102 research outputs found

    Review on Additive Manufacturing of Catalysts and Sorbents and the Potential for Process Intensification

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    Additive manufacturing of catalyst and sorbent materials promises to unlock large design freedom in the structuring of these materials, and could be used to locally tune porosity, shape and resulting parameters throughout the reactor along both the axial and transverse coordinates. This contrasts catalyst structuring by conventional methods, which yields either very dense randomly packed beds or very open cellular structures. Different 3D-printing processes for catalytic and sorbent materials exist, and the selection of an appropriate process, taking into account compatible materials, porosity and resolution, may indeed enable unbounded options for geometries. In this review, recent efforts in the field of 3D-printing of catalyst and sorbent materials are discussed. It will be argued that these efforts, whilst promising, do not yet exploit the full potential of the technology, since most studies considered small structures that are very similar to structures that can be produced through conventional methods. In addition, these studies are mostly motivated by chemical and material considerations within the printing process, without explicitly striving for process intensification. To enable value-added application of 3D-printing in the chemical process industries, three crucial requirements for increased process intensification potential will be set out: i) the production of mechanically stable structures without binders; ii) the introduction of local variations throughout the structure; and iii) the use of multiple materials within one printed structure.</p

    Історія становлення міжнародного суду ООН

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    Досліджується історія розвитку міжнародного правосуддя та діяльності інституту судової системи на міжнародному рівні, особливості становлення Міжнародного Суду ООН та його попередниці Постійної Палати міжнародного правосуддя в рамках Ліги Націй.Исследуется история развития международного правосудия и деятельности института судебной системы на международном уровне, особенности становления Международного Суда ООН и его предшественника Постоянной Палаты международного правосудия в рамках Лиги Наций.In the article author explores the history of international justice and the judicial system of the institute on the international level.Feature of theformation International Court of Justice and its predecessor the Permanent Court of International Justice by the League of Nations

    Assessing lithological uncertainty in dikes: Simulating construction history and its implications for flood safety assessment

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    Dikes often have a long history of reinforcement, with each reinforcement adding new material resulting in a heterogeneous dike. As data on the dike internal heterogeneity is sparse, it is generally overlooked in the stability assessment of dikes. We present an object-based and process-based model simulating dike construction history on archeological dike cross, yielding similar patterns of heterogeneity as observed in real dikes, and apply it in a dike safety assessment. Model predictions improve when being based on more accurate statistics of dike buildup, or when being conditioned to ground truth data. When incorporated in a dike stability assessment, multiple model runs can be coupled to hydrological simulations and dike slope stability calculations, resulting in a probabilistic stability assessment considering internal dike heterogeneity. While high-resolution observations are still sparse, good model accuracies can be reached by combining regional information on dike buildup with local point observations and this model provides a parsimonious basis to include information of internal dike heterogeneity in safety assessments

    Українська шляхта між польським та українським етносами

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    Appearance and existence of the Ukrainian gentry relates to the traditions of Polish political culture, so during the whole period of its life it was between the Ukrainian and the Polish ethnic groups. Polanisation of the Ukrainian gentry begins at the date when some of the Ukrainian territories become a part of Poland and strengthens after Cossack revolution in the middle and at the end of the 16th century. Especially this process becomes effective at the beginning of the 18th century when a great part of gentry from other Polish lands migrates to Pravoberezhia (right-banked Ukraine). Nevertheless, having captured upper class and partially middle class of the Ukrainian gentry, polanisation mainly influenced consciousness and less religion of the lower class of the Ukrainian gentry. As for ethnoculture and language local gentry was mostly Ukrainian and it assimilated numerous Polish gentlemen-immigrants

    The influence of subsurface architecture on scour hole formation in the Rhine–Meuse delta, the Netherlands

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    Scour holes are common features in deltaic rivers which can destabilise embankments through oversteepening of the river bed. Their development has been studied extensively from the hydraulic perspective, but another important control is the erodibility of the river bed which varies considerably due to thickening of heterogeneous deltaic substrate towards the coast. Therefore, we assessed the influence of delta-scale geological heterogeneity and local subsurface architecture on scour hole formation in addition to the hydrodynamic controls. We (1) created an inventory of 165 scour hole locations in the Rhine–Meuse delta, (2) assessed the hydrodynamic conditions at the locations, (3) extracted geometric characteristics and (4) determined the subsurface architecture from geological data. Central and lower delta branches have 0.6–0.7 scours per km while upper delta branches have less than 0.2. Downstream, 58% of scour holes were related to architectural elements, notably sand bodies from former Holocene channel belts and Early Holocene cohesive beds. These scours have steeper slopes due to higher proportions of cohesive sediments near the river bed. Furthermore, scours related to channel belt sand bodies are limited in downstream length and depth, up to maximum of approximately two times the water depth. From our results, we provide a delta-scale explanatory framework that relates the position of present-day river channels with respect to Pleistocene river deposits and Holocene fluvio-deltaic deposits to scour hole formation. Upstream rivers are incised in Pleistocene deposits showing less local variation in erodibility. The majority of scour holes here relate to engineering works. In central and lower delta branches, geologically inherited heterogeneity of the Holocene substrate at critical depths near the channel bottom adds to anthropogenic induced scours and results in high abundances. This demonstrates that downstream variation in subsurface architecture should be considered as a key control on scour locations and characteristics for management purposes

    Perturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation Torques

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    Perturbed rotations of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of perturbation torques slowly varying in time are investigated. Conditions are presented for the possibility of averaging the equations of motion with respect to the nutation angle and the averaged system of equations of motion is obtained. In the case of the rotational motion of the body in the linear-dissipative medium the numerical integration of the averaged system of equations is conducted

    Sedimentation-enhancing strategies for sustainable deltas: An integrated socio-biophysical framework

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    Coastal river deltas, home to hundreds of millions of people due to their abundant natural resources, face intense internal and external pressure from human activities, which threaten to degrade essential systems vital to delta functioning. A key biophysical challenge for deltas is relative sea level rise, which enhances salinity intrusion, flooding, and land loss. Although sedimentation-enhancing strategies (SESs) that use natural delta processes to encourage land building to counter relative sea level rise are considered a potential solution, a comprehensive understanding of the extent to which SESs can be successfully deployed to enhance resilience is lacking. Here we demonstrate how diverse biophysical and societal conditions impose multidimensional challenges in the implementation of SESs before proposing transdisciplinary solutions that integrate knowledge and expertise across science, government, and local communities to advance effective and participatory opportunities for successful SESs. The insights offered here can transform delta management for long-term sustainability

    Individual patient data meta-analysis of trials investigating the effectiveness of intra-articular glucocorticoid injections in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis

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    Based on small to moderate effect sizes for the wide range of symptomatic treatments in osteoarthritis (OA), and on the heterogeneity of OA patients, treatment guidelines for OA have stressed the need for research on clinical predictors of response to different treatments. A meta-analysis to quantify the effect modified by the predictors using individual patient data (IPD) is suggested. The initiative to collect and analyze IPD in OA research is commenced by the OA Trial Bank. The study aims are therefore: to evaluate the efficacy of intra-articular glucocorticoids for knee or hip OA in specific subgroups of patients with severe pain and (mild) inflammatory signs, over both short-term and long-term follow-up, using IPD from existing studies; to reach consensus on the rules for cooperation in a consortium; and to develop and explore the methodological issues of meta-analysis with individual OA patient data. For the current IPD analysis we will collect and synthesize IPD from randomized trials studying the effect of intra-articular glucocorticoid injections in patients with hip or knee OA. Subgroup analyses will be performed for the primary outcome of pain at both short-term and long-term follow-up, in the subgroups of patients with and without severe pain and with and without inflammatory signs. This study protocol includes the first study of the OA Trial Bank, an international collaboration that initiates meta-analyses on predefined subgroups of OA patients from existing literature. This approach ensures a widely supported initiative and is therefore likely to be successful in data collection of existing trials. The collaboration developed (that is, the OA Trial Bank) may also lead to future IPD analyses on subgroups of patients with several intervention strategies applied in OA patients

    The OA Trial Bank: Meta-analysis of individual patient data from knee and hip osteoarthritis trials show that patients with severe pain exhibit greater benefit from intra-articular glucocorticoids

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of intra-articular (IA) glucocorticoids for knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA) in specific subgroups of patients with severe pain and inflammatory signs using individual patient data (IPD) from existing trials. Design: Randomized trials evaluating one or more IA glucocorticoid preparation in patients with knee or hip OA, published from 1995 up to June 2012 were selected from the literature. IPD obtained from original trials included patient and disease characteristics and outcomes measured. The primary outcome was pain severity at short-term follow-up (up to 4 weeks). The subgroup factors assessed included severe pain (≥70 points, 0-100 scale) and signs of inflammation (dichotomized in present or not) at baseline. Multilevel regression analyses were applied to estimate the magnitude of the effects in the subgroups with the individuals nested within each study. Results: Seven out of 43 published randomized clinical trials (n = 620) were included. Patients with severe baseline pain had a significantly larger reduction in short-term pain, but not in mid- and long-term pain, compared to those with less severe pain at baseline (Mean Difference 13.91; 95% Confidence Interval 1.50-26.31) when receiving IA glucocorticoid injection compared to placebo. No statistical significant interaction effects were found between inflammatory signs and IA glucocorticoid injections compared to placebo and to tidal irrigation at all follow-up points. Conclusions: This IPD meta-analysis demonstrates that patients with severe knee pain at baseline derive more benefit from IA glucocorticoid injection at short-term follow-up than those with less severe pain at baseline