1,523 research outputs found

    Non-orthogonal Theory of Polarons and Application to Pyramidal Quantum Dots

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    We present a general theory for semiconductor polarons in the framework of the Froehlich interaction between electrons and phonons. The latter is investigated using non-commuting phonon creation/annihilation operators associated with a natural set of non-orthogonal modes. This setting proves effective for mathematical simplification and physical interpretation and reveals a nested coupling structure of the Froehlich interaction. The theory is non-perturbative and well adapted for strong electron-phonon coupling, such as found in quantum dot (QD) structures. For those particular structures we introduce a minimal model that allows the computation and qualitative prediction of the spectrum and geometry of polarons. The model uses a generic non-orthogonal polaron basis, baptized the "natural basis". Accidental and symmetry-related electronic degeneracies are studied in detail and are shown to generate unentangled zero-shift polarons, which we consistently eliminate. As a practical example, these developments are applied to realistic pyramidal GaAs QDs. The energy spectrum and the 3D-geometry of polarons are computed and analyzed, and prove that realistic pyramidal QDs clearly fall in the regime of strong coupling. Further investigation reveals an unexpected substructure of "weakly coupled strong coupling regimes", a concept originating from overlap considerations. Using Bennett's entanglement measure, we finally propose a heuristic quantification of the coupling strength in QDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Role of floor diaphragms on the seismic response of reinforced concrete frames

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    In existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) framed buildings, floor structural components (i.e. RC topping and joists) may play a crucial role in the seismic performance of the structure. The interaction between floor diaphragms and seismic-resistant frames can lead to different effects, depending on the relative stiffness and resistance of the elements belonging to the structures and on the adopted construction details. In this work, these aspects are deepened with reference to the institute “A. De Gasperi – R. Battaglia”, located in Norcia, Italy, chosen as case study. The seismic response of the building is investigated through pushover analyses by adopting a multi-layered shell element approach, where the mechanical nonlinearity is evaluated by using the PARC_CL 2.1 crack model, implemented as user subroutine in Abaqus FE package. The obtained results highlight that the modelling of the diaphragm increases the flexural capacity of the beams, so determining an increase of the seismic global response for frames characterized by ductile failure modes. The modelling of diaphragms may also alter beam-column strength hierarchy and stresses’ magnitude in beam-to-column joints, leading to anticipated brittle failures, that cannot be detected through the modelling of the bare fram

    Work Group 3 Position Paper: Teacher Education and Teaching/Learning Quantum Physics

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    In this article the discussion of Working Group 3 during the GIREP online seminar 2020 on teaching and learning quantum physics in teacher education is summarized. Conclusions are drawn and research desiderata formulated

    Gamma ray detection: building a didactic proposal

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    A simple and economic scintillator kit in combination with a computer-based oscilloscope was used to develop a learning experience, comprised of a set of activities to introduce students in an interactive way to the physics of gamma-ray detection. The proposal for secondary school and university students is built by means of frequent on-the-fly formative assessment to collect difficulties of students and ways to overcome them. Internal decays of Lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) crystals already present in the scintillator kit are used as sources of gamma rays, so no external sources were needed. In addition, the use of LYSO crystals offers a reason to discuss coincidence measurements, because of the inherent beta background present in the internal decay, which can be at least partially removed with coincidence measurements. The goal of the learning experience is to experience how gamma-ray detection is actually done, discussing the physics involved, motivated by the current frontline research on the detection of gamma-ray bursts

    Evaluation of the effect of factors related to preparation and composition of grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese using NIR hyperspectral imaging

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    The present study is focused on the evaluation of the effect of grater type and fat content of the pulp on the spectral response obtained by near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI), when this technique is used to determine the rind percentage in Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) cheese. To this aim, grated P-R cheese samples were prepared considering all the possible combinations between three levels of rind amount (8%, 18% and 28%), two levels of fat content of the pulp and two different grater types, and the corresponding hyperspectral images were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. In a first step, the average spectrum (AS) was calculated from each hyperspectral image, and the corresponding dataset was analysed by means of Analysis of Variance Simultaneous Component Analysis (ASCA) to assess the effect of the three considered factors and their two-way interactions on the spectral response. Then, the hyperspectral images were converted into Common Space Hyperspectrograms (CSH), which are signals obtained by merging in sequence the frequency distribution curves of quantities calculated from a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model common to the whole hyperspectral image dataset. ASCA was also applied to the CSH dataset, in order to evaluate the effect of the considered factors on this kind of signals. Generally, all the three factors resulted to have a significant effect, but with a different extent according to the method used to analyse the hyperspectral images. Indeed, while fat content of the pulp and rind percentage showed a comparable effect on the spectral response of AS dataset, in the case of CSH signals rind percentage had a greater effect compared to the other main factors. However, CSH were also more sensitive to differences ascribable to the natural variability between diverse Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples

    Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

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    Parmigiano Reggiano (P-R) is one of the most important Italian food products labelled with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The PDO denomination is applied also to grated P-R cheese products meeting the requirements regulated by the Specifications of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. Different quality parameters are monitored, including the percentage of rind, which is edible and should not exceed the limit of 18% (w/w). The present study aims at evaluating the possibility of using near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) to quantify the rind percentage in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples in a fast and non-destructive manner. Indeed, NIR-HSI allows the simultaneous acquisition of both spatial and spectral information from a sample, which is more suitable than classical single-point spectroscopy for the analysis of heterogeneous samples like grated cheese. Hyperspectral images of grated P-R cheese samples containing increasing levels of rind were acquired in the 900–1700 nm spectral range. Each hyperspectral image was firstly converted into a one-dimensional signal, named hyperspectrogram, which codifies the relevant information contained in the image. Then, the matrix of hyperspectrograms was used to calculate a calibration model for the prediction of the rind percentage using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. The calibration model was validated considering two external test sets of samples, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Metaphors and analogies proposed by perspective primary teachers to support the exploration of magnetic phenomena

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    Analogies and Metaphors play an important role in primary science education to correlate abstract aspects and lived experiences, providing concrete meanings for pupils. They represent important educational tools that can help young pupils to approach towards abstract physics concepts like those related to magnetic phenomena. In order to improve the competencies of Prospective Primary Teacher (PPT) students related to the use of analogies and metaphors in education, a specific module of formative intervention was developed and propose