22 research outputs found

    Solving Delivery Problems in Distribution Systems

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    The subject matter of this article is the optimization of delivery problems (Vehicle Routing Problems – VRP) with regard to distribution systems. These issues belong to the class of NP-hard problems. Current solutions to various delivery problems (VRP, TSP, MTSP, VRPTW, RDPTW) were analysed. Two examples were presented. In a transport and production task, a marginal cost equalling (MCE) algorithm was used. In the case of a Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP), an evolutionary algorithm was used


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    The customer market is becoming more and more demanding. Customers want to have influence on the final shape, form, functionality and characteristics of the product. As a result, entrepreneurs are forced to abandon the Make-to-Stock system in favour of the MTO (Make-to-Order) concept, with the purpose of not only meeting the customer’s needs but also, for example, reducing the costs by manufacturing exactly the number of products which is currently demanded on the market. The article describes an example of a production task performed in the cellular structure. The customer required a substantial and abrupt increase (by 65%) of the production task. In order to tackle the problem, logistics engineering and lean manufacturing methods were applied. Having regard to the Industry 4.0 perspective, a concept of automated work cells was presented in order to minimise the role of the operator


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    In the systemic approach, each enterprise, (production, transport, commercial) is a complex system of objects and relations between these objects, as well as between the system and its surrounding. As a result of the multitude of variables and indicators of the company's performance assessment, the methods of formalizing the existing relationships are still being sought. Logistics engineering is the field of knowledge which, through the integration of many processes, enables finding practical solutions. It is a rarely used term in Poland,  meanwhile, for example in the USA, logistics engineering, using mathematical methods, learning achievements is a commonly used tool, supporting business operations. The article presents primary tasks and possibilities of logistics engineering

    Verification of the modernized technological process through TPM indicators

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    Abstract Storage of zinc wastes is associated with a high risk of environmental pollution. The way to manage the problem is using  the waste materials in the transition process, the final product of which is the zinc oxide concentrate. Transition process is technologically complex and every failure to the discipline results in a large number of unscheduled stops. Such an issue was encountered by B. Recycling. An update of environmental regulations has forced a comprehensive modernization of the technology lines used. Implementation of new solutions brought the necessity of examination and evaluation of the effectiveness of the process. In the paper the analysis conducted for this purpose are described. The elements of TPM method were selected as the test method. The OEE, MTBF and MTTR values for the individual process lines and additionally for the most problematic subassemblies were determined basing on the research and collected data

    Logistics Engineering to Improve the Productivity Indicators

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    In the systemic approach, a production company is a complex system of objects and relations between the objects, as well as between the system and its surroundings. The large number of variables and company performance assessment indicators result in the constant search for the methods of formalising the mutual dependencies. The discipline which, through the integration of multiple processes, enables the discovery of practical solutions is logistics engineering. In Poland, the term is not very common, while in the USA (for example), logistics engineering – taking advantage of mathematical methods and cutting edge science, is a widely used tool supporting the everyday business activities of companies. The article describes primary tasks of logistics engineering in relation to production companies. Furthermore, original algorithms for the improvements of company productivity are presented

    Logistics engineering and industry 4.0 and digital factory

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    The number of IT systems and technologies supporting various processes, including the manufacturing, has been growing in recent years. Various versions of integrated ERP-class systems are known. At the same time, we are in the fourth industrial revolution. The future is Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory. Industry 4.0 is an overall term for technical innovations and value change organization concepts which revolutionize the industrial production. Currently, the digital technologies change the way production is carried out by generating, transferring and processing of data, and also by analysing large amounts of datasets. There is a problem of the place and significance of logistics, transport and supply chains in the fourth industrial revolution. What is logistics engineering, what methods are suggested to solve the contemporary problems of logistic support of production processes? To whom are the virtual systems dedicated? What rules should be applied by small and medium enterprises (SME)? Is the pressure of virtual world a threat to such companies? Is it possible to design and make real products without virtual manufacturing? Hence, does Logistics 4.0 exist and where is it used? The practice of logistics engineering is applied during the entire system lifecycle by means of interactive processes supporting the analyses and research (compromise) for optimization of costs, logistics and efficiency. Surely, it can be said that without the correctly designed and effective logistic processes the contemporary production system could not achieve the required productivity and effectiveness. The article describes the basic tasks of logistics engineering in relation to production companies, as well as relations with Industry 4.0. and digital factory. Moreover, a proposal of the author’s own algorithms for use in the quest to improve the continuity of flow and of enterprise effectiveness for SME class companies was presented

    Solving Delivery Problems in Distribution Systems

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    The subject matter of this article is the optimization of delivery problems (Vehicle Routing Problems – VRP) with regard to distribution systems. These issues belong to the class of NP-hard problems. Current solutions to various delivery problems (VRP, TSP, MTSP, VRPTW, RDPTW) were analysed. Two examples were presented. In a transport and production task, a marginal cost equalling (MCE) algorithm was used. In the case of a Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP), an evolutionary algorithm was used

    Assessment of the modernized production system through selected TPM method indicators

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    The subject of the studies is the evaluation of the operation of a production system after modernization. The analysed case concerns the modernization forced by the end of the product lifetime. The proposed methodology is that of a multicriterial evaluation of the system operation after modernization. The evaluation criteria are selected TPM indices: availability of machinery and equipment, production process capacity, product quality and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The additional criteria are reliability indices MTBF and MTTR of studied production lines and the MTTR of the most unreliable equipment in each analysed line. A yearly monitoring of production process was proposed for obtaining the statistical credibility of the evaluation results. Additionally, a fuzzy indicator of acceptability of the modernization assessment was proposed. The paper presents the results of studies of the system for production of zinc concentrate from post-production waste. The obtained values of OEE, MTBF and MTTR indicators for the three tested lines make it possible to state that the modernization carried out is acceptable

    Logistyka zaopatrzenia huty w wybrane surowce The logistics delivery for steel plants /

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr., s. 140.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule przedstawiono problemy zaopatrywania huty stali w podstawowe surowce. Materiały dostarczane są na składowiska huty od dostawców z Brazylii, Ukrainy, Rosji, a także od dostawców krajowych. Problem dotyczy odpowiedniej organizacji dostaw, ich wyboru, prognozowania dostaw oraz prognozowania zapasów. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: logistyka zaopatrzenia, wybór dostawcy, prognozowanie dostaw, zapasy. ABSTRACT: In the paper presents problems of basic materials' delivery to an exemplary Polish steel plant. The materials have been delivered to Mital Steel Poland Plant's storage from Brasil, Ukraine, Russia and Poland. The problems concern delivery organization, selection of contractors and delivery and reserves prognosis. KEYWORDS: logistics delivery, chois of supplier, forecasting delivery, reserves

    Logistyka a teoria systemów

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 462.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: Obserwowany od lat rozwój logistyki zmierza do zbudowania teorii logistyki. Dyskutowana jest jej naukowość. Dla wielu autorów nie ulega wątpliwości, że teoria logistyki powinna być osadzona w teorii systemów. Na tym tle pojawia się jednak wiele sformułowań i określeń odbiegających od uznanych i powszechnie przyjmowanych terminów i definicji. Zamierzeniem autora jest uporządkowanie i usystematyzowanie związków logistyki i systemów. Efektem podsumowującym rozważania jest koncepcja systemu logistycznego. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: logistyka, teoria systemów, system logistyczny. ABSTRACT: The development observed for years of the logistics aims at building the theory of the logistics. For her a scientific nature is being discussed. For many authors there is no doubt that the theory of the logistics should be settled in the systems theory. Against this background however many expressions of both expressions running away from recognized and universally accepted dates and the definition appear. Tidying up and systematizing connections of the logistics and systems is planning the author. A conception is an effect recapitulating discussions of logistic system. KEYWORDS: logistics, systems theory, logistic system