143 research outputs found

    Inverted sugar syrup attained from sucrose hydrolysis using a membrane reactor

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    Invertase, whether adsorbed on styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers or otherwise, was used for continuous sucrose hydrolysis using a cell-type membrane reactor (CTMR), coupled with an ultra (UF-100kDa), or a microfiltration (MF- pore diameter of 5 µm) membrane. In all tests, the pH (5.5), temperature (30 ºC), reaction volume (10 mL) and agitation (100 rpm) were set constant; whereas, variable parameters were: feeding rate (0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 h-1), inlet sucrose concentration (2.5, 6.5, 50 and 100 mM) and enzyme/resin ratio (1.64 mg or 3.28 mg of protein per 25, 50 or 100 mg of resin). The best result (yield of 100%, steady-state duration over 20h and specific reaction rate over 243 x 10-3 mmol/h.mE) was obtained when insoluble invertase (1.64 mg protein/100 mg resin) was used to convert 50 mM or 100 mM of sucrose solution at 0.4 h-1 using a UF-CTMR.Invertase, na forma adsorvida ou não em copolímeros de estireno-divinilbenzeno, foi usada para a hidrólise contínua de sacarose utilizando um reator com membrana (RM), acoplado a uma membrana de ultrafiltração (UF-100kDa), ou de microfiltração (MF - um diâmetro de poro de 5µm). Em todos os testes, o pH (5,5), a temperatura (30ºC), o volume reacional (10mL) e a agitação (100 rpm) foram mantidas constantes; os parâmetros variados foram: a vazão de alimentação (0,4; 0,8 e 1,6 h-1), a concentração de sacarose alimentada (2,5; 6,5; 50 e 100 mM) e a relação enzima/resina (1,64 mg ou 3,28 mg de proteína por 25, 50 ou 100 mg de resina). O melhor resultado (um rendimento de 100%, um período de estado estacionário acima de 20h e uma taxa de reação específica maior de 243 x 10-3 mmol/h.mE) foi obtido quando a invertase insolúvel (1,64 mg de proteína/100 de mg resina) foi usado para converter 50 mM ou 100 mM de solução de sacarose a 0,4 h-1 usando UF-RM.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Method for immobilizing invertase by adsorption on Dowex® anionic exchange resin

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    O presente trabalho descreve um método de adsorção da invertase (EC. na resina de troca aniônica do tipo Dowex®. Entre os tipos de resinas Dowex® estudados (1x8:50-400; 1x4:50-400 e 1x2:100-400), 1x4-200 foi a mais apropriada devido à completa adsorção das moléculas de invertase e a sua retenção de atividade catalítica de 100% do complexo 1x4-200/invertase. Salienta-se ainda a ausência do desprendimento da enzima do suporte após o término da hidrólise da sacarose.This communication describes a method for adsorbing the invertase (EC. on DOWEX® anion exchange resin. Among the types of DOWEX® resins studied (1x8:50-400; 1x4:50-400 and 1x2:100-400), 1X4-200 was the most suitable, because it adsorbed the invertase molecules completely and the complex 1X4-200/invertase retained 100% of the catalytic activity. Moreover, no leakage of enzyme from the support was noted at the end of the sucrose hydrolysis

    Purificação de produtos biotecnológicos

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    Biotechnology and safety assessment

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    Early Bronze Age IV Food Trasformation and Storage Installations at Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan

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    Rapporto sui risultati degli scavi a Khirbet al-BatrawyReport on the results of the excavations at Khirbet al-Batraw

    Invertase, glucose oxidase and catalase for converting sucrose to fructose and gluconic acid through batch and membrane-continuous reactors

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    Conversion of sucrose into fructose and gluconic acid using invertase, glucose oxidase and catalase was studied by discontinuous (sequential or simultaneous addition of the enzymes) and continuous (simultaneous addition of the enzymes in a 100 kDa-ultrafiltration membrane reactor) processes. The following parameters were varied: concentration of enzymes, initial concentration of substrates (sucrose and glucose), pH, temperature and feeding rate (for continuous process). The highest yield of conversion (100%) was attained through the discontinuous (batch) process carried out at pH 4.5 and 37 ºC by the sequential addition of invertase (14.3 U), glucose oxidase (10,000 U) and catalase (59,000 U).Neste trabalho estudou-se a conversão da sacarose em frutose e ácido glicônico, usando as enzimas invertase, glicose oxidase e catalase, através do emprego de processo descontínuo (com adição sequencial ou simultânea das enzimas) e contínuo (adição simultânea das enzimas em reator com membrana acoplado à membrana de ultrafiltração de 100 kDa). Os parâmetros variados foram: a concentração das enzimas, a concentração inicial dos substratos (sacarose e glicose), o pH, a temperatura e a vazão específica de alimentação (processo contínuo). Obteve-se rendimento de 100%, quando a conversão foi conduzida por processo descontínuo em pH 4,5 e a 37 ºC com adição seqüencial das enzimas invertase (14,3 U), glicose oxidase (10.000 U) e catalase (59.000 U)

    Sucrose hydrolysis by invertase using a membrane reactor: effect of membrane cut-off on enzyme performance

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    Sucrose hydrolysis by invertase [EC.] produces inverted sugar syrup, an ingredient mainly used in the food industry. To properly catalyze hydrolysis, the enzyme should be reused after this reaction. It is advisable to maintain constant activity over a considerable period. Thus, sucrose hydrolysis was performed in a membrane bioreactor - a continuously stirred tank reactor coupled with an ultrafiltration membrane (UFM) which provides good diffusion and high activity per unit volume. Molecular weight cut-off for soluble invertase UFMs was up to 100kDa. This study focused on the role of UFM invertase cut-off as it is the main element in the process. We demonstrated that both the cut-off and chemical nature of the UFM affected specific invertase activity

    Partial purification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by aqueous two-phase poly(ethyleneglycol)/phosphate systems

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    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) is an important enzyme used in biochemical and medical studies and in several analytical methods that have industrial and commercial application. This work evaluated the extraction of G6PDH in aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) of poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEG)/phosphate buffer, using as enzyme source a medium prepared through commercial baker’s yeast disruption. Firstly, the effects of PEG molar mass on the enzyme partition and of homogenization and rest on the system equilibrium were investigated. Afterwards, several ATPS were prepared using statistical analysis (22 factorial design). The results, including kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the G6PDH activity, showed partial purification of this enzyme in ATPS composed of 17.5% (w/w) PEG400 and 15.0% (w/w) phosphate. A high enzymatic recovery value (97.7%), a high partition coefficient (351), and an acceptable purification factor (2.28 times higher than in cell homogenate) were attained from the top phase. So, it was possible to attain an effective enzyme pre-purification by separating some contaminants with a simple method such as liquid-liquid extraction in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS).FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / Brasil); CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Brasil); CAPES (Coordenação para Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior / Brasil)

    On-board centralized system tor regulating the pressure of the tyres of a motor-vehicle

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    An on-board centralized system for regulating the pressure of the tyres of a motor-vehicle. Tue system comprises a source of pressurized air (lOl), two toroidal pneumatic rotary joints (T) each associated to a driving wheel (W) ofthe motor-vehicle, and a circuit that sets in communication the source of pressurized air (I O l) with an inlet fitting of each pneumatic rotary joint (T). Tue output member of the constant-velocity joint (J) and the wheel spindle (7) have an internal duct (65) for passage of air, connected on one side to the respective pneumatic rotary joint (T) and on the other side to a plenum (P) of the respective driving wheel (W). Each non-driving wheel (WR) has its wheel spindle ( 46) traversed by an axial bare for the passage of air, connected on one side to the air-supply circuit via a pneumatic rotary joint (TR) and on the other side to a plenum (PR) of the non-driving wheel (WR), which is in turn connected to the inner chamber (C) of the tyre. Each driving wheel or non-driving wheel has its plenum (P, PR) connected to the inner chamber (C) of the tyre via two parallel lines (L2, L3), for deflating and inflating, respectively, the tyre interposed in which are respective one-way valves (28, 32). Tue one-way valve (28) on the deflation line is provided with a return spring (30), which guarantees a pre-set minimum value of he pressure of the inner chamber (C) of the tyre

    Characterization of xylose reductase extracted by CTAB-reversed micelles from Candida guilliermondii homogenate

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    A xilose redutase (XR) (E.C., produzida por Candida guilliermondii cultivada em hidrolisado de bagaço de cana de açúcar, foi separada diretamente do homogenato livre de células através da técnica de micelas reversas feitas com cetil trimetil brometo de amônio (CTAB). Obteve-se um rendimento de recuperação da enzima de 100% e um fator de enriquecimento de 5,6 vezes. As condições de extração foram: pH=7,0, condutividade elétrica = 14 mS/cm, T= 5 ºC, 5% (w/w) de hexanol, 22% (w/w) de butanol e 0.15M CTAB. A XR após a extração manteve-se estável no intervalo de pH entre 6.0 e 6.5, sendo a constante de inativação térmica cerca de 6,5 vezes maior do que aquela antes da extração. Os valores de Vmax da XR frente à xilose e NADPH antes e após a extração por micelas reversas diferiram cerca de 6%, enquanto que as diferenças nos valores de K M foram mais pronunciadas. O (K M)xilose para a XR após a extração foi cerca de 35% maior do que antes da extração, enquanto que (K M)NADPH foi 30% menor após do que antes da extração. As variações nos valores de K M indicam, indiretamente, que a afinidade da XR simultaneamente diminui para a xilose e aumenta para o NADPH. Este resultado poderia explicar a razão pela qual os valores de Vmax antes e após a extração terem sido praticamente iguais.Xylosereductase (XR) (E.C., produced by Candida guilliermondii, grown in sugar cane bagasse hydrolysate, was separated directly from the cell homogenate by reversed micelles of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), attaining a recovery yield of 100% and enrichment factor of 5.6 fold. The extraction conditions were: pH=7.0, electrical conductivity= 14 mS/cm, T=5 ºC, 5% (w/w) of hexanol, 22% (w/w) of butanol and 0.15 M CTAB. The XR after extraction was stable in pH interval of 6.0-6.5 and its heat inactivation constant was about 6.5 fold higher than that before extraction. The Vmax values against both xylose and NADPH for XR before and after extraction by reversed-micelles differed about 6%, whereas the difference on K M values were more pronounced. The (K M)xylose for XR after extraction was about 35% higher than before extraction, meanwhile (K M)NADPH was about 30% lower after than before extraction. As the K M variations indirectly signaled, the XR affinity simultaneously diminishes for xylose and increases for NADPH. This could probably explain why the Vmax values for XR before and after extraction were quite similar