295 research outputs found

    The Vanishing Goddess: A Transformation of Symbolic National Image in Imperial Japan

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    Art and Design Research for the Future: Innovation and Art & Design ; September 26, 2017Conference: Tsukuba Global Science Week 2017Date: September 25-27, 2017Venue: Tsukuba International Congress CenterSponsored: University of Tsukub

    〈研究ノート〉The International Society of Sculptors Painters & Gravers と日本人芸術家 : 1910年代の展覧会目録にみる在英日本人画家の出品とネットワーク

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    Sustained Elongation of Sperm Tail Promoted by Local Remodeling of Giant Mitochondria in Drosophila

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    SummaryBackgroundSperm length in Drosophilidae varies from a few hundred microns to 6 cm as a result of evolutionary selection. In postcopulatory competition, longer sperm have an advantage in positioning their head closer to the egg. Sperm cell elongation can proceed in the absence of an axoneme, suggesting that a mechanism besides intraflagellar transport emerged to sustain it.ResultsHere we report that sperm elongation in Drosophila melanogaster is driven by the interdependent extension of giant mitochondria and microtubule array that is formed around the mitochondrial surface. In primary cultures of elongating spermatids, we demonstrated that the mitochondrial integrity and local dynamics of microtubules at the tail tip region are essential for uniaxial elongation of the sperm tail. Mitochondria-microtubule linker protein Milton accumulated on mitochondria near the tail tip and is required for the sliding movement of microtubules. Disruption of Milton and its associated protein dMiro, and of potential microtubule crosslinkers Nebbish and Fascetto, caused strong elongation defects, indicating that mitochondria-microtubule association and microtubule crosslinking are required for spermatid tail elongation.ConclusionsMitochondria play unexpected roles in sperm tail elongation in Drosophila by providing a structural platform for microtubule reorganization to support the robust elongation taking place at the tip of the very long sperm tail. The identification of mitochondria as an organizer of cytoskeletal dynamics extends our understanding of mechanisms of cell morphogenesis

    Sectoral Issues and the Multilateral Framework for Trade in Services: An Overview

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    summary Increased opportunity for developing countries to expand trade in services is one objective of attempts to liberalise trade in services. However, efforts in this direction are continually impeded by the specificity required in trying to effect a workable multilateral framework, The heterogeneity of the services sector does not lend itself to an easily negotiable framework. This article addresses two major issues on this topic: (i) the market structure of trade in services and the basis of comparative advantage of developed countries; (ii) the desirability of a multilateral negotiating framework which takes into account the strategic importance of particular service sectors to growth and development and the present state of international trade and draft segments of the set. Résumé Vue d'ensemble sur les problèmes de secteurs et le cadre multilatéral pour les industries de services L'augmentation des possibilités pour les pays en voie de développement d'élargir le commerce des industries de services constitute l'objectif des tentatives de libéralisation du commerce des industries de services. Cependant, les efforts allant dans cette direction sont continuellement entravés par le besoin d'indications précises que demande la réalisation d'une structure multilatérale. L'hétérogénéité du secteur des services ne se prête pas à la formation d'une structure aisément négotiable. Cet article aborde deux problèmes principaux liés à ce thàme: 1) La structure du marché des industries de services et les conditions des avantages reliatifs des pavs developpés 2) L'avantage d'une structure multilatérale de négotiations, qui tient compte de l'importance stratégique de certains secteurs des services pour le développement, et de l'état actuel du commerce international et des segments sommaires de l'ensemble. Resumen Una revisión de los problemas sectoriales y el marco multilateral para el comercio de servicios Uno de los objetivos de los intentos de los países en desarrollo de liberalizar el comercio de los servicios es mejorar sus oportunidades en este rubro. No obstante, la especificidad requerida para establecer un marco multilateral viable conspira constantemente en contra de los esfuerzos que se despliegan en este sentido. La heterogeneidad del sector servicios, por si misma, no se presta fácilmente para un marco negociable. Este artículo enfoca dos problemas básicos en este tópico: i) la estructura de mercado del comercio de servicios y la base de las ventajas comparativas de los países en desarrollo. ii) la conveniencia de un marco multilateral negociable que considere la importancia estratégica de determinados sectores de servicios y, segmentos de éste en el crecimiento y desarrollo y el estado actual del comercio internacional

    C. elegans Germ Cells Switch between Distinct Modes of Double-Strand Break Repair During Meiotic Prophase Progression

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    Chromosome inheritance during sexual reproduction relies on deliberate induction of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) and repair of a subset of these breaks as interhomolog crossovers (COs). Here we provide a direct demonstration, based on our analysis of rad-50 mutants, that the meiotic program in Caenorhabditis elegans involves both acquisition and loss of a specialized mode of double-strand break repair (DSBR). In premeiotic germ cells, RAD-50 is not required to load strand-exchange protein RAD-51 at sites of spontaneous or ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DSBs. A specialized meiotic DSBR mode is engaged at the onset of meiotic prophase, coincident with assembly of meiotic chromosome axis structures. This meiotic DSBR mode is characterized both by dependence on RAD-50 for rapid accumulation of RAD-51 at DSB sites and by competence for converting DSBs into interhomolog COs. At the mid-pachytene to late pachytene transition, germ cells undergo an abrupt release from the meiotic DSBR mode, characterized by reversion to RAD-50-independent loading of RAD-51 and loss of competence to convert DSBs into interhomolog COs. This transition in DSBR mode is dependent on MAP kinase-triggered prophase progression and coincides temporally with a major remodeling of chromosome architecture. We propose that at least two developmentally programmed switches in DSBR mode, likely conferred by changes in chromosome architecture, operate in the C. elegans germ line to allow formation of meiotic crossovers without jeopardizing genomic integrity. Our data further suggest that meiotic cohesin component REC-8 may play a role in limiting the activity of SPO-11 in generating meiotic DSBs and that RAD-50 may function in counteracting this inhibition


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    1910年日英博覧会と内務省 : 明治期の博覧会における省庁の役割をめぐって

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    2015年臺日五大學藝術史研究生交流研討會 会期:2015年12月12日 午前9時~午後5時 会場:国立台湾師範大学教育学院大楼202国際会議庁(付記)本研究は2014(平成26)年度、2015(平成27)年度科学研究費・特別研究員奨励費による研究成果の一部である。著作権保護のため、すべての掲載図版に墨消し処理を施しています

    〈研究交流会〉2019年日台五大学大学院生美術史研究交流会 参加報告

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    会期 : 2019 年12 ⽉22 ⽇ 午前10 時〜午後5 時会場 : 九州⼤学 伊都キャンパス(イーストゾーン ⼤講義室Ⅰ