165 research outputs found

    Principal-agent analysis

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    How did Adriano Olivetti influence John Ruskin?

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    The aim of this paper is to interpret Ruskin’s thought through the lens of contemporary political economy and cultural policymaking. The first section focuses upon Ruskin’s critical thoughts on industrial economy and technical reproducibility, which mirror new sustainable paradigms of production and consumption: economies of scale and competition are exchanged with unique crafting and personal interactions. The second section focuses on labour and education: Ruskin identified expressive freedom as a criterion of artistic quality opposed to mechanic perfection, anticipating the relationship between skills, knowledge management and the working environment in the experiences of contemporary creative industries. The third section focuses on arts and society: Ruskin championed a crucial role for art and beauty in society, which not only contemporary philosophers but also advanced companies trust as a powerful driver of growth. Today, Ruskin’s theories on heritage, creativity and cultural activities reveal challenging implications for cultural management and policymaking. In conclusion Ruskin’s theories effectively suit the challenges of our century, while his value system proves a pioneering weltanschauung for our world

    Decisione amministrativa di secondo grado ed esaurimento del potere

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    Il potere amministrativo non si esaurisce con il suo esercizio e ciò consente all’amministrazione di rivedere in ogni tempo le decisioni assunte, con il limite esterno rappresentato dal principio del legittimo affidamento e dalle regole puntuali che di esso sono diretta esplicazione.Dal punto di vista metodologico, tuttavia, non è corretto desumere l’inesauribilità del potere dalla generica esigenza che la decisione amministrativa sia sempre «in accordo» con l’interesse pubblico. Occorre piuttosto verificare, alla stregua del diritto positivo, se nel diritto amministrativo sia accolto il criterio cronologico di composizione delle antinomie tra le fonti del diritto, per il quale lex posterior derogat priori. Solo in tal caso si potrebbe legittimamente affermare che il potere amministrativo è inesauribile come quello legislativo.Tuttavia è sufficiente un esame superficiale dei principi costituzionali e dei valori sottesi alla legislazione ordinaria sull’attività amministrativa per vedere che la continua adattabilità delle decisioni all’interesse pubblico non è una esigenza assoluta, e in particolare che essa non ha maggior pregio e maggior riconoscimento giuridico del contrapposto interesse alla stabilità del provvedimento.Anche gli interventi legislativi degli ultimi anni nella materia del riesame del provvedimento forniscono argomenti contrari alla tesi dell’inesauribilità del potere quale fondamento degli atti di ritiro in quanto valorizzano il principio della certezza del diritto e individuano diverse ipotesi nelle quali la decisione amministrativa è immutabile.L’immagine dell’inesauribilità del potere quale fondamento degli atti di ritiro subisce una ulteriore e definitiva smentita se, come qui proposto, si ritiene che la decisione di secondo grado sia espressione di un potere diverso da quello esercitato per l’adozione della decisione di primo grado.La conclusione è allora che l’amministrazione in senso oggettivo non è una attività di flusso continuo come la legislazione, dove il criterio cronologico trova un fondamento di diritto positivo nell’abrogazione implicita. La decisione amministrativa vincola lo stesso organo che la adotta. Esso può rimuoverla soltanto con poteri speciali, di cui è sempre più raramente titolare. AbstractAdministrative power does not expire with its exercise and this allows the administration to re-examine the decisions taken, with the external limit of the principle of legitimate expectations.From the methodological point of view, however, it is not correct to infer the persistence of power after its exercise from the generic requirement that the administrative decision should always be «in agreement» with the public interest. It should rather be understood if the rule for which «lex posterior derogat  priori» is in force in the Italian  administrative law. Only in this case could legitimately be said that the administrative power does not expire with its exercise.However, it is sufficient to have a superficial review of the constitutional principles in order to see that the adaptability of administrative decisions to the public interest is not an absolute juridical value, as the stability of administrative decisions has not a minor relevance in the legal system.The new discipline of the re-examination of administrative decisions emphasizes the principle of legal certainty, identifying different some cases in which self-annulment and revocation are void and the administrative decision is unchangeable. In this way, it provides valid arguments against the thesis of the persistence of the administrative power after its exercise. This thesis should be definitively rejected if, as proposed in the article, the re-examination of the administrative decision is considered as an expression of a different and autonomous power from the ordinary administrative power.The author comes to the conclusion that administration action is not a continuous flow such as legislation, where the chronological criterion is founded in Article 12 of «Disposizioni preliminari al codice civile». The administrative decision binds the authority that adopts it. It can only re-examine it with special powers, which are not always owned by the public administration. Parole chiave: decisione, potere amministrativo, riesame, discrezionalità, legittimo affidamentoKeywords: decision, administrative power, riexamination, discretion, legitimate expectatio


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    Na temelju određenja pojma tolerancije kao sposobnosti podnošenja nečega neugodnog, štetnog ili nepodnošljivog postavlja se osnovna teza da pojam tolerancije proturječi ljudskim pravima. Iz neuropsihofizičkih istraživanja ljudskog mozga proizlazi da dolazi do stanja napetosti kao fiziološke obrambene reakcije ljudskog mozga na različitost druge osobe. Tolerancija stoga ne stvara integraciju među ljudima, već stanje podnošljivosti. Odatle proizlazi pitanje na koji način spriječiti konfliktne situacije a pojedince i narode privesti suradnji i međusobnom poštivanju različitosti. Edukacijom i odgojem djeteta potrebno je razvijati sposobnosti upravljanja vlastitim mozgom u smjeru razumijevanja i prihvaćanja, a ne toleriranja tuđih mišljenja i ponašanja.Based on the definition of the concept of tolerance as the ability to endure something unpleasant and disagreeable, detrimental or unbearable, stands the fundamental thesis that tolerance contradicts human rights. The neuropsychophysical research of the human brain has shown that a state of tension occurs as a physiological defensive reaction of the human brain to the difference of another person. Tolerance, therefore, does not bring about integration among people, but a state of tolerability. Thus arises the question how to prevent situations of conflict and lead individuals and peoples towards cooperation and mutual respect of differences, Through the education of children it is necessary to develop the ability of managing one\u27s own brain so it could understand and accept, instead of merely tolerate other people\u27s opinions and behavior.Ausgehend von der Bestimmung des Begriffs der Toleranz als der Fahigkeit, etwas Unangenehmes, Schadliches oder Unzumutbares zu ertragen, wird die grundlegende These aufgestelIt, dar.. der Toleranzbegriff den Menschenrechten widerspreche. Aus neuropsychophysischen Untersuchungen des menschlichen Gehirns geht hervor, dar.. es beim Kontakt mit der Andersartigkeit einer anderen Person zu physiologischen Abwehrreaktionen des Gehirns kom mt, die sich in Spannungszustanden aur.. ern. Toleranz erzeugt daher keine Integration zwischen den Menschen, sondern eher einen Zustand der Duldung. Daraus ergibt sich die Frage, auf welche Weise man Konfliktsituationen verhindern und Einzelpersonen sowie ganze Volker zur Zusammenarbeit und Respektierung der gegenseitigen Andersartigkeit anhalten soll. Durch entsprechende Erziehunqsmatšnahmen sollen Kinder dazu angeregt werden, sich ihres Gehirns in Richtung des Verstehens und Akzeptierens, nicht aber des Tolerierens von Ansichten und Verhaltensweisen anderer zu bedienen

    Acute effects of static stretching on jump performance

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    Use of stretching protocols in sport practice is widely adopted in the most part of sports. Muscular elongation is commonly accepted as a part of the warm-up and cool-down phases, as well as an important element for lowering the risk of injuries and improving the quality of performance. However several studies called the real contribution of stretching on motoric performance into doubt. The aim of our study, hence, is to further examine, through protocols and standardized measurements, acute effects of static stretching on jump performance. Sixty-two volunteer subjects (42 male, 20 female; age 21.01 ± 6.44 years; height 172.29 ± 10.55 cm; weight 64.95 ± 10.9 kg) underwent three different jump tests. According to two randomized procedures’ protocols, in non consecutive days, they executed specific static stretching exercises for lower limbs after two different warmup protocols, including (P2-Stretching) and not including (P1-No stretching) muscular elongation. Jump’s performances were recorded by Microgate OptoJump system. Data comparison after the administration of the mentioned protocols demonstrated a impairment of jump height and duration in P2-No stretching compared to P1-Stretching group (mean decrease 5.48%). Results of the present study confirm that acute static stretching lacks of positive effect on jump performance. Our results can be explained by mechanical (reduction of overlapping between actin and myosin filaments) and nervous (reset of Golgi’s muscle-tendinous organs and of neuromuscular fuses) adjustments

    Validation and Verification of High-Fidelity Simulations of Thoracic Stent-Graft Implantation

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    Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) is the preferred treatment option for thoracic aortic pathologies and consists of inserting a self-expandable stent-graft into the pathological region to restore the lumen. Computational models play a significant role in procedural planning and must be reliable. For this reason, in this work, high-fidelity Finite Element (FE) simulations are developed to model thoracic stent-grafts. Experimental crimp/release tests are performed to calibrate stent-grafts material parameters. Stent pre-stress is included in the stent-graft model. A new methodology for replicating device insertion and deployment with explicit FE simulations is proposed. To validate this simulation, the stent-graft is experimentally released into a 3D rigid aortic phantom with physiological anatomy and inspected in a computed tomography (CT) scan at different time points during deployment with an ad-hoc set-up. A verification analysis of the adopted modeling features compared to the literature is performed. With the proposed methodology the error with respect to the CT is on average 0.92 +/- 0.64%, while it is higher when literature models are adopted (on average 4.77 +/- 1.83%). The presented FE tool is versatile and customizable for different commercial devices and applicable to patient-specific analyses
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