38 research outputs found

    Aggregative adherence fimbriae form compact structures as seen by SAXS

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    Bacterial colonization is mediated by fimbriae, which are thin hair-like appendages dispersed from the bacterial surface. The aggregative adherence fimbriae from enteroaggregative E. coli are secreted through the outer membrane and consist of polymerized minor and major pilin subunits. Currently, the understanding of the structural morphology and the role of the minor pilin subunit in the polymerized fimbriae are limited. In this study we use small-angle X-ray scattering to reveal the structural morphology of purified fimbriae in solution. We show that the aggregative fimbriae are compact arrangements of subunit proteins Agg5A + Agg3B which are assembled pairwise on a flexible string rather than extended in relatively straight filaments. Absence of the minor subunit leads to less compact fimbriae, but did not affect the length. The study provides novel insights into the structural morphology and assembly of the aggregative adherence fimbriae. Our study suggests that the minor subunit is not located at the tip of the fimbriae as previously speculated but has a higher importance for the assembled fimbriae by affecting the global structure.</p

    Structure and dynamics of a nanodisc by integrating NMR, SAXS and SANS experiments with molecular dynamics simulations.

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    Nanodiscs are membrane mimetics that consist of a protein belt surrounding a lipid bilayer, and are broadly used for characterization of membrane proteins. Here, we investigate the structure, dynamics and biophysical properties of two small nanodiscs, MSP1D1ΔH5 and ΔH4H5. We combine our SAXS and SANS experiments with molecular dynamics simulations and previously obtained NMR and EPR data to derive and validate a conformational ensemble that represents the structure and dynamics of the nanodisc. We find that it displays conformational heterogeneity with various elliptical shapes, and with substantial differences in lipid ordering in the centre and rim of the discs. Together, our results reconcile previous apparently conflicting observations about the shape of nanodiscs, and pave the way for future integrative studies of larger complex systems such as membrane proteins embedded in nanodiscs

    Structure and Dynamics of the Central Lipid Pool and Proteins of the Bacterial Holo-Translocon

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    The bacterial Sec translocon, SecYEG, associates with accessory proteins YidC and the SecDF-YajC subcom-plex to form the bacterial holo-translocon (HTL). The HTL is a dynamic and flexible protein transport machine capable of coor-dinating protein secretion across the membrane and efficient lateral insertion of nascent membrane proteins. It has been hypothesized that a central lipid core facilitates the controlled passage of membrane proteins into the bilayer, ensuring the efficient formation of their native state. By performing small-angle neutron scattering on protein solubilized in ‘‘match-out’’ deuterated detergent, we have been able to interrogate a ‘‘naked’’ HTL complex, with the scattering contribution of the sur-rounding detergent micelle rendered invisible. Such an approach has allowed the confirmation of a lipid core within the HTL, which accommodates between 8 and 29 lipids. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of the HTL also demon-strate a dynamic, central pool of lipids. An opening at this lipid-rich region between YidC and the SecY lateral gate may provide an exit gateway for newly synthesized, correctly oriented, membrane protein helices, or even small bundles of helices, to emerge from the HTL

    PET/CT Based In Vivo Evaluation of 64Cu Labelled Nanodiscs in Tumor Bearing Mice

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    64Cu radiolabelled nanodiscs based on the 11 α-helix MSP1E3D1 protein and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine lipids were, for the first time, followed in vivo by positron emission tomography for evaluating the biodistribution of nanodiscs. A cancer tumor bearing mouse model was used for the investigations, and it was found that the approximately 13 nm nanodiscs, due to their size, permeate deeply into cancer tissue. This makes them promising candidates for both drug delivery purposes and as advanced imaging agents. For the radiolabelling, a simple approach for 64Cu radiolabelling of proteins via a chelating agent, DOTA, was developed. The reaction was performed at sufficiently mild conditions to be compatible with labelling of the protein part of a lipid-protein particle while fully conserving the particle structure including the amphipathic protein fold

    Peptide-oligonucleotide conjugates as nanoscale building blocks for assembly of an artificial three-helix protein mimic

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    Peptide-based structures can be designed to yield artificial proteins with specific folding patterns and functions. Template-based assembly of peptide units is one design option, but the use of two orthogonal self-assembly principles, oligonucleotide triple helix and a coiled coil protein domain formation have never been realized for de novo protein design. Here, we show the applicability of peptide–oligonucleotide conjugates for self-assembly of higher-ordered protein-like structures. The resulting nano-assemblies were characterized by ultraviolet-melting, gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy. These studies revealed the formation of the desired triple helix and coiled coil domains at low concentrations, while a dimer of trimers was dominating at high concentration. CD spectroscopy showed an extraordinarily high degree of α-helicity for the peptide moieties in the assemblies. The results validate the use of orthogonal self-assembly principles as a paradigm for de novo protein design

    Aquaporin-Based Biomimetic Polymeric Membranes: Approaches and Challenges

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    In recent years, aquaporin biomimetic membranes (ABMs) for water separation have gained considerable interest. Although the first ABMs are commercially available, there are still many challenges associated with further ABM development. Here, we discuss the interplay of the main components of ABMs: aquaporin proteins (AQPs), block copolymers for AQP reconstitution, and polymer-based supporting structures. First, we briefly cover challenges and review recent developments in understanding the interplay between AQP and block copolymers. Second, we review some experimental characterization methods for investigating AQP incorporation including freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, stopped-flow light scattering, and small-angle X-ray scattering. Third, we focus on recent efforts in embedding reconstituted AQPs in membrane designs that are based on conventional thin film interfacial polymerization techniques. Finally, we describe some new developments in interfacial polymerization using polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane cages for increasing the physical and chemical durability of thin film composite membranes

    Selecting analytical tools for characterization of polymersomes in aqueous solution

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    Selecting the appropriate analytical methods for characterizing the assembly and morphology of polymer-based vesicles, or polymersomes are required to reach their full potential in biotechnology. This work presents and compares 17 different techniques for their ability to adequately report size, lamellarity, elastic properties, bilayer surface charge, thickness and polarity of polybutadiene-polyethylene oxide (PB-PEO) based polymersomes. The techniques used in this study are broadly divided into scattering techniques, visualization methods, physical and electromagnetical manipulation and sorting/purification. Of the analytical methods tested, Cryo-transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) turned out to be advantageous for polymersomes with smaller diameter than 200 nm, whereas confocal microscopy is ideal for diameters >400 nm. Polymersomes in the intermediate diameter range can be characterized using freeze fracture Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (FF-Cryo-SEM) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) provides reliable data on bilayer thickness and internal structure, Cryo-TEM on multilamellarity. Taken together, these tools are valuable for characterizing polymersomes per se but the comparative overview is also intended to serve as a starting point for selecting methods for characterizing polymersomes with encapsulated compounds or polymersomes with incorporated biomolecules (e.g. membrane proteins)

    Self-assembling peptide and protein nanodiscs for studies of membrane proteins

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    Se vêtir à la Cour de France et dans les cours européennes : usages, consommation, circulation (1650-1800)

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    2008-2011 Éléments essen­tiels du « paraî­tre », les maniè­res de se vêtir défi­nis­sent les iden­ti­tés dis­tinc­ti­ves du prince et du cour­ti­san, tout comme elles dif­fé­ren­cient les iden­ti­tés et les condi­tions dans la société moderne en géné­ral. Souvent abordé au détour de ques­tions poli­ti­ques ou de sujets rela­tifs à la vie quo­ti­dienne dans les cours euro­péen­nes, le cos­tume de cour n’a jamais été traité en tant qu’objet d’étude à part entière, en rai­son de l’hété­ro­gé­néi..