284 research outputs found

    Supervision of Maori doctoral students: A descriptive report

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    This report follows up a previous paper that outlined the goals and plans of a research project that focused on both theoretical and cultural questions regarding the supervisory process for Māori doctoral students (McKinley, Grant, Middleton, Irwin, & Williams, 2007). The major goal of the project is to enhance understanding of the teaching and learning process of supervision for students and supervisors, particularly around issues of culture that arise in research methodologies and practices. This paper reports on the completed project by providing further operational background, design features, the nature of the student and supervisor samples and a summary of interview findings. The results show that there are indeed distinctive issues arising within the supervision of Māori doctoral students. Some of these are to do with both pleasures and challenges found in the supervision relationship, while others relate to the kinds of projects the students undertake. Many projects for example, push at the disciplinary boundaries of Western knowledge and are often rooted in a political desire to enhance the everyday lives of Māori. Yet others are connected to identity formation processes that concern many Māori during their years as doctoral students. A central message for supervisors from this work is that the supervision of Māori doctoral students may require unfamiliar forms of engagement but that these are likely to be deeply rewarding in many different ways

    The impact of childhood disability on family life

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    This is the second report of a study funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that explored the costs to parents of bringing up a child with a severe disability. The first report, Paying to Care(Dobson and Middleton, 1998), described a minimum budget standard, which is the minimum amount that parents believed to be necessary to bring up a child with severe disabilities. This report describes the actual spending patterns of parents on 182 children with severe disabilities, and presents a detailed examination of how much parents actually spend on bringing up a severely disabled child. Fieldwork was conducted during 1997–98 and so all figures presented have been up-rated to 2000 by the Retail Price Index

    Battle : cambio desde adentro (2014)

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    "Curriculum de la guia de observacion.""Este documental es sobre el educador Eliot Battle y el papel fundamental que jugo en la desegregacion de las escuelas, barrios residenciales y en la comunidad en general de Columbia, Missouri. Battle promovio estos cambios a traves de la via pacifica, pese a que tuvo que enfrentarse en muchas ocasiones a la resistencia a sus ideas, tanto en las comunidades negras y blancas. Se caracterizo por su comportamiento calmado y su trabajo dedicado dentro de las instituciones y sistemas locales, en los que tendio puentes de entendimiento y tolerancia entre ambas razas, lo cual conllevo a impulsar cambios para que Columbia fuera mejor."New 7/14/Web only

    Battle : change from within, curriculum viewing guide - community (2012)

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    "Community.""Curriculum viewing guide.""This documentary is about educator Eliot Battle and the pivotal role he played in desegregating schools, housing and the Columbia community. As Battle facilitated changes with quiet resolve, he faced resistance from both the black and white communities. His calm demeanor and dedicated work within existing institutions and systems allowed him to bridge the gap between the two races and change Columbia for the better.

    Battle : change from within, curriculum viewing guide - schools (2012)

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    "Schools.""Curriculum viewing guide.""This documentary is about educator Eliot Battle and the pivotal role he played in desegregating schools, housing and the Columbia community. As Battle facilitated changes with quiet resolve, he faced resistance from both the black and white communities. His calm demeanor and dedicated work within existing institutions and systems allowed him to bridge the gap between the two races and change Columbia for the better.

    Battle : change from within, curriculum viewing guide - 4-H (2012)

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    "4-H.""Curriculum viewing guide.""This documentary is about educator Eliot Battle and the pivotal role he played in desegregating schools, housing and the Columbia community. As Battle facilitated changes with quiet resolve, he faced resistance from both the black and white communities. His calm demeanor and dedicated work within existing institutions and systems allowed him to bridge the gap between the two races and change Columbia for the better.

    Battle : change from within, curriculum viewing guide (2014)

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    "Curriculum viewing guide.""This documentary is about educator Eliot Battle and the pivotal role he played in desegregating schools, housing and the Columbia community. As Battle facilitated changes with quiet resolve, he faced resistance from both the black and white communities. His calm demeanor and dedicated work within existing institutions and systems allowed him to bridge the gap between the two races and change Columbia for the better."New 6/14/150

    Advancing Administrative Supports for Research Development

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    Research intensive universities have raised the bar for all academic units, expecting them to increase research grants and contracts to support knowledge creation and scholarship. Similarly, performance requirements for faculty have changed, with annual reviews and tenure and promotion decisions weighting obtaining grants along with publication of scholarly products, teaching effectiveness, and service to the school, university and community. These expectations compel Deans and Directors of schools of social work to undertake new roles related to research development and administrative capacity building in order to help faculty and their units succeed. Social work schools and departments must stay or become strategically positioned in their university or college, even as the context for research development has been dramatically altered as colleges and universities invest in the nanosciences or bio- technology rather than the social sciences. A 4billionnanoscienceoperationdwarfsthe4 billion nanoscience operation dwarfs the 20 million that a robust research enterprise that a few schools of social work enjoy. This paper highlights some of the opportunities, barriers, challenges, as well as stepping stones to success in the process of building research supports and infrastructures. Drawing upon presentations at recent meetings of the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work (NADD) that have been organized by the Institute of Social Work Research (IASWR), we feature several examples of approaches advancing supports for research development. Brief scenarios illustrating efforts underway at several schools depict challenging and often rewarding research capacity building endeavors. This paper presents the perspective of several Deans and Directors in the development of administrative research supports. The paper also features one model for a supportive research administration structure in the pre- and post-award environment