17 research outputs found

    Why teach “Bioethics and Human Rights” to healthcare professions undergraduates?

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    This article highlights the importance of teaching “bioethics and human rights” to undergraduate students seeking health care degrees and illustrates how this topic fits well within these programs of studies. Historical, cultural, anthropological and practical reasons support teaching these topics as enrichment of medical training. The years after the Second World War showed how bioethics, human rights and medicine are closely intertwined. Moreover the relationship between human rights and bioethics has grown ever closer increasingly involving medicine and health care professionals. The authors observe that medical students have to face a cultural pluralism in bioethics and biolaw and we give students the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and logical argumentation abilities as well as their interest in academic research. Furthermore, the authors – who draw up briefly the experience of the Institute of Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the UCSC (Rome) - assert the necessity to help medical students to be respectful of patients in every clinical setting. It is therefore of utmost importance to train students to focus on the ethical dimension of care and to make good ethical decisions even in dilemmatic cases. To achieve this outcome, healthcare professionals should possess an integral vision of their work (technical and humanistic competence) and sharp skills to reflect in depth, avoiding superficiality and negligence. From this perspective, the teaching of “bioethics and human rights” could be very useful

    Health technology assessment of pathogen reduction technologies applied to plasma for clinical use

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    Although existing clinical evidence shows that the transfusion of blood components is becoming increasingly safe, the risk of transmission of known and unknown pathogens, new pathogens or re-emerging pathogens still persists. Pathogen reduction technologies may offer a new approach to increase blood safety. The study is the output of collaboration between the Italian National Blood Centre and the Post-Graduate School of Health Economics and Management, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. A large, multidisciplinary team was created and divided into six groups, each of which addressed one or more HTA domains.Plasma treated with amotosalen + UV light, riboflavin + UV light, methylene blue or a solvent/detergent process was compared to fresh-frozen plasma with regards to current use, technical features, effectiveness, safety, economic and organisational impact, and ethical, social and legal implications. The available evidence is not sufficient to state which of the techniques compared is superior in terms of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. Evidence on efficacy is only available for the solvent/detergent method, which proved to be non-inferior to untreated fresh-frozen plasma in the treatment of a wide range of congenital and acquired bleeding disorders. With regards to safety, the solvent/detergent technique apparently has the most favourable risk-benefit profile. Further research is needed to provide a comprehensive overview of the cost-effectiveness profile of the different pathogen-reduction techniques. The wide heterogeneity of results and the lack of comparative evidence are reasons why more comparative studies need to be performed

    Analisi etica delle attività di ricerca e dei risultati preliminari del progetto SerGenCovid-19 (febbraio 2022 - maggio 2023)

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    L’analisi che segue è frutto della consulenza, supervisione e monitoraggio etico assegnati al Centro Interdipartimentale per l’Etica e l’Integrità nella Ricerca (CID Ethics) del CNR nell’ambito del progetto SerGenCovid-19, con riferimento alle attività di ricerca e ai risultati relativi al periodo febbraio 2022 - maggio 20231. Il presente Rapporto costituisce un adempimento ricompreso tra le funzioni assegnate all’Ethics Mentor di progetto (di cui al provvedimento di nomina prot. DSB-CNR n. 0035423/2021)

    “Focus on Practice”-Clinical Ethics Consultation on an Orthotopic Liver Transplant Case

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    Este artigo apresenta um caso clínico dirigido em 2011 pela equipe de serviço de consulta ética clínica do Instituto de Bioética e Humanidades Médicas da Faculdade de Medicina Agostino Gemelli, da Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Roma, Itália). O caso clínico se refere aos dilemas éticos sobre as perspectivas da paciente para receber um transplante hepático ortotópico porque não era residente do país, carecia de um cuidador para assisti-la durante o período de observação e de um lugar para ficar depois da respectiva cirurgia.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7 El artículo presenta un caso clínico, dirigido en el año 2011 por el equipo de servicio de consulta ética clínica del Instituto de Bioética y Humanidades Médicas de la Facultad “Agostino Gemelli” de Medicina de la Universidad Católica del Sacro Cuore en Roma (Italia). El caso clínico se refiere a los dilemas éticos sobre las perspectivas del paciente para recibir un trasplante hepático ortotópico porque no era residente del país y carecía de un cuidador para asistirlo durante el periodo de seguimiento, así como de un lugar para quedarse después de la cirugía.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7  The contribution describes a case report addressed in 2011 by the clinical ethics consultation service team of the Institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the “Agostino Gemelli” School of Medicine of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Italy). The clinical case regards ethical dilemmas about the patient’s prospects for receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, because she was a non-resident and lacked a caregiver to assist her during the follow-up period, as well as a place to stay after liver transplant surgery.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7

    “Centralizar-se na prática”: ética clínica de consulta num caso de transplante hepático ortotópico

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    The contribution describes a case report addressed in 2011 by the clinical ethics consultation service team of the Institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the “Agostino Gemelli” School of Medicine of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Italy). The clinical case regards ethical dilemmas about the patient’s prospects for receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, because she was a non-resident and lacked a caregiver to assist her during the follow-up period, as well as a place to stay after liver transplant surgery.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7 El artículo presenta un caso clínico, dirigido en el año 2011 por el equipo de servicio de consulta ética clínica del Instituto de Bioética y Humanidades Médicas de la Facultad “Agostino Gemelli” de Medicina de la Universidad Católica del Sacro Cuore en Roma (Italia). El caso clínico se refiere a los dilemas éticos sobre las perspectivas del paciente para recibir un trasplante hepático ortotópico porque no era residente del país y carecía de un cuidador para asistirlo durante el periodo de seguimiento, así como de un lugar para quedarse después de la cirugía.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7  Este artigo apresenta um caso clínico dirigido em 2011 pela equipe de serviço de consulta ética clínica do Instituto de Bioética e Humanidades Médicas da Faculdade de Medicina Agostino Gemelli, da Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Roma, Itália). O caso clínico se refere aos dilemas éticos sobre as perspectivas da paciente para receber um transplante hepático ortotópico porque não era residente do país, carecia de um cuidador para assisti-la durante o período de observação e de um lugar para ficar depois da respectiva cirurgia.DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2016.20.1.7


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    7 páginasEl artículo presenta un caso clínico, dirigido en el año 2011 por el equipo de servicio de consulta ética clínica del Instituto de Bioética y Humanidades Médicas de la Facultad "Agostino Gemelli" de Medicina de la Universidad Católica del Sacro Cuore en Roma (Italia). El caso clínico se refiere a los dilemas éticos sobre las perspectivas del paciente para recibir un trasplante hepático ortotópico porque no era residente del país y carecía de un cuidador para asistirlo durante el periodo de seguimiento, así como de un lugar para quedarse después de la cirugía.The contribution describes a case report addressed in 2011 by the clinical ethics consultation service team of the Institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the "Agostino Gemelli" School of Medicine of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Italy). The clinical case regards ethical dilemmas about the patient's prospects for receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, because she was a non-resident and lacked a caregiver to assist her during the follow-up period, as well as a place to stay after liver transplant surgery

    The most relevant dilemmas regarding human life in U.S

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    In this scientific contribution we have, initially, retrace the historical born of bio-politic term and its relationship between it bio-politic and bioethics. The really objective of this publication is to highline the most relevant dilemmas relating human life politics in the United State during last years in the Obama\u2019s mandate. During overview of the different U.S. politics that involving into the human life issues we paid attention to the last one most important heath care reform of the President Obama which bring United States to signed in 2010 the Affordable Care Act (ACA) \u2013 called Obamacare. Many are the ethical and bio-legal dilemmas that have come out of this new heath care reform. We had tried to retrace here the most relevant controversies. After examination of U.S. politics on human life \u2013 in the light of ontologically founded personalist \u2013 we have a strong conviction in the strength of the equal dignity of every human being from his or her fertilization at conception to their natural death. This conviction enlightens hope for our work and brightens our overlook to the future

    The human rights to life and conscience and resolving conflicts of human rights

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    The authors raise the question of what should be done when legally recognized human rights come into conflict. This serious problem is further complicated by a lack of consensus concerning prioritization among human rights. Nevertheless, the authors believe that a solid legal and ethical case can be made that the right to life should trump other human rights claims, particularly in its negative version. It is in fact, logically and chronologically the most basic human right. The authors believe that there is a strong logic to prioritizing the three generations of human rights as generally more important to less so. Viewing the problem of conscience rights in healthcare settings through the prism of conflicting rights and attempting to determine which rights should prevail is also a helpful exercise. The authors concur with the generally high position that the human right of conscience of healthcare professionals has been granted in most legislation and court decisions on the issue

    Centrarse en la práctica”: ética clínica de consulta en un caso de trasplante hepático ortotópico

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    El artículo presenta un caso clínico, dirigido en el año 2011 por el equipo de servicio de consulta ética clínica del Instituto de Bioética y Humanidades Médicas de la Facultad “Agostino Gemelli” de Medicina de la Universidad Católica del Sacro Cuore en Roma (Italia). El caso clínico se refiere a los dilemas éticos sobre las perspectivas del paciente para recibir un trasplante hepático ortotópico porque no era residente del país y carecía de un cuidador para asistirlo durante el periodo de seguimiento, así como de un lugar para quedarse después de la cirugía