390 research outputs found

    Missing Millie Benson: The Secret Case of the Nancy Drew Ghostwriter and Journalist

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    Review of: "Missing Millie Benson: The Secret Case of the Nancy Drew Ghostwriter and Journalist," by Julie K. Rubin


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Yang Lahir Di Luar Perkawinan Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 dan bagaimana Pengaturan Hukum Terhadap Hak Keperdataan Khususnya Hak Waris Anak Di Luar Perkawinan yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Perlindungan terhadap anak luar kawin pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.46/PUU-VIII/2010 bahwa perlindungan hukum terhadap anak luar kawin adalah anak luar kawin mengikuti kedua orang tuanya baik ibu dan ayah bahwa “anak yang dilahirkan diluar perkawinan mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya serta dengan laki-laki sebagai ayahnya yang dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan/atau alat bukti lain menurut hukum mempunyai hubungan darah, termasuk hubungan perdata dengan keluarga ayahnya”. Tujuan putusan tersebut adalah melindungi anak luar kawin. 2. Berdasarkan hal tersebut ketika dikeluarknnya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.46/PUU-VIII/2010, yang mempersamakan status hukum antara anak sah dengan anak di luar perkawinan sehubungan dengan hak-hak keperdataan, belum juga dapat menemukan secara konkret dan pasti bagaimana perlindungan hukum yang tetap bagi anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan yang sekaligus dapat melindungi hak-hak keperdataannya khususnya hak waris anak di luar perkawinan.Kata kunci: anak luar perkawinan

    Appraisal of free online symptom checkers and applications for self-diagnosis and triage: An Australian evaluation

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    The internet has impacted society and changed the way companies and individuals operate on a daily basis. Seeking information online via computer or mobile device is common practice. The phrase ‘Google it’ is now part of modern vernacular and is a resource increasingly utilised by young and old alike. Around 80% of Australian’s search health-related information online as it is convenient, cheap, and available 24/7. Symptom checkers are one tool used by consumers to investigate their health issues. Symptom checkers are automated online programs which use computerised algorithms, asking a series of questions to help determine a potential diagnosis and/or provide suitable triage advice. Recent evidence suggests symptom checkers may not work the way they are intended. Inferior or incorrect healthcare information can potentially have serious consequences on the consumer’s wellbeing and may not have the desired effect of directing consumers to the appropriate point of care. This research evaluated the clinical performance of 36 symptom checkers found on websites and smartphone applications that are freely available for use by the Australian general public. Symptom checkers were exposed to 48 clinical vignettes, generating 1858 symptom checker vignette tests (SCVT). Diagnosis was assessed on the inclusion of the correct diagnosis in the first, the top three or top ten differential diagnoses (n = 1,170 SCVT). Triage advice was assessed on whether the triage category recommended was concordant with our assessment (n = 688 SCVT). The correct diagnosis was listed first in 36% (95% CI 31–42) of SCVT, within the top three in 52% (95% CI 47–59) and within the top ten in 58% (95% CI 53–65). Symptom checkers which claimed to utilise artificial intelligence (AI) outperformed non-AI with the first listed diagnosis being accurate in 46% (95% CI 40–57) versus 32% (95% CI 26–38) of SCVT. Individual symptom checker performance varied considerably, with the average rate of correct diagnosis provided first ranging between 12%–-61%. Triage advice provided was concordant with our assessment in 49% (95% CI 44–54) of SCVT. Appropriate triage advice was provided more frequently for emergency care SCVT at 63% (95% CI 52–71) than for non-urgent SCVT at 30% (95% CI 11–39). Symptom checker performance varied considerably in relation to diagnosis. Triage advice was risk-averse, typically recommending more urgent care pathways than necessary. Given this, symptom checkers may not be working to alleviate demand for health services (particularly emergency services) within Australia—counter to marketing materials of some organisations’ symptom checkers. It is important that symptom checkers do not further burden the healthcare system with inappropriate referrals or incorrect care advice. Although, a balance must be struck as avoiding unsuitable triage advice could potentially result in life-threatening consequences for consumers. Nonetheless, the results of this research make clear that the accuracy of diagnosis and triage advice provided from readily available symptom checkers for the Australian public require improvements before everyday consumers can rely entirely on health information provided via these mediums

    Notizia di due manoscritti lulliani a Firenze

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    Viewed through new lenses : a comparative study of young girls growing up in Madison, Indiana, and Louisville, Kentucky, during World War II.

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    This thesis presents the view of World War II, a watershed event in U.S. history, through the lenses of a group that is not normally called upon, that of young children. The war was viewed by and affected young girls differently than others. Granted, some aspects of the war affected all people in a similar fashion, regardless of age and gender. This study, however, focuses on girls born between the years of 1929 and 1936, with the goal of describing the experience of children in two communities by determining what factors do and do not affect that experience and thereby contributing to our knowledge of the war\u27s impact in the Ohio River Valley. Based on oral histories of three women who grew up in Louisville and three women who grew up in Madison during the war, supplemented by secondary literature on children and war along with local newspaper sources, it is apparent the changes World War II brought to the cities of Louisville, Kentucky, and Madison, Indiana, affected the lives of young girls growing up in both these areas similarly. The changes the war brought to the lives of the six girls did not vary greatly due to the size of their urban or rural city. Instead, the determining factors appear to be the girls\u27 young age and middle to lower class status. Regardless of the size of their cities, the girls experienced whatever location they were in as a smaller community because their age and social status limited their mobility and childhood experiences. These factors, as opposed to size of location, caused these six girls to be similarly affected by WWII concerning industrial changes, childhood activities, and personal households. The WWII era stories of these girls thus suggest a potential pattern in how children experience major national events


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    Candi Prambanan patut dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata yang wajib dikunjungi jika berada di Kabupaten Sleman. Dalam mengatasi kebosanan kunjungan wisatawan, PT. Taman Wisata Candi melakukan berbagai upaya demi tetap dapat menjaga tingkat kunjungan wisata di Candi Prambanan. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif berupa pengumpulan dan penyusunan hasil literatur, analisis hasil literatur, serta penafsiran hasil literatur berdasarkan dengan hal yang berkaitan dengan judul artikel. Perancangan ini perlu melewati proses pengeksplorasian yang lebih dalam. Banyak sekali hal dari candi Prambanan yang layak untuk diangkat dan dipelajari. Seperti struktur bangunan candi Prambanan yang bisa menjadi inspirasi karya yang bergaya avant garde. Perancangan ini bisa dibawa ke tahap yang lebih tinggi dimana melakukan seri candi dan reliefnya

    Mempercepat Waktu Pelaksanaan Proyek Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Kereta Api Antara Mojokerto-Sepanjang Melalui Penjadwalan Line of Balance

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    In construction management, project scheduling is an important thing to note. The project schedule is a means of determining proper duration, controlling implementation progress, and allocating resources efficiently. Improper scheduling will have an impact on project delays. the project for the construction of a double track railway across the south of Java between Mojokerto-Sepanjang is planned to be completed in 60 weeks with overlapping activities due to changes in activities. This double track rail project is an ongoing project. This research aims to find out the project implementation time using the Line of Balance. The development project has a length of 3011.23 m. the Line of Balance method is carried out by determining the dependency logic, preparing a Line Of Balance schedule, drawing a Line Of Balance graph, and determining the production speed. The results of the study show that the line of balance schedule in the existing conditions has lines of intersection between jobs. The intersection indicates that there is overlapping work. For this reason, improvements are made by changing the dependency logic from work that was originally parallel to not parallel. The results of improvements made by reducing the duration per work cycle by 1 week revealed that the duration of the project could be accelerated to 38 weeks. So that the scheduling can be used to speed up the time of implementation of project activities

    Evaluasi Kualitas Mi Kering dengan Tepung Labu Kuning dan Tepung Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) sebagai Substitusi Sebagian Tepung Terigu

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     Mi kering merupakan salah satu jenis pangan yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat luas. Hal tersebut menyebabkan peningkatan konsumsi tepung terigu sebagai bahan dasar mi. Selain itu dapat menyebabkan tingginya impor gandum di Indonesia. Tepung labu kuning merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat menggantikan tepung terigu pada pembuatan mi kering. Kandungan karbohidrat tepung labu kuning tinggi. Namun karena proteinnya rendah, maka perlu penambahan protein dari luar, misalnya tepung ikan cakalang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sifat sensoris, fisik, dan kimia mi kering berbahan dasar tepung labu kuning dan tepung ikan cakalang sebagai substitusi sebagian tepung terigu. Formulasi pada pembuatan mi kering yaitu menggunakan rasio tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning sebesar 100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40 dan ditambahkan tepung ikan cakalang sebesar 0, 10, 20, 30, 40%. Mi kering yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisis sifat sensoris, fisik, dan kimianya. Berdasarkan sifat sensorisnya, formulasi mi kering dengan tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning sebesar 80:20 masih dapat diterima oleh panelis. Rasio tepung ikan cakalang terbaik berdasarkan sifat fisik dan sensoris hingga 20%. Penambahan tepung ikan cakalang sebesar 20% menghasilkan mi kering dengan warna kuning, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan aftertaste yang masih dapat diterima panelis. Penambahan tepung ikan cakalang sebesar 10-40% akan meningkatkan nilai cooking loss, kekerasan, tetapi menurunkan nilai daya serap air, swelling index, tensile strength mi kering yang dihasilkan. Kandungan protein mi kering yang diformulasikan tepung ikan cakalang sebesar 20% meningkat sebesar 2,09 kali lipat, yaitu dari 12,03% db menjadi 25,10% db. Mi kering yang dihasilkan memiliki kadar air, abu, dan protein yang memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
