984 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Born-Infeld gauge theory: spectrum, string picture and large-N phase transition

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    We analyze U(N) Born-Infeld gauge theory in two spacetime dimensions. We derive the exact energy spectrum on the circle and show that it reduces to N relativistic fermions on a dual space. This contrasts to the Yang-Mills case that reduces to nonrelativistic fermions. The theory admits a string theory interpretation, analogous to the one for ordinary Yang-Mills, but with higher order string interactions. We also demonstrate that the partition function on the sphere exhibits a large-N phase transition in the area and calculate the critical area. The limit in which the dimensionless coupling of the theory goes to zero corresponds to massless fermions, admits a perturbatively exact free string interpretation and exhibits no phase transition.Comment: 19 page

    Strong electron-lattice coupling as the mechanism behind charge density wave transformations in transition-metal dichalcogenides

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    We consider single band of conduction electrons interacting with displacements of the transitional ions. In the classical regime strong enough coupling transforms the harmonic elastic energy for an ion to the one of the well with two deep minima, so that the system is described in terms of Ising spins. Inter-site interactions order spins at lower tempratures. Extention to the quantum regime is discussed. Below the CDW-transition the energy spectrum of electrons remains metallic because the structural vector Q and the FS sizes are not related. Large values of the CDW gap seen in the tunneling experiments correspond to the energy of the minima in the electron-ion two-well complex. The gap is defined through the density of states (DOS) inside the electronic bands below the CDW transition. We focus mainly on electronic properties of transition-metal dichalcogenides.Comment: new references added; accepted for publication in Physical Review B. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1110.043

    Difficulties in Inducing a Gauge Theory at Large N

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    It is argued that the recently proposed Kazakov-Migdal model of induced gauge theory, at large NN, involves only the zero area Wilson loops that are effectively trees in the gauge action induced by the scalars. This retains only a constant part of the gauge action excluding plaquettes or anything like them and the gauge variables drop out.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, AZPH-TH/93-01, COLO-HEP/30

    Phase Separation and Charge-Ordered Phases of the d = 3 Falicov-Kimball Model at T>0: Temperature-Density-Chemical Potential Global Phase Diagram from Renormalization-Group Theory

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    The global phase diagram of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model in d = 3 spatial dimensions is obtained by renormalization-group theory. This global phase diagram exhibits five distinct phases. Four of these phases are charge-ordered (CO) phases, in which the system forms two sublattices with different electron densities. The CO phases occur at and near half filling of the conduction electrons for the entire range of localized electron densities. The phase boundaries are second order, except for the intermediate and large interaction regimes, where a first-order phase boundary occurs in the central region of the phase diagram, resulting in phase coexistence at and near half filling of both localized and conduction electrons. These two-phase or three-phase coexistence regions are between different charge-ordered phases, between charge-ordered and disordered phases, and between dense and dilute disordered phases. The second-order phase boundaries terminate on the first-order phase transitions via critical endpoints and double critical endpoints. The first-order phase boundary is delimited by critical points. The cross-sections of the global phase diagram with respect to the chemical potentials and densities of the localized and conduction electrons, at all representative interactions strengths, hopping strengths, and temperatures, are calculated and exhibit ten distinct topologies.Comment: Calculated density phase diagrams. Added discussions and references. 14 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Neutral weak currents in nucleon superfluid Fermi liquids: Larkin-Migdal and Leggett approaches

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    Neutrino emission in processes of breaking and formation of nucleon Cooper pairs is calculated in the framework of the Larkin-Migdal and the Leggett approaches to the description of superfluid Fermi liquids at finite temperatures. We explain peculiarities of both approaches and explicitly demonstrate that they lead to the same expression for the emissivity in pair breaking and formation processes.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Critical densities for the Skyrme type effective interactions

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    We use the stability conditions of the Landau parameters for the symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter to calculate the critical densities for the Skyrme type effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. We find that the critical density can be maximized by adjusting appropriately the values of the enhancement factor κ\kappa associated with isovector giant dipole resonance, the quantity LL which is directly related to the slope of the symmetry energy and the Landau parameter G0G_0^\prime. However, restricting κ\kappa, LL and G0G_0^\prime to vary within acceptable limits reduces the maximum value for the critical density ρ~cr\tilde\rho_{cr} by 25\sim 25%. We also show that among the various quantities characterizing the symmetric nuclear matter, ρ~cr\tilde\rho_{cr} depends strongly on the isoscalar effective mass m/mm^*/m and surface energy coefficient EsE_s. For realistic values of m/mm^*/m and EsE_s we get ρ~cr=2ρ0\tilde\rho_{cr} = 2\rho_0 to 3ρ0 3\rho_0 (ρ0=0.16\rho_0 = 0.16fm3^{-3}).Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Physicsl Review C (in press

    Mechanisms driving alteration of the Landau state in the vicinity of a second-order phase transition

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    The rearrangement of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous Fermi system upon approach to a second-order phase transition is studied at zero temperature. The analysis begins with an investigation of solutions of the equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu, a condition that ordinarily has the Fermi momentum pFp_F as a single root. The emergence of a bifurcation point in this equation is found to trigger a qualitative alteration of the Landau state, well before the collapse of the collective degree of freedom that is responsible for the second-order transition. The competition between mechanisms that drive rearrangement of the Landau quasiparticle distribution is explored, taking into account the feedback of the rearrangement on the spectrum of critical fluctuations. It is demonstrated that the transformation of the Landau state to a new ground state may be viewed as a first-order phase transition.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Universal features of electron-phonon interactions in atomic wires

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    The effect of electron-phonon interactions in the conductance through metallic atomic wires is theoretically analyzed. The proposed model allows to consider an atomic size region electrically and mechanically coupled to bulk electrodes. We show that under rather general conditions the features due to electron-phonon coupling are described by universal functions of the system transmission coefficients. It is predicted that the reduction of the conductance due to electron-phonon coupling which is observed close to perfect transmission should evolve into an enhancement at low transmission. This crossover can be understood in a transparent way as arising from the competition between elastic and inelastic processes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Extended scaling behavior of the spatially-anisotropic classical XY model in the crossover from three to two dimensions

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    The bivariate high-temperature expansion of the spin-spin correlation-function of the three-dimensional classical XY (planar rotator) model, with spatially-anisotropic nearest-neighbor couplings, is extended from the 10th through the 21st order. The computation is carried out for the simple-cubic lattice, in the absence of magnetic field, in the case in which the coupling strength along the z-axis of the lattice is different from those along the x- and the y-axes. It is then possible to determine accurately the critical temperature as function of the parameter R which characterizes the coupling anisotropy and to check numerically the universality, with respect to R, of the critical exponents of the three-dimensional anisotropic system. The analysis of our data also shows that the main predictions of the generalized scaling theory for the crossover from the three-dimensional to the two-dimensional critical behavior are compatible with the series extrapolations.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Schiff moment of the Mercury nucleus and the proton dipole moment

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    We calculated the contribution of internal nucleon electric dipole moments to the Schiff moment of 199^{199}Hg. The contribution of the proton electric dipole moment was obtained via core polarization effects that were treated in the framework of random phase approximation with effective residual forces. We derived a new upper bound dp<5.4×1024e|d_p|< 5.4\times 10^{-24} e\cdotcm of the proton electric dipole moment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTex