315 research outputs found

    Observational issues in loop quantum cosmology

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    Quantum gravity is sometimes considered as a kind of metaphysical speculation. In this review, we show that, although still extremely difficult to reach, observational signatures can in fact be expected. The early universe is an invaluable laboratory to probe "Planck scale physics". Focusing on Loop Quantum Gravity as one of the best candidate for a non-perturbative and background-independant quantization of gravity, we detail some expected features.Comment: 75 pages, invited topical review for Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Universe from vacuum in loop-string cosmology

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    In this paper we study the description of the Universe based on the low energy superstring theory modified by the Loop Quantum Gravity effects.This approach was proposed by De Risi et al. in the Phys. Rev. D {\bf 76} (2007) 103531. We show that in the contrast with the string motivated pre-Big Bang scenario, the cosmological realisation of the tt-duality transformation is not necessary to avoid an initial singularity. In the model considered the universe starts its evolution in the vacuum phase at time tt\to - \infty. In this phase the scale factor a0a\to 0, energy density ρ0\rho \to 0 and coupling of the interactions gs20g^2_s \to 0. After this stage the universe evolves to the non-singular hot Big Bang phase ρρmax<\rho \to \rho_{\text{max}} < \infty. Then the standard classical universe emerges. During the whole evolution the scale factor increases monotonically. We solve this model analytically. We also propose and solve numerically the model with an additional dilaton potential in which the universe starts the evolution from the asymptotically free vacuum phase gs20g^2_s \to 0 and then evolves non-singularly to the emerging dark energy dominated phase with the saturated coupling constant gs2constg^2_s \to \text{const}.Comment: JHEP3 LaTeX class, 19 pages, 9 figures, v2: added some comments and references, v3: new numerical result added, new figure

    Effective dynamics of the closed loop quantum cosmology

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    In this paper we study dynamics of the closed FRW model with holonomy corrections coming from loop quantum cosmology. We consider models with a scalar field and cosmological constant. In case of the models with cosmological constant and free scalar field, dynamics reduce to 2D system and analysis of solutions simplify. If only free scalar field is included then universe undergoes non-singular oscillations. For the model with cosmological constant, different behaviours are obtained depending on the value of Λ\Lambda. If the value of Λ\Lambda is sufficiently small, bouncing solutions with asymptotic de Sitter stages are obtained. However if the value of Λ\Lambda exceeds critical value Λc=3mPl22πγ321mPl2\Lambda_{\text{c}} =\frac{\sqrt{3}m^2_{\text{Pl}}}{2\pi\gamma^3} \simeq 21 m^2_{\text{Pl}} then solutions become oscillatory. Subsequently we study models with a massive scalar field. We find that this model possess generic inflationary attractors. In particular field, initially situated in the bottom of the potential, is driven up during the phase of quantum bounce. This subsequently leads to the phase of inflation. Finally we find that, comparing with the flat case, effects of curvature do not change qualitatively dynamics close to the phase of bounce. Possible effects of inverse volume corrections are also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Программный комплекс для синтеза и исследования систем автоматического управления астатическими объектами

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    В первом разделе описаны астатические объекты и их классификация, формы представления регуляторов и обзор методов расчета параметров их настройки. Второй раздел посвящен применению методов настройки регуляторов, разработанных для идеальных астатических объектов с запаздыванием, к идеальным астатическим объектам без запаздывания и реальным астатическим объектам первого и второго порядков. В третьем разделе представлены формулы для вычисления прямых показателей качества переходных процессов по возмущающему воздействию. Программный комплекс для синтеза и исследования систем автоматического управления астатическими объектами описан в четвертом разделе. В пятом и шестом разделах представлено обоснование экономической эффективности и социальной ответственности выпускной квалификационной работы.In the first section astatic objects, forms of representation of controllers and the review of methods of calculation of parameters of their control are described. The second section is devoted to application of methods of setup of controllers of ideal astatic objects with delay, to ideal astatic objects without delay and to real astatic objects of the first and second orders. Formulas for calculation of direct indicators of quality of transition processes on the revolting influence are presented in the third section. The software package for synthesis and a research of systems of automatic control of astatic objects is described in the fourth section. Justification of economic efficiency and social responsibility of final qualification work is presented in the fifth and sixth sections

    Effects of the quantisation ambiguities on the Big Bounce dynamics

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    In this paper we investigate dynamics of the modified loop quantum cosmology models using dynamical systems methods. Modifications considered come from the choice of the different field strength operator F^\hat{F} and result in different forms of the effective Hamiltonian. Such an ambiguity of the choice of this expression from some class of functions is allowed in the framework of loop quantisation. Our main goal is to show how such modifications can influence the bouncing universe scenario in the loop quantum cosmology. In effective models considered we classify all evolutional paths for all admissible initial conditions. The dynamics is reduced to the form of a dynamical system of the Newtonian type on a 2-dimensional phase plane. These models are equivalent dynamically to the FRW models with the decaying effective cosmological term parametrised by the canonical variable pp (or by the scale factor aa). We find that for the positive cosmological constant there is a class of oscillating models without the initial and final singularities. The new phenomenon is the appearance of curvature singularities for the finite values of the scale factor, but we find that for the positive cosmological constant these singularities can be avoided. For the positive cosmological constant the evolution begins at the asymptotic state in the past represented by the deSitter contracting (deS_{-}) spacetime or the static Einstein universe H=0 or H=H=-\infty state and reaches the deSitter expanding state (deS+_{+}), the state H=0 or H=+H=+\infty state. In the case of the negative cosmological constant we obtain the past and future asymptotic states as the Einstein static universes.Comment: RevTeX4, 28 pages, 11 figs; rev.2 new section on exact solutions; (v3) published versio

    Observational hints on the Big Bounce

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    In this paper we study possible observational consequences of the bouncing cosmology. We consider a model where a phase of inflation is preceded by a cosmic bounce. While we consider in this paper only that the bounce is due to loop quantum gravity, most of the results presented here can be applied for different bouncing cosmologies. We concentrate on the scenario where the scalar field, as the result of contraction of the universe, is driven from the bottom of the potential well. The field is amplified, and finally the phase of the standard slow-roll inflation is realized. Such an evolution modifies the standard inflationary spectrum of perturbations by the additional oscillations and damping on the large scales. We extract the parameters of the model from the observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation. In particular, the value of inflaton mass is equal to m=(2.6±0.6)1013m=(2.6 \pm 0.6) \cdot 10^{13} GeV. In our considerations we base on the seven years of observations made by the WMAP satellite. We propose the new observational consistency check for the phase of slow-roll inflation. We investigate the conditions which have to be fulfilled to make the observations of the Big Bounce effects possible. We translate them to the requirements on the parameters of the model and then put the observational constraints on the model. Based on assumption usually made in loop quantum cosmology, the Barbero-Immirzi parameter was shown to be constrained by γ<1100\gamma<1100 from the cosmological observations. We have compared the Big Bounce model with the standard Big Bang scenario and showed that the present observational data is not informative enough to distinguish these models.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, JHEP3.cl