169 research outputs found

    On two sources of second position effects (part 2)

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    Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia analizę dwóch zjawisk składniowych, które są podporządkowane tzw. regule drugiej pozycji: zjawiska V2 obserwowanego we wszystkich językach germańskich oprócz angielskiego oraz klitycyzację drugiej pozycji (Wackernagela), która występuje w niektórych językach słowiańskich. Pierwsza część artykułu (Migdalski 2018), opublikowana w poprzednim numerze czasopisma, wskazała na konieczność rozróżnienia dwóch typów efektu drugiej pozycji: pierwszy z nich dotyczy finitywnych form czasownika oraz klityk zaimków osobowych i czasowników posiłkowych, a drugi typ jest odpowiedzialny za występowanie klityk zdaniowych w zdaniach wyrażających nacechowaną formę siły ilokucyjnej. Ponadto, pierwsza część artykuł nawiązywała do generalizacji Boškovića (2016) dotyczącej pozycji klityk w zdaniu. Generalizacja ta mówi, że klityki drugiej pozycji występują jedynie w językach bez przedimków. Artykuł ten wykazuje, że chociaż generalizacja ta jest empirycznie poprawna, to nie uwzględnia ona dystrybucji klityk czasowników posiłkowych i nie jest ona poparta obserwacjami diachronicznymi. Druga część artykułu, która jest zamieszczona poniżej, proponuje generalizację alternatywną, która wiąże obecność klityk przyczasownikowych w języku z dostępnością wykładników morfologicznych czasu.This paper accounts for the distribution of two second position effects, the V2 (verb second) order observed in continental Germanic languages and second position cliticization, attested in some Slavic languages. The first part of this paper (Migdalski 2018), published in the previous issue of this journal, showed that it is necessary to distinguish two types of second position effects: one of them affects finite verbs and pronominal and auxiliary clitics, whereas the other one is restricted to the contexts of marked illocution and is observed among a small class of so-called operator clitics. Furthermore, the first part of Migdalski (2018) addressed Bošković’s (2016) generalization concerning the distribution of clitics, which states that second position pronominal and auxiliary clitics are found only in languages without articles. It showed that although this generalization is empirically correct, it does not account for the distribution of auxiliary clitics and is not supported by diachronic considerations. The second part of this paper proposes an alternative generalization, which restricts verb-adjacent cliticization to tensed environments

    On two sources of second position effects (part 1)

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    Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia analizę dwóch zjawisk składniowych, które są podporządkowane tzw. regule drugiej pozycji: zjawiska V2 obserwowanego we wszystkich językach germańskich oprócz angielskiego oraz klitycyzację drugiej pozycji (Wackernagela), która występuje w niektórych językach słowiańskich. Autor artykułu wskazuje na konieczność rozróżnienia dwóch odrębnych typów reguły drugiej pozycji: pierwszy z nich dotyczy finitywnych form czasownika oraz klityk zaimków osobowych i czasowników posiłkowych, a drugi typ jest odpowiedzialny za występowanie klityk zdaniowych w zdaniach wyrażających nacechowaną formę siły ilokucyjnej. Ponadto niniejszy artykuł nawiązuje do generalizacji Boškovića (2016) dotyczącej pozycji klityk w zdaniu. Zgodnie z tą generalizacją klityki drugiej pozycji występują jedynie w językach bez przedimków. Artykuł ten wykazuje, że chociaż generalizacja ta jest empirycznie poprawna, to nie uwzględnia ona dystrybucji klityk czasowników posiłkowych i nie jest ona poparta obserwacjami diachronicznymi. W artykule zaproponowano alternatywną generalizację, która wiąże obecność klityk przyczasownikowych w języku z dostępnością wykładników morfologicznych czasu.This paper accounts for the distribution of two second position effects, the V2 (verb second) order observed in continental Germanic languages and second position cliticization, attested in some Slavic languages. It shows that it is necessary to distinguish two types of second position effects: one of them affects finite verbs and pronominal and auxiliary clitics, whereas the other one is restricted to the contexts of marked illocution and is observed among a small class of so-called operator clitics. Furthermore, this paper addresses Bošković's (2016) generalization concerning the distribution of clitics, which states that second position pronominal and auxiliary clitics are found only in languages without articles. This paper shows that although this generalization is empirically correct, it does not account for the distribution of auxiliary clitics and is not supported by diachronic considerations. It proposes an alternative generalization, which restricts verb-adjacent cliticization to tensed environments

    Investigating Military Instructors\u27 Experiences with Students\u27 Use of Personal Technology: A Phenomenological Study

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    This transcendental phenomenological study examined the teaching experiences of military instructors who leverage student BYODs in their teaching practices within an enlisted training institution located in the southeastern United States. Employing Dewey’s social transmission theory and Mezirow’s transformational learning theory, this study answered the central research question: How do military instructors describe their teaching experiences when incorporating student-owned devices into teaching/learning activities? Guiding questions sought to address instructor modifications to their teaching practices in pursuit of productive student collaboration and discourse in response to students’ use of their personal devices in the classroom. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 12 participants who experienced the phenomenon while serving as an instructor in an institution which permits the use of student BYODs in the classroom. Data were collected through a qualitative survey, interviews, and focus groups, and analyzed using phenomenological reduction processes to develop themes and insights into participant responses. Four themes emerged to answer the research questions: adopting a BYOD culture, student primacy, BYOD instructor attributes, and learner ownership. The findings corroborated and extended prior research with a better understanding of how students’ BYOD-use impacts military occupational training instructors. This study may also inform a practical application by understanding how instructors describe their experiences, and how they are hired, developed, placed, and sustained in DoD institutions which enable student BYOD-use. Future research should consider a broader group of participants and the inclusion of quantitative methods

    Investigating lineout performance between the top and bottom four English Premiership rugby union teams in the 2016/17 season

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    This study investigated lineout performance between the top and bottom four English Premiership rugby union teams during the 2016/17 season. A season long review was conducted analysing all of the top four (n = 1152) and bottom four teams’ (n = 1124) lineouts. Findings showed the number of tries scored originating from a lineout play for the top four teams’ (1.57 tries per match) was higher in comparison to the bottom four teams’ (1.10 tries per match) (p .05). However, the top four teams were more effective in stealing opposition possession at a lineout (17%) compared to the bottom four teams (9%, p < .05). Additionally, top four teams showed a more forwards orientated style of play using binding actions (top = 62%, bottom = 56%, p < .05) and maul formation (top = 55%, bottom = 47%, p < .05). These results suggest coaches should focus on analysis of opposition tactics in lineout play in an aim to develop effective strategies to steal opposition possession at a lineout

    The influence of genetic factors on the pathogenesis of hypertrophic scars and keloids

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    Hypertrophic scars and keloids are forms of abnormal scarring, which may be the cause of somatic ailmants and, due to unfavorable aesthetic effect, also mental disorders and social problems. Given the unclear aetiology and the lack of effective treatment methods, they pose a serious challenge for modern science. The contribution of genetic factors is one of the proposed hypotheses regarding the formation of hypertrophic scars and keloids. Gene polymorphism and mutations occurring in them may interfere with the proper course of signaling pathways responsible for the subsequent stages of the wound healing process. An important role in the pathogenesis of abnormal scarring may be the TGF-B1/Smad pathway, MAPK kinase, pathway for IGF-I and its receptor, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and urokinase plasminogen activator, gene polymorphisms for the vitamin D receptor and the ADAM33 gene, as well as abnormal expression of suppressor genes. The effect on heat shock protein expression and type 2 hyaluronidase synthase was also shown. The explanation of the genetic basis of hypertrophic scar and keloid formation may lead to a full understanding of their pathogenesis and also have important implications in the form of therapeutic benefits resulting in the development of effective forms of treatment

    Stent fracture after endovascular treatment patient with subclavian vein thrombosis – difficult diagnosis and complication of venous thoracic outlet syndrome

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    Subclavian vein thrombosis is relatively rare. It constitutes 4 to 10% of all cases of venous thrombosis and is often associated with compression or canniulation of the subclavian vein. We present the case of patient with Paget-Schroetter syndrome treated in our center for right subclavian vein thrombosis as a result of the venous thoracic outlet syndrome (VTOS). In the case described below, VTOS was unrecognized and the stent fracture following endovascular treatment led to a relapse of venous thrombosis. Secondary angioplasty and stenting with subclavian vein decompression was successfully made. The patient was regularly monitored throughout the following year and there was no relapse of clinical symptoms. Conclusions: in case of subclavian vein thrombosis decompression is a very important step in the management of VTOS. It prevents recurrence of thrombosis and potential complications

    Development of miniature all-solid-state potentiometric sensing system

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    A procedure for the development of a pen-like, multi-electrode potentiometric sensing platform is described. The platform comprises a seven-in-one electrode incorporating all-solid-state ion-selective and reference electrodes based on the conductive polymer (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)) as an intermediate layer between the contacts and ion-selective membranes. The ion-selective electrodes are based on traditional, ionophore-based membranes, while the reference electrode is based on a polymer membrane doped with the lipophilic salt tetrabutyl ammonium tetrabutyl borate (TBA-TBB). The electrodes, controlled with a multichannel detector system, were used for simultaneous determination of the concentration of Pb2+ and pH in environmental water samples. The results obtained using pH-selective electrodes were compared with data obtained using a conventional pH meter and the average percent difference was 0.3%. Furthermore, the sensing system was successfully used for lead-speciation analysis in environmental water samples

    Sciatic nerve variations in some studies on the Polish population and its statistical significance

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    The purpose of the study was to describe and analyse sciatic nerve variation in a relatively small, yet statistically significant, group. Consequently, a comparison of described variation to that known from former studies was performed. Additionally, we estimated the minimum group necessary for a statistical confirmation of hypothetical differences in sciatic nerve topography between the studies