42 research outputs found

    Роль тексту в діалектологічних дослідженнях (на прикладі зразків польського живого мовлення)

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    The integration of digital technology into secondary mathematics education is not yet a widespread success. As teachers are crucial players in this integration, an important challenge is not only to attract early adopters, but also to support mid-adopting teachers in their professional development on this point. The questions addressed in this Chapter are: which practices such mid-adopting teachers develop when starting to use technology in their mathematics classroom; and how these practices change over time while engaging in a project with colleagues and researchers. To answer these questions, theoretical notions of instrumental orchestration, TPACK and community of practice underpin the case study of two mathematics teachers from a group of twelve, who engaged in a project on technology-rich teaching. The data includes lesson observations, blogs and results from questionnaires. The results show the type of teaching practices the teachers develop and the changes in these practices. Even if these changes are modest and the impact of the community is limited, the teachers clearly became more confident in integrating technology in their teaching

    The effect of online tasks for algebra on student achievement in grade 8

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    Online resources are widely used for educational purposes, such as the training of skills. For algebra education in particular, online resources are expected to contribute to skill mastery in an efficient and effective way. However, studies that underpin these claims through a randomized experiment are scarce. To experimentally investigate the effect of online tasks for algebra, sixteen teachers each taught two grade 8 algebra classes, one randomly assigned traditional teaching and the other using an online algebra environment. In total, 842 students took part in a pretest, two posttests, and a retention test. Results show that the experimental group scored slightly below the control group on these tests. The main factors involved are students' pretest scores and the schools' experience with ICT. Possible explanations include a spill-over effect and a more superficial type of learning than expected in the experimental condition. These results do not confirm the hypotheses on the effectiveness of using online resources for algebra

    Tool use and the development of the function concept : from repeated calculations to functional thinking

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    The concept of function is a central but difficult topic in secondary school mathematics curricula, which encompasses a transition from an operational to a structural view. The question in this paper is how the use of computer tools may foster this transition. With domain-specific pedagogical knowledge on the learning of function as a point of departure and the notions of emergent modeling and instrumentation as design heuristics, a potentially rich technology-intensive learning arrangement for grade 8 students was designed and field-tested. The results suggest that the relationship between tool use and conceptual development benefits from preliminary activities, from tools offering representations that allow for progressively increasing levels of reasoning, and from intertwinement with paper-and-pencil work

    Isotope Fractionation in Biogas Allows Direct Microbial Community Stability Monitoring in Anaerobic Digestion

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    Process monitoring of anaerobic digestion is typically based on operational parameters, such as pH and volatile fatty acid concentration, that are lagging on actual microbial community performance. In this study, <sup>13</sup>C isotope fractionation in CH<sub>4</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> in the biogas was used to monitor process stability of anaerobic digestion in response to salt stress. A gradual and pulsed increase in salt concentration resulted in a decrease in methane production. No clear shift in δ<sup>13</sup>CH<sub>4</sub> was observed in response to the gradual increase in salt concentration, and δ<sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> of the biogas showed only a clear shift after process failure, compared with the control. In contrast, both δ<sup>13</sup>CH<sub>4</sub> and δ<sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> in the biogas changed in response to the pulsed increase in salt concentration. This change preceded the decrease in methane production. A significantly different bacterial and archaeal community profile was observed between the DNA and RNA level, which was also reflected in a different relation with the δ<sup>13</sup>CH<sub>4</sub> and δ<sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> values. This shows that isotope fractionation in the biogas can predict process stability in anaerobic digestion, as it directly reflects shifts in the total and active microbial community, yet, due to its temporal character, further validation is needed