8 research outputs found

    Floral Biology, Melittophily And Influence Of Curculionid Beetles On The Reproductive Success Of Grobya Amherstiae Lindl. (orchidaceae: Cyrtopodiinae) [biologia Floral, Melitofilia E Influência De Besouros Curculionidae No Sucesso Reprodutivo De Grobya Amherstiae Lindl. (orchidaceae: Cyrtopodiinae)]

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    The phenology, floral morphology, pollination mechanisms and reproductive biology of Grobya amherstiae Lindl. were studied in two populations located in altitudinal forests at Serra do Japi, Jundiaí, São Paulo State, Brazil. The flowering occurs in summer and lasts about one month (part of February and March). The flowers of an inflorescence open almost simultaneously, in the morning, and each lasts about seven to eight days. The flowers release a honey-like fragrance. At both populations G. amherstiae was pollinated by Paratetrapedia fervida Smith (Anthophoridae) bees, which collect floral oils produced by trichomatic elaiophores at the apex of the lip and the column basis. At one of the populations, besides bees individuals of a Curculionid beetle of the genus Montella were recorded, which perform selfpollination on the majority of the flowers. Grobya amherstiae is self-compatible but pollinator dependent. The females of Montella sp. oviposit in the ovary and their larvae consume the seeds. However, the number of fruits parasitized by the larvae is low when compared with the amount of fruits produced. 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    Plantas, polinizadores e algumas articulações da biologia da polinização com a teoria ecológica

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