529 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemerolehan bahasa anak usia 4 tahun (studi psikolinguistik).  Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantatif, dengan pendekatan psikolinguistik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan metode capak. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan di atas, dapat kemukakan bahwa 1. secara semantik sesuai dengan teori hipotesis fitur semantik yang didukung oleh teori hipotesis nurani Cahyani dapat dikategorikan dalam medan semantik. Penggategorian medan semantik ini didasari dengan kemampuan Cahyani untuk mengelompokkan dan mengkategorikan kata-kata berdasarkan pada makna yang melekat di dalamnya. 2. Walaupun sebagian besar Cahyani sudah mampu mengelompokkan berdasarkan pada jenisnya atau hierarkinya akan tetapi Cahyani belum mampu membedakan antara makna kata itik dan bebek. Kemungkinan besar gejala ini sesuai dengan teori hipotes nurari adalah gejala/fenomena lingkungan. 3. Ketidakmampuan Cahyani dalam membedakan kata ayah dan kata ayam tidak  merujuk pada bagian semantik, permasalahan ini lebih mengarah kepada bidang fonologis bukan pada bidang semantik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemerolehan bahasa anak usia 4 tahun (studi psikolinguistik).  Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantatif, dengan pendekatan psikolinguistik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan metode capak. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan di atas, dapat kemukakan bahwa 1. secara semantik sesuai dengan teori hipotesis fitur semantik yang didukung oleh teori hipotesis nurani Cahyani dapat dikategorikan dalam medan semantik. Penggategorian medan semantik ini didasari dengan kemampuan Cahyani untuk mengelompokkan dan mengkategorikan kata-kata berdasarkan pada makna yang melekat di dalamnya. 2. Walaupun sebagian besar Cahyani sudah mampu mengelompokkan berdasarkan pada jenisnya atau hierarkinya akan tetapi Cahyani belum mampu membedakan antara makna kata itik dan bebek. Kemungkinan besar gejala ini sesuai dengan teori hipotes nurari adalah gejala/fenomena lingkungan. 3. Ketidakmampuan Cahyani dalam membedakan kata ayah dan kata ayam tidak  merujuk pada bagian semantik, permasalahan ini lebih mengarah kepada bidang fonologis bukan pada bidang semantik

    A census of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters

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    Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) are predominatly found in the cores of nearby galaxy clusters. Besides the Fornax and Virgo cluster, UCDs have also been confirmed in the twice as distant Hydra I and Centaurus clusters. Having (nearly) complete samples of UCDs in some of these clusters allows the study of the bulk properties with respect to the environment they are living in. Moreover, the relation of UCDs to other stellar systems in galaxy clusters, like globular clusters and dwarf ellipticals, can be investigated in detail with the present data sets. The general finding is that UCDs seem to be a heterogenous class of objects. Their spatial distribution within the clusters is in between those of globular clusters and dwarf ellipticals. In the colour-magnitude diagram, blue/metal-poor UCDs coincide with the sequence of nuclear star clusters, whereas red/metal-rich UCDs reach to higher masses and might have originated from the amalgamation of massive star cluster complexes in merger or starburst galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; to appear in "A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies: Observations, Theories, Simulations", held in Lyon, France (June 14-18, 2010), eds. M. Koleva, P. Prugniel & I. Vauglin, EAS Series (Paris: EDP

    Verlängerungen in Fischgesellschaften - mit welchem Schleppnetz kann man sie nachweisen!

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    A great number of offshore wind energy generators are planned to be erected in the Baltic Sea in the near future. The question arises which impact these constructions may have on the living environment, of which fish are the most prominent candidates. Before these questions are tackled, however, tests need to be done to find out which bottom trawl is the most appropriate one to investigate possible effects. For this purpose four different trawls have been compared. As a result a number of key parameters for the design of an appropriate bottom otter trawl are given

    A search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus galaxy cluster

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    Aim: To extend the investigations of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) beyond the well studied Fornax and Virgo clusters. Methods: We measured spectroscopic redshifts of about 400 compact object candidates with 19.2 < V < 22.4 mag in the central region of the Centaurus galaxy cluster (d=43Mpc), using VIMOS@VLT. The luminosity range of the candidates covers that of bright globular clusters (GCs) and of UCDs in Fornax and Virgo. Results: We confirm the cluster membership of 27 compact objects, covering an absolute magnitude range -12.2 < M_V < -10.9 mag. We do not find counterparts to the two very large and bright UCDs in Fornax and Virgo with M_V=-13.5 mag, possibly due to survey incompleteness. The compact objects' distribution in magnitude and space is consistent with that of the GC population. Their kinematics and spatial distribution associate them to the central galaxies rather than to the overall cluster potential. The compact objects have a mean metallicity consistent with that of the metal-rich globular cluster sub-population. Compact objects with high S/N spectra exhibit solar [alpha/Fe] abundances, consistent with typical dwarf elliptical galaxy values and unlike galactic bulge globular clusters. HST based size estimates for a sub-sample of eight compact objects reveal the existence of one very large object with half-light radius r_h around 30 pc, having M_V=-11.6 mag (~10^7 M_sun). This source shows super-solar [alpha/Fe] abundances. Seven further sources are only marginally larger than typical GCs with r_h in the range 4 to 10 pc. Conclusions: We consider the largest compact object found to be the only bona-fide UCD detected in our study. In order to improve our understanding of UCDs in Centaurus, a significant increase of our survey completeness is necessary.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Test von Fanggeräten zur Untersuchung von Grundfischfaunen in Windparkgebieten der Ostsee

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    With respect to future environmental impact assessment different bottom trawls are presently investigated for their suitability for sampling the fish fauna in potential windpark areas asses. For this purpose the international Baltic Sea Trawl, the Box trawl, two different small beam trawls and small eel fykes were compared on a research cutter in June 2002. The best catchability with the highest abundance of demersal fish species and widest length distribution was obtained with the Box trawl. During another cruise in December 2002 the Box trawl was again compared with the Windpark trawl. As a result the Box trawl performed best, with regard to the overall catchability. However the Windpark Trawl is easier to handle under the conditions onboard small fishing cutters

    Horizontale Trennblätter in Trawls zur Verringerung von Discards in der Ostsee

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    A primary objective of the Common Fishery Policy of the European Union is the reduction of discards and unwanted by-catches in the fishery. In principle this could be achieved if the catching methods were optimised for this. Still high numbers of undersized flatfish are caught in the bottom trawls. Although EU regulations make the use of the BACOMA codend mandatory in the Baltic Sea cod areable to escape through square mesh escape window of the BACOMA net the whereas flatfish still remain in the cod-end. Gear experiments have been carried out with the aim to better separate cod from the flatfish fraction already when entering the rear belly, making use of the natural behaviour of the fish, i. e. the preferred swimming distance from the bottom of the net in the funnel. As cod have a natural tendency to keep a relativly great distance from the bottom, flatfish tend to stay close to it. It was attempted to separate both fractions by splitting the funnel into an upper and lower part with a horizontal panel. This wastested for two different nets, a cod trawl to separate cod from flatfish, and an eel-trawl to separate cod and flatfish from eel. Cod and flatfish separation is best at a panel distance of 50 cm from the bottom. Thus, 74 % of the cod were found in the upper panel, whereas 75 % of the flounder were in the lower section. A separation of eel from cod was however not possible, since eel tend to rise to the upper part of the net, together with cod

    Zerlegbare Netzkäfig-Pontonrahmen Technische Entwicklung des Instituts für Ostseefischerei

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    Im Institut für Ostseefischerei (IOR) werden zur Untersuchung der Überlebensfähigkeit von Discards und zur Zwischenhälterung von Laichdorschen mobile Fischhaltungsräume benötigt. In Pontonrahmen eingehängte Netzkäfige sind dafür erfahrungsgemäß eine einfache Lösung. Diese Hälterungseinrichtungen haben den Vorteil, daß sie bedarfsweise in ausgewählten Wasserreservoirs eingesetzt werden können. Sie sind als schwimmende Einheiten von Pegelschwankungen unabhängig und bei Aufrechterhaltung der Hälterungsfunktion flexibel im Standort. Aufgrund des häufigen Einsatzwechsels ergab sich im IOR die Notwendigkeit, eine leicht montierbare und transportable Netzkäfigeinheit zu konstruieren

    A search for massive UCDs in the Centaurus Galaxy Cluster

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    We recently initiated a search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Centaurus galaxy cluster (Mieske et al. 2007), resulting in the discovery of 27 compact objects with -12.2<M_V<-10.9 mag. Our overall survey completeness was 15-20% within 120 kpc projected clustercentric distance. In order to better constrain the luminosity distribution of the brightest UCDs in Centaurus, we continue our search by substantially improving our survey completeness specifically in the regime M_V<-12 mag (V_0<21.3 mag). Using VIMOS at the VLT, we obtain low-resolution spectra of 400 compact objects with 19.3<V_0<21.3 mag (-14<M_V<-12 mag at the Centaurus distance) in the central 25' of the Centaurus cluster, which corresponds to a projected radius of ~150 kpc. Our survey yields complete area coverage within ~120 kpc. For 94% of the sources included in the masks we successfully measure a redshift. Due to incompleteness in the slit assignment, our final completeness in the area surveyed is 52%. Among our targets we find three new UCDs in the magnitude range -12.2<M_V<-12 mag, hence at the faint limit of our survey. One of them is covered by archival HST WFPC2 imaging, yielding a size estimate of r_h <= 8-9 pc. At 95% confidence we can reject the hypothesis that in the area surveyed there are more than 2 massive UCDs with M_V<-12.2 mag and r_eff <=70 pc. Our survey hence confirms the extreme rareness of massive UCDs. We find that the radial distributions of Centaurus and Fornax UCDs with respect to their host clusters' centers agree within the 2 sigma level.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted as Research Note for A&
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