333 research outputs found

    Season, growth regulant / Seed treatment / Foliar spray trials

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    Rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations. 82 BA 5, 82 c 3, 82 E 3, 82 M 3, 82 MR 6, 82 N 4, 82 WH 6. Growth regulators / seed dressings / foliar sprays on wheat. 82 BA 4, 82 BR 2, 82 LG 6, 82 MT 5, 82 TO 3, 82 c 2, 82 M 2, 82 N 3, 82 WH 5, 82 E 2, 82 ME 4, 82 NA 7, 82 KA 9a, 82 MO 2s, 82 NO 6, 82 KA 9b, 82 MO 2b, 82 NO 9. Chlormequat on yield and head loss of barley. 82 BA 6, 82 MT 7. Chlormequat for pod retention on lupins. 82 BA 7, 82 WH 12, 82 NA 39. Organic seed treatment trial. 82 WH 11. Appendix: Rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations trials. Summary of data from growth regulant, seed treatment, foliar spray trial

    Growth regulators and growth promotants as seed treatments and foliar sprays

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    Rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations – 83BA45, 83C33, 83E30, 83M35, 83MT43, 83N25, 83SG23, 83WH35. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield of wheat - 83BA44, 83BR22, 83C32, 83E29, 83M34, 83MT42, 83N25, 83NO55, 83SG22, 83TS37, 83WH34. Chlormequat for yield increase in lupins - 83BA46, 83WH36. Rates and times of kelpak on wheat - 83BA47, 83E32, 83MT44. Appendix Summary of data from A. Rates and times of two chlormequat formulations on wheat. B. Chlormequat for yield increase in lupins C. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield enhancement of wheat D. rates\u27 and times of kelpack on wheat The following summary covers the 1983 trials on several growth regulators and growth promotants as seed treatments and foliar sprays on wheat and lupins. The 1983 field programme can be subdivided into four trial types: The effects of various rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations(cycocel and bettaquat) on wheat yield. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield in wheat. The products tested as seed treatments or foliar sprays include: The fish emulsions eco and reef crop booster, The chlormequats,cycocel and bettaquat The seaweed extracts,kelpak 66 and seasol(in liquid and powder) The bacterial culture,cytozyme and the nutrient mix,complesal. 3. Chlormequat(podmore) for yield increase in lupins. 4. Rates and times of kelpak on wheat. The summary gives a brief account of the results, then the individual trial details and results follow.these are grouped within each of the topics and ordered alphabetically within each grouping

    Water use of wheatbelt crop and pasture species

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    Water use of wheatbelt crop and pasture species Location: 83WH29 - Wongan Hills Research Station, Wongan Hills Abstract. A comprehensive experiment to investigate the productivity and water use of important wheatbelt crop and pasture species was undertaken in 1983. The experiment has provided important information on potential crop and pasture productivity and the role of alternate crop and pasture species in managing groundwater recharge and the development of secondary salinity. Contents 1. Background and industry significance 2. Aims of the experiment 3. Personnel 4. Site characterisation 5. Experimental detail 6. Results i) Meterological data ii) Dry matter, leaf area and grain yield iii) Soil Water iv) Root growth and water extraction v) Infra-red Thermometr

    A MusD Retrotransposon Insertion in the Mouse Slc6a5 Gene Causes Alterations in Neuromuscular Junction Maturation and Behavioral Phenotypes

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    Glycine is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and some brain regions. The presynaptic glycine transporter, GlyT2, is required for sustained glycinergic transmission through presynaptic reuptake and recycling of glycine. Mutations in SLC6A5, encoding GlyT2, cause hereditary hyperekplexia in humans, and similar phenotypes in knock-out mice, and variants are associated with schizophrenia. We identified a spontaneous mutation in mouse Slc6a5, caused by a MusD retrotransposon insertion. The GlyT2 protein is undetectable in homozygous mutants, indicating a null allele. Homozygous mutant mice are normal at birth, but develop handling-induced spasms at five days of age, and only survive for two weeks, but allow the study of early activity-regulated developmental processes. At the neuromuscular junction, synapse elimination and the switch from embryonic to adult acetylcholine receptor subunits are hastened, consistent with a presumed increase in motor neuron activity, and transcription of acetylcholine receptors is elevated. Heterozygous mice, which show no reduction in lifespan but nonetheless have reduced levels of GlyT2, have a normal thermal sensitivity with the hot-plate test, but differences in repetitive grooming and decreased sleep time with home-cage monitoring. Open-field and elevated plus-maze tests did not detect anxiety-like behaviors; however, the latter showed a hyperactivity phenotype. Importantly, grooming and hyperactivity are observed in mouse schizophrenia models. Thus, mutations in Slc6a5 show changes in neuromuscular junction development as homozygotes, and behavioral phenotypes as heterozygotes, indicating their usefulness for studies related to glycinergic dysfunction

    A review of clinical decision-making: Models and current research

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this paper was to review the current literature with respect to clinical decision-making models and the educational application of models to clinical practice. This was achieved by exploring the function and related research of the three available models of clinical decision making: information processing model, the intuitive-humanist model and the clinical decision making model. Background: Clinical decision-making is a unique process that involves the interplay between knowledge of pre-existing pathological conditions, explicit patient information, nursing care and experiential learning. Historically, two models of clinical decision making are recognised from the literature; the information processing model and the intuitive-humanist model. The usefulness and application of both models has been examined in relation the provision of nursing care and care related outcomes. More recently a third model of clinical decision making has been proposed. This new multidimensional model contains elements of the information processing model but also examines patient specific elements that are necessary for cue and pattern recognition. Design: Literature review Methods: Evaluation of the literature generated from MEDLINE, CINAHL, OVID, PUBMED and EBESCO systems and the Internet from 1980 – November 2005
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