9 research outputs found

    The Role of Mediation Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WoM) in Relationship Quality of Services and Tourism Products Against Visiting Decisions

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the mediating role of electronic word of mouth in the relationship between tourism products and service quality on the decision to visit tourists to Pangandaran Beach. This research is explanatory research, and the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The sample in this study amounted to 95 visitors to Pangandaran beach, who were selected using the purposive sampling method. Based on the analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach, the results indicate that service quality and tourism products have a significant positive effect on visiting decisions. However, electronic word of mouth does not mediate the relationship between service quality and tourism products on tourists visiting decisions


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    This study aims to analyze digital technology policies, especially for SMEs publication trends regarding time, author, journal, affiliation, and institution; research areas that are prominent and influential on digital technology policies, especially for SMEs, as well as opportunities and limitations for future researchers to explore. This study uses Scientometrics analysis through bibliometric analysis. Data analysis was carried out in two parts through inductive analysis where the first was bibliometric analysis and in the second part, network mapping. Data were extracted from the Scopus database, in November 2021 during the period 2003-2021. The results of the study show that the highest publications were in 2020 as many as 19 documents; the most relevant source is Telecommunications Policy, the most cited authors are Depaoli, Paolo and the most relevant affiliate is Loughborough University. The results of the study have implications that in the future Digital Technology Policy for SMEs research will focus on studies on Digital Technologies barriers, innovation-diffusion, SME innovation and E-Business

    The Importance of Characteristic Partnership as A Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Perspective Review

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of partnerships to achieve sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance capabilities. The attribute of partnership, behavioral communication, and technique of solution conflict were found as a mutually effective of the characteristic of partnership to gained success. However, it is not enough without management alliance capabilities. Previous studies have shown several failures in making partnerships. The development of a management alliance approach to the company was needed as a priority in the alliance strategy because although many companies knew about the importance of this, only a small number were aware of how to take this seriously. This study presents to overview of the associated with a characteristic partnership as a source sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance to gained success

    The Importance of Characteristic Partnership as A Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Perspective Review

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of partnerships to achieve sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance capabilities. The attribute of partnership, behavioral communication, and technique of solution conflict were found as a mutually effective of the characteristic of partnership to gained success. However, it is not enough without management alliance capabilities. Previous studies have shown several failures in making partnerships. The development of a management alliance approach to the company was needed as a priority in the alliance strategy because although many companies knew about the importance of this, only a small number were aware of how to take this seriously. This study presents to overview of the associated with a characteristic partnership as a source sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance to gained success

    The Importance of Characteristic Partnership as A Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Perspective Review

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of partnerships to achieve sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance capabilities. The attribute of partnership, behavioral communication, and technique of solution conflict were found as a mutually effective of the characteristic of partnership to gained success. However, it is not enough without management alliance capabilities. Previous studies have shown several failures in making partnerships. The development of a management alliance approach to the company was needed as a priority in the alliance strategy because although many companies knew about the importance of this, only a small number were aware of how to take this seriously. This study presents to overview of the associated with a characteristic partnership as a source sustainable competitive advantage based on management alliance to gained success


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    Kecamatan Gedangsari merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang berada di Kabupaten Gunungkidul yang memiliki catatan yang kurang menggembirakan dalam hal pernikahan ideal. Angka pernikahan di bawah umur cukup besar, bahkan pernikahan di bawah umur cenderung meningkat, keadaan ini dapat menghambat terwujudnya harapan keluarga sākinah mawaddah wa raḥmah, yang berakibat munculnya masalah-masalah sosial seperti perceraian, KDRT, putus sekolah, kemiskinan dan lain-lain. Menyadari tingginya angka pernikahan di bawah umur di Kecamatan Gedangsari, KUA Kecamatan Gedangsari bersama lembaga lintas sektor Kecamatan Gedangsari mengadakan upaya pencegahan dan pengurangan angka pernikahan di bawah umur tersebut. Upaya tersebut menuai hasil yang menggembirakan, dari tahun ke tahun angka pernikahan di bawah umur mengalami penurunan yang signifikan. Berawal dari latar belakang tersebut, maka penulis mengambil pokok masalah sebagai berikut. Bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan KUA Gedangsari dalam mengurangi angka pernikahan di bawah umur di Kecamatan Gedangsari dan bagaimana efektivitas upaya tersebut ditinjau dari perspektif maqāṣid asy-syarī’ah dan teori efektivitas hukum. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan deskriptif-analitis, yakni mendeskripsikan upaya KUA Gedangsari dalam mengurangi angka perkawinan di bawah umur di Kecamatan Gedangsari dan menganalisisnya menggunakan perspektif maqāṣid asy-syarī’ah dan teori efektivitas hukum. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Normatif Yuridis. Normatif yaitu pendekatan yang berdasar pada al-Qur‟an, al-Hadis, kaidah-kaidah Usul Fikih. Yuridis yaitu pendekatan yang berdasar pada perundang-undangan (hukum positif) yakni Undang-undang Perkawinan yang mengatur tentang pembatasan usia pernikahan, serta Peraturan Bupati Gunungkidul tentang pencegahan perkawinan pada usia anak. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa upaya yang dilakukan oleh KUA Gedangsari dan lembaga lintas sektor Kecamatan Gedangsari dari perspektif maqāṣid asy-syarī’ah sebagai berikut: Ḍarūriyyāh dengan memelihara salah satu dari al-usūl al-khomsah (memelihara keturunan), dengan mengadakan kegiatan PIK Remaja di sekolah, outbound bagi siswa di sekolah, penyuluhan dan sosialisasi saat MOS di sekolah, komitmen bersama penyelenggaraan program kesehatan reproduksi remaja (PKRR) dan kerjasama antar lembaga. Ḥājiyyāh dengan terbentuknya Undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan dan Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) Gunungkidul nomor 36 tahun 2015 tentang pencegahan pernikahan pada usia anak. Taḥsīniyyāh dengan Melakukan kegiatan Gedangsari award, menciptakan lagu “ayunda si menik”, membuat video ajakan menunda usia nikah, bina keluarga remaja (BKR) dan pembinaaan terhadap dukuh. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan tersebut sudah efektif karena sudah sesuai dengan unsur-unsur dalam melihat efektivitas suatu upaya, yakni aturan, penegak aturan, sarana/fasilitas, masyarakat dan kebudayaan. Kata kunci: Pernikahan di bawah umur, maqāṣid asy-syarī’ah, Gedangsar


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    Underage marriage is a phenomenon that is cause for concern and often occurs in Indonesia. Despite the enactment of regulations regarding the minimum age limit of marriage in the Marriage Law No. 1 year 1974, but not enough to solve these problems. A good legal system needs to be enforced jointly to tackle the underage marriage, while the components of the legal system are in the form of a legal structure, legal substance and legal culture. Gedangsari Subdistrict, which is located in Gunungkidul Regency, has experienced a decrease in the number of underage marriages from year to year. The decline in the number of underage marriages was the result of the role of the local government and the enactment of the Gunungkidul Regulation on the prevention of underage marriages. However, studies have not been found on the role of community legal culture in reducing the number of underage marriages. Based on this, the authors feel the need to conduct research on community involvement and the role of community legal culture in the prevention of underage marriage in Gedangsari District. This research is a field research using a sociology of law approach, with a descriptive research character. Data collection techniques in this study used two methods, namely interviews and observation. The data analysis methods used were in the form of data collection, data reduction, data display, data interpretation and conclusions. This study resulted in two conclusions, namely: (1) the involvement of the Gedangsari community in the prevention of underage marriages in the form of forming a collective agreement on the prevention of underage marriages, the results gave birth to community movements such as socialization and counseling, holding dukuh declarations, tightening marriage permits, strengthening social and spiritual values as well as supervision of children. (2) The legal culture of the Gedangsari community has an important role in the prevention of underage marriages, as evidenced by: the community can understand and apply the rules of marriage and the minimum age limit for marriage, a sense of caution and vigilance arises towards children due to remembering the impact of marriage in Underage can be a disgrace to children, family and society, the community is able to understand the rights and obligations as citizens by obeying and implementing the rules and values that develop in society and society has known permissions and prohibitions so as to avoid actions that are illegal Based on this, through the mindset, attitudes and behavior of the Gedangsari community, it turns out to be able to play a role in preventing underage marriage