be higher due to better qualified sellers. According to that, the research subject was the performance of salespersons at the place of purchase, whereas the performance was defined by the criterion of the average realization of the daily turnover. The purpose of the research was to identify the deciding characteristics of the effective salesperson that will be the basis for developing a training program for promoting more efficient sales at the place of purchase. Considering the assumption that salespersons’ performance is influenced by different elements, the goal of the research was to establish the influence level of individual elements or element sets on sales performance. The results of the research that was conducted in all units of the Relax Turizem company showed a strong level of correlation between sales performance and three elements in particular: monitoring the communication with potential buyers, salesperson’s verbal communication at the time of buyer’s entrance and monitoring of personal plan realization.Družba Relax Turizem je ena izmed sedmih hčerinskih družb poslovnega sistema Relax. Družba je razvila sistem lastnih poslovnih enot, v katerih se odvija prodaja turističnih storitev na mestu nakupa. Lastna prodajna mreža obsega 20 mest nakupa s 30 prodajalci. Odločitev o razvoju lastne prodajne mreže je temeljila na predpostavki, da sta lahko obseg in kakovost prodaje v lastnih poslovnih enotah večja zaradi bolje usposobljenih prodajalcev. Glede na to je bil predmet raziskave uspešnost prodajalcev na mestu nakupa, pri čemer je bila ta opredeljena s kriterijem povprečnega doseganja dnevnega prometa. Namen raziskave je bil identificirati odločilne lastnosti uspešnega prodajalca, ki bodo osnova za izdelavo programa usposabljanja za uspešnejšo prodajo na mestu nakupa. Izhajajoč iz predpostavke, da na uspešnost prodajalcev vplivajo različni elementi, je bil cilj raziskave ugotoviti stopnjo vplivnosti posameznih elementov oz. njihovih sklopov na uspešnost prodaje. Rezultati raziskave, izvedene v vseh poslovalnicah družbe Relax Turizem, so pokazali močno stopnjo povezanosti uspešnosti prodaje zlasti s tremi elementi: spremljanjem komuniciranja s potencialnimi kupci, verbalnim komuniciranjem prodajalca ob vstopu kupca in spremljanjem doseganja osebnega plana

    Vrednotenje učinkov usposabljanja v upravi

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    Nemen tega prispevka je spodbuditi javne uslužbence k razmisleku o pomenu in vrednosti evalviranja različnih programov usposabljanja v upravi. Kakovost in uspešnost trenutnih in prihodnjih programov usposabljanj je odvisna od obsega sposobnosti evalviranja in od uporabe evalvacijskih rezultatov. Prav tako je bil namen tega prispevka razjasniti pomen in prednosti novega sistema evalvacije, ki ga je uvedla Upravna akademija. Z delitvijo evalvacije na merjenje reakcije, učenja, vedenja in rezultatov lahko izvajalci usposabljanj,kadrovski specialisti in vodstveni delavci postopno napredujejo od enostavnega subjektivnega evalvacijskega vprašalnika, ki meri le reakcijo, do zahtevnejših oblik merjenja konkretnih rezultatov, ki so osnova za načrtovanje usposabljanja v upravi.One purpose of the article is to stimulate public employees to take penetrating look at evaluation of training. The quality and effectiveness of the existing and future training programs depends to a large extent on their ability to evaluate and apply the results. The second objective is to present the meaning and advantages of the new evaluation system, introduced by the Administrative Academy. By breaking the evaluation down into reaction, learning, behaviour, and results, the training professionals, personnel specialists and top management can begin to do something about it and can gradually progress from a simple subjective reaction to a comprehensive design that measures tangible results which are the basis for planning the training within public administration

    Vpliv zunanjih in notranjih dejavnikov na individualno uspešnost prodajalca - primer družbe Relax Turizem

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    Issues in introducing training needs analysis in Slovenia´s public administration

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    A modern public administration requires professional, skilled, and well-trained civil servants. Training is an important development component of a modern civil service and its employees. As a basic method of human resources development, training should be adjusted to the administrative requirements and should be conducted continuously and systematically. All efficient training programs start with a needs assessment. Since training needs assessment is a critical part of the training function, this paper examines the practices of training needs assessment in a branch of Slovenias public administration. Our research assessed the influence of civil servants demographics characteristics on their attitude towards assessment. The results obtained indicate that the influence of hierarchical position prevailed, although the managers are less involved in needs analysis than expected. Empirical data also demonstrate that the majority of employees are aware of the importance of training needs analysis and the importance of clearly defined training objectives