47 research outputs found


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    This paper shows the importance of information and communication technologies in human resource management. Indicated and defined have been the areas of using the ICT in the performance of HR function. The paper indicates both benefits and risks of using new technologies. In addition, it presents challenges for human resource management. It’s a review paper.Niniejsze opracowanie prezentuje znaczenie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi. Wskazane i zdefiniowane zostały obszary wykorzystania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w wykonywaniu funkcji personalnej. Omówiono zarówno korzyści jak i zagrożenia korzystania z nowych technologii. Ponadto, przedstawiono wyzwania dla zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Całość opracowania ma charakter przeglądowy

    Helminths of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Lake Hańcza and the Vistula Lagoon, with special regard to their zoonotic threats

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    Reports published in recent years on the increased risk in the Baltic Sea of fish infection with larvae of nematodes potentially pathogenic to humans have prompted a study of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus with respect to the presence of these parasites in the Vistula Lagoon. Additionally, samples of this fish from Lake Hańcza were comparatively considered. The body cavity, the surface of internal organs, the alimentary tract and the swimbladder of fish from two environmentally different water bodies were taken into account in the analysis. Only the tapeworm Proteocephalus longicollis was found in the alimentary tract of the fish from Lake Hańcza. Depending on the period of study, the prevalence ranged from 60% to 100%, and the mean intensity from 11.5 to 42.0. The helminth fauna of smelt from the Vistula Lagoon was more diverse: Cystidicola farionis occurred with a prevalence from 25.9 to 75.0% and a mean intensity of infection from 2.7 to 66.0%, Proteocephalus longicollis and cystacanths of Corynosoma with a prevalence ranging in different years from 12.0 to 44.0% and from 14.8 to 50.0%, respectively. Zoonotic parasites, such as nematode larvae of the Anisakidae family (Contracaecum sp., Anisakis simplex), occurred in the intestine with a prevalence of 31%, 72% and 22% in consecutive years of the study

    Żywność tradycyjna w opinii studentów Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie

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    The increased interest in culinary heritage as an integral part of the identity of the country is observed in Poland recently. Current students will probably shape the future “culinary consciousness” of Poles, therefore studies aimed at understanding the opinions and attitudes of students towards traditional Polish food were undertaken. The research was conducted in 2015 among 100 randomly selected students from various faculties of the University of Warmia and Mazuria in Olsztyn using author’s developed survey sheet. The respondents consisted of a single age group of 20–24 years. Among the respondents prevailed women (58%). Most of respondents came from small (42%) and medium (22%) cities. Residents of rural areas and big cities accounted for 18% of respondents.Over 70% of respondents showed a good understanding of the defi nition of traditional food, however, it should be stressed that far more women (83%) compared to men (60%) indicated the correct answer. In the opinion of respondents, although traditional food is delicious (54%), high quality (50%) and healthy (36%), it is eaten occasionally (holidays, family celebrations). According to the surveyed students, most famous traditional Polish products are: dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms (81%), oscypek (sheep smoked cheese) (79%), angel wings (75%) and bagels, white sausage and żur (sausage sour soup) (at 68%), and the least known is harynki (herrings in onion sauce) (4%), fefernuszki (a kind of honey cake) (9%) and smoked carp from Zator (9%). More than half of the students (52%) declared they buy traditional products mainly because of curiosity of new taste or to diversify the menu (26% and 25% respectively). The main reason not to buy the traditional food was the opinion that the price is high (42%) and accessibility diffi cult (37%). In the opinion of respondents, traditional food should be advertised, and as the best form the online (46%) and television (43%) advertising was indicated. It should be noted that knowledge about European quality mark system of traditional food among the surveyed students is relatively low.W Polsce od pewnego czasu obserwowany jest wzrost zainteresowania dziedzictwem kulinarnym, będącym nieodłącznym elementem tożsamości kraju. Obecni studenci będą zapewne w przyszłości kształtować „świadomość kulinarną” Polaków, podjęto zatem badania mające na celu poznanie opinii i postaw studentów wobec żywności tradycyjnej. Badania z wykorzystaniem arkusza ankietowego przeprowadzono w 2015 roku wśród 100 losowo wybranych studentów różnych wydziałów Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Ankietowani stanowili jednolitą grupę wiekową 20-24 lata. Wśród ankietowanych osób przeważały kobiety (58%). Większość ankietowanych pochodziła z małych (42%) i średnich (22%) miast. Mieszkańcy wsi oraz dużych miast stanowili po 18 % ankietowanych.Ponad 70% ankietowanych wykazało się dobrą znajomością definicji żywności tradycyjnej, przy czym należy podkreślić, że zdecydowanie więcej kobiet (83%) w stosunku do mężczyzn (60%) wskazało prawidłową odpowiedź. W opinii respondentów mimo, że żywność tradycyjna jest smaczna (54%), wysokiej jakości (50%) oraz zdrowa (36%), to jednak spożywana bywa okazjonalnie (święta, uroczystości rodzinne). Zdaniem ankietowanych studentów najbardziej znanymi polskimi produktami tradycyjnymi są: oscypek (79%), faworki (75%), a najmniej (9%) fefernuszki. Ponad połowa studentów (52%) stwierdziła, że kupuje produkty tradycyjne, głównie z powodu ciekawości, jak smakuje nowy produkt i w celu urozmaicenia menu (odpowiednio 26% i 25%). Głównym powodem niekupowania tradycyjnej żywności zdaniem ankietowanych jest wysoka cena (42%) i trudna dostępność (37%). W opinii respondentów żywność tradycyjna powinna być reklamowana, a za najlepszą jej formę uznano reklamę internetową (46%) oraz telewizyjną (43%). Należy zaznaczyć, że wiedza o europejskich systemach jakości żywności tradycyjnej wśród badanych studentów jest stosunkowo niska

    Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram tele-transmission: Support in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases in operations undertaken by Warsaw-area basic medical rescue teams between 2009 and 2013

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    Background: Basic medical rescue teams (BMRTs) administer aid in the pre-hospital phase to people in a life-threatening condition. A tele-transmission and teleconsultation system (TTaTC) supports the team without a physician. The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the application and spectrum of use of a 12-lead ECG TTaTC in BMRT operations. Methods: Medical records of BMRTs in Warsaw from September 2009 to August 2013 regarding TTaTC were checked. Successful TTaTC, electrocardiography (ECG) results, sex, age, consultant advice, and decisions of BMRT leaders were analyzed. Results: BMRTs performed 28,557 12-lead ECG transmissions within the analyzed period. The teams recorded 26,208 (91.8%) successful tele-transmissions, while 2,349 tests (8.2%) failed to reach the TC. The average TTaTC time was 6 min 12 s. The most common reason for using the ECG TTaTC was chest pain. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) was diagnosed in 2.1% of the cases, and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction — NSTEMI — in 3.8%. Cardiac arrhythmia was recorded in 20.5% of the events. TTaTC proved to be useful when making decisions on transporting patients to appropriate hospitals. One hundred percent of STEMI cases — all confirmed by TC — were transported directly to cardiac centers. Conclusions: 1. TTaTC constitutes an increasing support in BMRT everyday operations and is widely used. 2. Standard ECG TTaTC with a physician improved BMRT diagnostic capaci­ties and exerted a beneficial impact on cardiovascular patient segregation and target hospital selection. 3. It seems possible to expand the scope of operations performed by BMRT members based on TTaTC

    Dziecko z asplenią w praktyce lekarza pierwszego kontaktu

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    Przedstawiono rolę lekarza pierwszego kontaktu jako niezwykle istotnego ogniwa w realizacji programu kompleksowej opieki nad dzieckiem z asplenią. Opisano postępowanie, które obejmuje realizację profilaktyki przeciwinfekcyjnej w postaci szczepień ochronnych oraz długotrwałej antybiotykoterapii, postępowanie w nadpłytkowości po splenektomii oraz szeroko rozumianą edukację pacjenta i jego rodziny. W pracy zamieszczono przykłady pięciu sytuacji klinicznych, z jakimi może spotkać się lekarz pierwszego kontaktu mający pod swoją opieką dziecko bez śledziony: stosowanie profilaktyki antybiotykowej, leczenie posocznicy, postępowanie w przypadku pogryzienia przez psa i w przypadku nadpłytkowości po splenektomii

    Antitumor Potential of Extracellular Vesicles Released by Genetically Modified Murine Colon Carcinoma Cells With Overexpression of Interleukin-12 and shRNA for TGF-β1

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    Recent developments demonstrate that tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) could become a highly effective tool for delivery of antitumor factors. The main objective of the study was to determine whether EVs secreted by MC38 colon carcinoma cells genetically engineered for overproduction of interleukin (IL-)12 and/or shRNA targeting TGF-β1 are effectively loaded with these molecules and whether the obtained EVs could be an efficient tool for antitumor therapy. Fractions of EVs released by genetically modified MC38 cells [both modified tumor-derived exosomes (mTEx) and modified microvesicles (mTMv)] and those released by unmodified, wild-type MC38 cells were characterized in terms of loading efficacy, using real-time PCR and ELISA, as well as their antitumor potential. In order to examine the therapeutic potential of mTEx, they were applied in the form of sole treatment as well as in combination with dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines stimulated with mTMv in the therapy of mice with subcutaneously growing MC38 tumors. The results demonstrated that genetic modification of wild-type MC38 tumor cells is an effective method of loading the molecules of interest into extracellular vesicles secreted by the cells (both TEx and TMv). The results also showed that mTEx secreted by cells engineered for overproduction of IL-12 and/or shRNA for TGF-β1 are able to induce tumor growth inhibition as opposed to TEx from unmodified MC38 cells. Additionally, antitumor therapy composed of mTEx (especially those deprived of TGF-β1) and DC-based vaccines allowed for regeneration of antitumor immunity and induction of the systemic Th1 response responsible for the sustained effect of the therapy. In conclusion, tumor-derived exosomes loaded with IL-12 and/or deprived of TGF-β1 could become an efficient adjuvant supporting induction of a specific antitumor response in both immuno- and chemotherapeutic schemes of treatment

    Occurrence of Dirofilaria repens in wild carnivores in Poland.

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    Dirofilaria repens is an expanding vector-borne zoonotic parasite of canines and other carnivores. Sub-clinically infected dogs constitute the most important reservoir of the parasite and the source of infection for its mosquito vectors. However, occurrence of D. repens infection in wild animals may contribute to the transmission of the parasite to humans and may explain the endemicity of filariae in newly invaded regions. The aim of the current study was to determine the occurrence of D. repens in 511 blood and spleen samples from seven species of wild carnivores (wolves, red foxes, Eurasian badgers, raccoons, raccoon dogs, stone martens, and pine martens) from different regions of Poland by means of a PCR protocol targeting the 12S rDNA gene. Dirofilaria repens–positive hosts were identified in seven of fourteen voivodeships in four of the seven regions of Poland: Masovia, Lesser Poland, Pomerania and Warmia-Masuria. The highest prevalence was found in Masovia region (8%), coinciding with the highest previously recorded prevalence in dogs in Central Poland. The DNA of Dirofilaria was detected in 16 samples of three species (total prevalence 3.13%). A low and similar percentage of positive samples (1.9%, 4.2% and 4.8%) was recorded among badgers, red foxes, and wolves, respectively. Dirofilaria repens–positive hosts were identified in seven of fourteen voivodships. Based on detection in different voivodeships, D. repens–positive animals were recorded in four out of the seven regions of Poland: in Masovia, Lesser Poland, Pomerania, and Warmia-Masuria. The highest prevalence of filariae was found in Masovia region (8%), reflecting the highest previously recorded prevalence in dogs (12–50%) in Central Poland. In summary, we conducted the first comprehensive study on the epidemiology of D. repens in seven species of wild hosts in all seven regions of Poland and identified the first case of D. repens infection in Eurasian badgers in Poland and the second in Europe

    Quantum mechanical studies of lincosamides

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    Lincosamides are a class of antibiotics used both in clinical and veterinary practice for a wide range of pathogens. This group of drugs inhibits the activity of the bacterial ribosome by binding to the 23S RNA of the large ribosomal subunit and blocking protein synthesis. Currently, three X-ray structures of the ribosome in complex with clindamycin are available in the Protein Data Bank, which reveal that there are two distinct conformations of the pyrrolidinyl propyl group of the bound clindamycin. In this work, we used quantum mechanical methods to investigate the probable conformations of clindamycin in order to explain the two binding modes in the ribosomal 23S RNA. We studied three lincosamide antibiotics: clindamycin, lincomycin, and pirlimycin at the B3LYP level with the 6-31G** basis set. The focus of our work was to connect the conformational landscape and electron densities of the two clindamycin conformers found experimentally with their physicochemical properties. For both functional conformers, we applied natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis and the atoms in molecules (AIM) theory, and calculated the NMR parameters. Based on the results obtained, we were able to show that the structure with the intramolecular hydrogen bond C=O…H–O is the most stable conformer of clindamycin. The charge transfer between the pyrrolidine-derivative ring and the six-atom sugar (methylthiolincosamide), which are linked via an amide bond, was found to be the dominant factor influencing the high stability of this conformer