7 research outputs found

    Klimawandel und biologische Invasion: eine soziologische Längsschnittstudie der Ausbreitungsüberwachung der Asiatische Tigermücke in Europa

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    The consequences of climate change on public health can be direct or indirect such as, for example, by modifying vector species distribution. This is the case with Aedes albopictus, a mosquito that is a vector for dengue fever, chikungunya, and potentially the Zika virus. This article focuses on the Alpes-Maritimes department, the first French department affected by the introduction of A. albopictus, i.e., the “Asian tiger mosquito”. It draws on qualitative and quantitative diachronic research conducted from 2009 to 2014 to provide a time-dependent sociological analysis of the implementation of chikungunya and dengue prevention policies and their reception by the population of the Alpes-Maritimes. The article first compares scientific expertise and the discourse of inhabitants regarding the climatic and anthropogenic factors that have encouraged the introduction and proliferation of tiger mosquitoes. It then highlights how both policy-makers and inhabitants must mediate between the epidemic-related and environmental challenges that have accompanied the spread of A. albopictus. Finally, the paper examines the (un)acceptance of the population vis-à-vis this invasive exotic species and points to the unequal capacity of different inhabitants to react when confronted with an environmental and health-related risk.Posljedice klimatskih promjena po zdravlje ljudi mogu biti izravne ali i neizravne kao što je, primjerice, raspodjela vektorskih vrsta. Takav je slučaj s komarcem Aedes albopictus, koji je vektor Denge virusa, Chikungunya virusa, a potencijalno i Zika virusa. U ovom se radu istražuje pojava A. albopictusa, ili “azijskog tigrastog komarca”, u francuskom departmanu Alpes-Maritimes u kojem se u Francuskoj prvi put pojavio. Rad se temelji na kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom dijakroničnom istraživanju provedenom između 2009. i 2014. godine s ciljem davanja vremenski ovisne sociološke analize implementacije preventivnih politika protiv Chikungunya i Denge virusa, kao i njihovog prihvaćanja među stanovništvom ovog departmana. U radu se prvo uspoređuju znanstveni diskurs i diskurs lokalnog stanovništva o klimatskim i antropogenim čimbenicima koji su doveli do pojave i širenja tigrastih komaraca. Nadalje, ističe se činjenica da i donositelji mjera i lokalno stanovništvo moraju uzeti u obzir i epidemiološke i okolišne izazove koji prate širenje A. albopictusa. Konačno, u radu se istražuje (ne)prihvaćanje stanovnika prema ovoj invazivnoj egzotičnoj vrsti, te se ukazuje na nejednakosti među dijelovima populacije s obzirom na mogućnosti rješavanja ovog pitanja okolišne i zdravstvene ugroze.Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die menschliche Gesundheit können direkt aber auch indirekt sein, wie z.B. die Verteilung von Vektorarten. Um einen solchen Fall handelt es sich bei der Mücke aedes albopictus, die das Dengue-Virus, das Chikungunya-Virus, und vielleicht auch das Zika-Virus überträgt. In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit der aedes albopictus, der “asiatischen Tigermücke”, im französischen Département Alpes-Maritimes, wo sie in Frankreich zum ersten Mal gesichtet wurde. Die Arbeit beruht auf einer zwischen 2009 und 2014 durchgeführten qualitativen und quantitativen diachronischen Untersuchung, die es zum Ziel hatte,eine zeitabhängige soziologische Analyse der Implementierung von Präventionspolitiken gegen das Chikungunya- und das Dengue-Virus, sowie deren Rezeption von der Bevölkerung des Départements durchzuführen. In der Arbeit wird zuerst der wissenschaftliche Diskurs mit dem Diskurs der lokalen Bevölkerung verglichen, hinsichtlich der klimatischen und anthropogenen Faktoren, die zum Erscheinen und zur Verbreitung von Tigermücken beigetragen haben. Weiterhin wird die Tatsache hervorgehoben, dass sowohl die Maßnahmenträger als auch die lokale Bevölkerung epidemiologische und ökologische die Verbreitung von aedes albopictus begleitende Herausforderungen berücksichtigen müssen. Schließlich wird die (Nicht-) Akzeptierung dieser invasiven exotischen Art von der Bevölkerung erforscht, es wird auch auf die ungleichen Möglichkeiten der Bevölkerungsteile hingewiesen im Hinblick auf die Lösung dieses Problems der Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefährdung

    The proliferation of mosquitoes vectors of (re)emerging pathologies on the Mediterranean coastline and in the French Departments of America : environmental and health issues

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    En France, le rapport aux moustiques et les politiques de démoustication présentent des histoires et des caractéristiques différenciées d’un territoire à l’autre. Si dans les DFA les moustiques n'ont jamais cessé d'être des facteurs épidémiques, sur le pourtour méditerranéen en revanche, ils ne constituaient plus de risques sanitaires depuis près d'un demi-siècle. Dans les DFA, les opérations de démoustication ont toujours principalement relevé de politiques sanitaires de Lutte Anti-Vectorielle, tandis qu'en métropole furent mises en place des démoustications de confort visant à réduire la nuisance. Mais, à partir de 2004, la situation évolue suite à l’installation durable du moustique vecteur Aedes albopictus sur le littoral méditerranéen et à l’élargissement progressif de son aire de répartition, exposant la métropole à des risques sanitaires jusqu'alors circonscrits aux régions tropicales. Mobilisant les cadres théoriques des sociologies de l’environnement, des risques et de la santé, et s'appuyant sur un corpus réunissant données qualitatives (311 entretiens et observation participante) et quantitatives (1415 questionnaires), cette thèse analyse la recomposition du rapport entre enjeux environnementaux et sanitaires face à la prolifération de moustiques vecteurs. L'analyse porte tout d'abord sur la place et le statut de l’insecte au sein des différentes populations. Puis, l’attention est portée aux caractéristiques socioéconomiques influençant la vulnérabilité individuelle. Ensuite, les attentes et demandes de la population relatives à la démoustication sont questionnées. Enfin, la dernière partie développe une analyse diachronique dans les Alpes-Maritimes.In France,the human-mosquito relationship and the mosquito control policies show differentiated stories and features from one territory to another.Thus,if in FDA mosquitoes never ceased being epidemic factors,however,on the Mediterranean coast until recently they no longer represented a Health risk.Indeed,in the FDA,since their implementation,mosquito control campaigns have always been conducted for a sanitary purpose through vector control campaigns.Meanwhile,in metropolitan France,aiming to reduce the nuisance,these policies were initially implemented to ensure the inhabitants comfort.But,starting from 2004,following the durable installation of the Asian tiger mosquito on the French Mediterranean coastline and the progressive widening of its distribution area,the context evolves and,from now on,the metropolitan France is potentially exposed to health risks hitherto circumscribed to tropical areas.Mobilising the theoretical frameworks of environmental,health and risks sociologies,and based on a corpus gathering qualitative (311 interviews and direct observations) and quantitative data (1415 questionnaires),this PhD analyses the recombining of the relationship between environmental and health challenges in light of the vector mosquitoes proliferation.It initially focuses on the place and status of the insect within the different populations.Then, the socio-economic factors influencing the individual vulnerability of exposure to the insect are studied.The third part is devoted to the expectations and requests of the inhabitants regarding the public management of the mosquitoes’ proliferation.Finally, a diachronic analysis centered on the Alps-Maritimes region is developed

    (In)acceptabilités environnementales et/ou sanitaires : dilemmes autour de la démoustication du littoral méditerranéen français

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    À partir d’une étude de cas relative aux politiques de démoustication et de luttes anti-vectorielles en France métropolitaine, cet article souligne l’intérêt de déconstruire les processus de normalisation à l’oeuvre dans la fabrication de l’acceptabilité sociale. Le questionnement guidant la réflexion porte sur les pluralités, les fluctuations et les tensions des registres de justification relatifs à l’(in)acceptabilité des politiques de démoustication. L’originalité du cas analysé est que celui-ci révèle des oppositions entre protagonistes aux intérêts distincts, mais aussi des tensions à l’intérieur de chaque groupe d’acteurs, ainsi que des dilemmes individuels. L’analyse s’appuie sur un suivi sociologique initié en 1995 et réunissant un corpus recueilli dans le cadre de plusieurs programmes de recherche. Le corpus mobilisé dans cet article est constitué d’une sélection de 261 entretiens semi-directifs et de 1093 questionnaires issus de ces différents travaux. L’analyse porte tout d’abord sur l’influence des changements sociopolitiques et économiques sur les fluctuations spatio-temporelles de la (non) construction de l’(in)acceptabilité sociale. Elle montre en outre comment les processus de construction de l’acceptabilité contribuent à occulter la question singulièrement politique de la responsabilité des acteurs. Enfin, les contradictions internes aux protagonistes des processus de (non) construction de l’(in)acceptabilité sont soulignées, renvoyant dos à dos les injonctions plurielles d’une puissance publique polycéphale et les désirs contradictoires d’une population polymorphe.Through a case study addressing mosquito and vector control policies in Metropolitan France, this paper stresses the need to deconstruct the normalisation and standardisation processes at work in the manufacturing of social acceptability. The questioning guiding the underlying reflexion of this paper relates to the tensions, pluralities, and fluctuations of the justifications registers regarding the social (un)acceptability of mosquito control. The originality of this case study is due to the fact that it reveals oppositions between protagonists carrying distinct interests, but also within the various group of actors, as well as individual dilemmas. This article is based on a long term sociological study initiated in 1995, and gathering a corpus of data collected through several research programs. Thus, the data used in this paper are derived from a selection of 261 semi-structured interviews and 1093 questionnaires coming from various work. First, the analysis focuses on the influence of the sociopolitical and economical changes on the space-time fluctuations of social (un)acceptability construction. Then, it shows how the social acceptability construction processes contribute to occult the peculiarly political question of the actors’ responsibility. Finally, the internal contradictions faced by the protagonists of the social (un)acceptability construction, opposing the plural injunctions of a polycephalic public power and the contradictory desires of a polymorphic population, are highlighted

    (In)acceptabilités environnementales et/ou sanitaires : dilemmes autour de la démoustication du littoral méditerranéen français

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    Through a case study addressing mosquito and vector control policies in Metropolitan France, this paper stresses the need to deconstruct the normalisation and standardisation processes at work in the manufacturing of social acceptability. The questioning guiding the underlying reflexion of this paper relates to the tensions, pluralities, and fluctuations of the justifications registers regarding the social (un)acceptability of mosquito control. The originality of this case study is due to the fact that it reveals oppositions between protagonists carrying distinct interests, but also within the various group of actors, as well as individual dilemmas. This article is based on a long term sociological study initiated in 1995, and gathering a corpus of data collected through several research programs. Thus, the data used in this paper are derived from a selection of 261 semi-structured interviews and 1093 questionnaires coming from various work. First, the analysis focuses on the influence of the sociopolitical and economical changes on the space-time fluctuations of social (un)acceptability construction. Then, it shows how the social acceptability construction processes contribute to occult the peculiarly political question of the actors’ responsibility. Finally, the internal contradictions faced by the protagonists of the social (un)acceptability construction, opposing the plural injunctions of a polycephalic public power and the contradictory desires of a polymorphic population, are highlighted

    (In)acceptabilités environnementales et/ou sanitaires : dilemmes autour de la démoustication du littoral méditerranéen français

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    Through a case study addressing mosquito and vector control policies in Metropolitan France, this paper stresses the need to deconstruct the normalisation and standardisation processes at work in the manufacturing of social acceptability. The questioning guiding the underlying reflexion of this paper relates to the tensions, pluralities, and fluctuations of the justifications registers regarding the social (un)acceptability of mosquito control. The originality of this case study is due to the fact that it reveals oppositions between protagonists carrying distinct interests, but also within the various group of actors, as well as individual dilemmas. This article is based on a long term sociological study initiated in 1995, and gathering a corpus of data collected through several research programs. Thus, the data used in this paper are derived from a selection of 261 semi-structured interviews and 1093 questionnaires coming from various work. First, the analysis focuses on the influence of the sociopolitical and economical changes on the space-time fluctuations of social (un)acceptability construction. Then, it shows how the social acceptability construction processes contribute to occult the peculiarly political question of the actors’ responsibility. Finally, the internal contradictions faced by the protagonists of the social (un)acceptability construction, opposing the plural injunctions of a polycephalic public power and the contradictory desires of a polymorphic population, are highlighted

    Mettre à l’épreuve l’acceptabilité sociale (partie 2)

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