175 research outputs found

    Marktpotentiale fĂĽr bayerische Ă–ko-Verarbeitungskartoffeln

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    Die Potenziale von Wertschöpfungsketten für Verarbeitungsprodukte aus bayerischen Bio-Kartoffeln werden durch Experteninterviews auf Erzeuger-, Verarbeiter- und Handelsebene analysiert. Die Kartoffelanbauflächen je Betrieb der bayerischen Landwirte sind relativ klein. Vor allem wegen der im Vergleich zu Veredlungskartoffeln deutlich höheren Preise konzentrieren sich die Anbauer daher auf Frischware. Für die Verarbeiter sind Investitionen in notwendige zusätzliche Anlagen oder das häufige aufwändige Umrüsten von konventioneller auf ökologische Ware kostenintensiv. Auch sind die Vermarktungskanäle bereits von Anbietern außerhalb Bayerns besetzt. Für Bayern wird empfohlen, Erzeugergemeinschaften zu gründen, um Anlagen längerfristig sicherer auszulasten. Pilotprojekte in den Öko-Modellregionen könnten solche Ansätze initiieren und begleiten. Durch die Belieferung von Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung mit vorgegarten oder geschälten Kartoffeln können weitere Potenziale erschlossen werden

    Neuroplastic Changes in Older Adults Performing Cooperative Hand Movements

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether older adults use the same task-specific brain activation patterns during two different bimanual hand movement tasks as younger adults. Functional magnetic resonance brain imaging was performed in 18 younger (mean age: 30.3 ± 3.6 years) and 11 older adults (62.6 ± 6.8 years) during the execution of cooperative (mimicking opening a bottle) or non-cooperative (bimanual pro-/supination) hand movements. We expected to see a stronger task-specific involvement of the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) during cooperative hand movements in older compared to younger adults. However, S2 activation was present in both groups during the cooperative task and was only significantly stronger compared to the non-cooperative task in younger adults. In a whole brain-analysis, the contrast between older and younger adults revealed a hyperactivation of the bilateral dorsal premotor cortex (precentral gyrus), right thalamus, right frontal operculum, anterior cingulate cortex, and supplementary motor areas in older adults (p < 0.001), with some of them being visible after correcting for age. Age was positively associated with fMRI signal changes in these regions across the whole sample. Older adults showed reduced gray matter volume but not in regions showing task-related fMRI group differences. We also found an increase in functional connectivity between SMA, M1, thalamus, and precentral gyri in older adults. In contrast, younger adults showed hyperconnectivity between S2 and S1. We conclude that older compared to younger adults show age-related functional neuroplastic changes in brain regions involved in motor control and performance

    Epigenome-Wide and Transcriptome-Wide Analyses Reveal Gestational Diabetes is Associated with Alterations in the Human Leukocyte Antigen Complex

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) affects approximately 10% of pregnancies in the United States and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes in the offspring. These adult disease propensities may be set by anatomical and molecular alterations in the placenta associated with GDM. Results: To assess the mechanistic aspects of fetal programming, we measured genome-wide methylation (Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips) and expression (Affymetrix transcriptome microarrays) in placental tissue of 41 GDM cases and 41 matched pregnancies without maternal complications from the Harvard Epigenetic Birth Cohort. Specific transcriptional and epigenetic perturbations associated with GDM status included alterations in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region, which were validated in an independent cohort, the Rhode Island Child Health Study. Gene ontology enrichment among gene regulation influenced by GDM revealed an over-representation of immune response pathways among differential expression, reflecting these coordinated changes in the MHC region. This differential methylation and expression may be capturing shifts in cellular composition, reflecting physiological changes in the placenta associated with GDM. Conclusions: Our study represents the largest investigation of transcriptomic and methylomic differences associated with GDM, providing comprehensive insight into how GDM shapes the intrauterine environment, which may have implications for fetal (re)programming

    Relative potency in SPT of solution and tablet SLIT allergen extracts of Timothy grass pollen from 2 European manufacturers compared to a US reference extract

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    Forma parte de los materiales formativos del servicio LSDS de la UAB (Laboratorio de Simulación de Dinámicas Socio-Históricas)Demostración de la metodología de simulación social. Siguiendo este tutorial paso a paso construirás una pequeña sociedad artificial y le darás "vida" para poder estudiar los mecanismos que generan procesos sociales

    First-Trimester Urine Concentrations of Phthalate Metabolites and Phenols and Placenta miRNA Expression in a Cohort of U.S. Women

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    Background: There is increasing concern that early-life exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can influence the risk of disease development. Phthalates and phenols are two classes of suspected EDCs that are used in a variety of everyday consumer products, including plastics, epoxy resins, and cosmetics. In utero exposure to EDCs may affect disease propensity through epigenetic mechanisms. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether prenatal exposure to multiple EDCs is associated with changes in miRNA expression of human placenta, and whether miRNA alterations are associated with birth outcomes. Methods: Our study was restricted to a total of 179 women co-enrolled in the Harvard Epigenetic Birth Cohort and the Predictors of Preeclampsia Study. We analyzed associations between first-trimester urine concentrations of 8 phenols and 11 phthalate metabolites and expression of 29 candidate miRNAs in placenta by qRT-PCR. Results: For three miRNAs—miR-142-3p, miR15a-5p, and miR-185—we detected associations between Σphthalates or Σphenols on expression levels (p < 0.05). By assessing gene ontology enrichment, we determined the potential mRNA targets of these microRNAs predicted in silico were associated with several biological pathways, including the regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity. Four gene ontology biological processes were enriched among genes significantly correlated with the expression of miRNAs associated with EDC burden. Conclusions: Overall, these results suggest that prenatal phenol and phthalate exposure is associated with altered miRNA expression in placenta, suggesting a potential mechanism of EDC toxicity in humans. Citation LaRocca J, Binder AM, McElrath TF, Michels KB. 2016. First-trimester urine concentrations of phthalate metabolites and phenols and placenta miRNA expression in a cohort of U.S. women. Environ Health Perspect 124:380–387; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.140840

    A Novel Eukaryotic Denitrification Pathway in Foraminifera

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    Benthic foraminifera are unicellular eukaryotes inhabiting sediments of aquatic environments. Several species were shown to store and use nitrate for complete denitrification, a unique energy metabolism among eukaryotes. The population of benthic foraminifera reaches high densities in oxygen-depleted marine habitats, where they play a key role in the marine nitrogen cycle. However, the mechanisms of denitrification in foraminifera are still unknown, and the possibility of a contribution of associated bacteria is debated. Here, we present evidence for a novel eukaryotic denitrification pathway that is encoded in foraminiferal genomes. Large-scale genome and transcriptomes analyses reveal the presence of a denitrification pathway in foraminifera species of the genus Globobulimina. This includes the enzymes nitrite reductase (NirK) and nitric oxide reductase (Nor) as well as a wide range of nitrate transporters (Nrt). A phylogenetic reconstruction of the enzymes' evolutionary history uncovers evidence for an ancient acquisition of the foraminiferal denitrification pathway from prokaryotes. We propose a model for denitrification in foraminifera, where a common electron transport chain is used for anaerobic and aerobic respiration. The evolution of hybrid respiration in foraminifera likely contributed to their ecological success, which is well documented in palaeontological records since the Cambrian period
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