3,192 research outputs found

    Advanced Waste-to-energy Steam Cycles

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    AbstractThis paper focuses on possibilities to maximize waste conversion through integration of a Waste-To-Energy (WTE) plant with a gas turbine (GT). In particular, this study investigates the feasibility of utilizing the hot gases leaving the GT mainly to superheat the steam leaving the WTE steam generator. A parametric investigation on the steam production is carried out and the optimum plant match condition in terms of plants capacity ratio is identified and discussed. Detailed modifications to a typical WTE cycle arrangement are presented, in order to evaluate the resulting performance enhancement. Numerical results of a conventional reference WTE plant repowering with different GT commercial units are shown and discussed. Performance indexes, specifically introduced in order to assess the proposed integrated configuration and to allocate power output to each input fuel are illustrated and applied on the considered plant. Results of the study suggest possibilities to create new advanced WTE-GT integrated power plants or to repower existing WTE plants, in order to increase waste to energy conversion

    Diplofuranones A and B, two further new 4-monosubstituted 2(3<i>H</i>)-dihydrofuranones produced by <i>Diplodia corticola</i>, a fungus pathogen of cork oak

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    Two new 4-monosubstituted 2(3H)-dihydrofuranones, named diplofuranones A and B, were isolated from liquid cultures of Diplodia corticola, a plant pathogenic fungus causing a canker disease of cork oak (Quercus suber L.). The same fungus also produces several metabolites such as the diplopyrone, the (3S,4R)-trans- and the (3R,4R)-cis-4-hydroxymellein, the sapinofuranone B and its (S,S)-enantiomer, the well known sphaeropsidins A-C, and the diplobifuranylones A and B. The diplofuranones A and B were characterised, using spectroscopic (essentially NMR and MS techniques) methods, as the 4-[(1E,3E)-5-hydroxyhexadienyl]butan-4-olide and its corresponding 3,4-dihydro side chain derivative. The stereochemistry of the stereogenic secondary hydroxylated carbon of the side chain of diplofuranone A was determined by application of Mosher’s method and proved to be R. Diplofuranone A tested at 0.2 mg mL-1 on non-host plant did not show phytotoxic activity

    MASW Terra-Mare, applicazione a Taranto per il Progetto Beleolico

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    Per una caratterizzazione sismica del sottosuolo presso la spiaggia dell’insediamento residenziale di "Lido Azzurro” (TA), area interessata alla realizzazione di un parco eolico “near-shore”, l'IAMC ha effettuato uno stendimento sismico del tipo terra-mare con metodologia MASW per la determinazione del profilo verticale delle onde di taglio e del valore Vs30, in riferimento tra l’altro alla classificazione dei terreni di fondazione degli interventi in progetto nelle categorie di suolo, come da paragrafo 3.2.2 delle N.T.C. 2008 “D.M. 14/01/2008”

    Special Issue "Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Cancers: Novel Strategies for of Diagnosis and Treatments"

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    In recent years, hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) cancers have been increasing their incidence [...]

    Cittadinanza digitale e sostenibilità. Un’esperienza di apprendimento online realizzata in una scuola primaria

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    Nel presente contributo si riportano la progettazione e la descrizione di un’esperienza di apprendimento online, che ha coinvolto una classe prima di una scuola primaria nella provincia di Bari e in cui si intrecciano l’Educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile e l’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Digitale. La scuola si pone, infatti, come il luogo in cui educare a una digital citizenship e rendere i cittadini del domani in grado di mettere in atto delle soluzioni verdi – ambientaliste – e blu – digitali – (Floridi, 2020), poiché la tecnologia non è solo causa di problematiche di sostenibilità, ma può essa stessa divenire una soluzione a tali problematiche (Valera, 2012)

    Development of a laboratory test procedure for the evaluation of potential gaseous emissions of asphalt rubber bituminous mixtures

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    The superior performance of bituminous mixtures containing crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres has been widely documented from a structural and functional point of view. However, potential impact of the use of crumb rubber on the health of workers in pavement construction sites has been the subject of a limited number of investigations, with a consequent gap in currently available technical knowledge. Following previous research work focused on the chemical analysis of fumes sampled on site, in this paper the Authors present results obtained in the development of a laboratory test procedure for the evaluation of gaseous emissions of asphalt rubber bituminous mixtures in standard, controlled conditions unaffected by site-specific factors. The investigation included monitoring of emissions at the paver's driving seat and at the screed during the laying of gap-and dense-graded wearing course mixtures in three different sites. Laboratory tests were performed by following a fume-generation protocol and by measuring the contents of volatile organic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in produced emissions. Comparison of results derived from laboratory and field data was carried out in absolute terms and within a carcinogenic risk assessment model. It was found that the proposed laboratory procedure yields emissions which in most cases are similar to those recorded on site at the paver's screed and that lead to a conservative risk estimat

    Cittadinanza digitale e sostenibilità. Un’esperienza di apprendimento online realizzata in una scuola primaria

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    In this paper, we report the design and description of an online learning experience. It involves the first class of a primary school in the province of Bari. The focus of this path is the connection between Education for Sustainable Development and Education for Digital Citizenship. The school should educate to a digital citizenship and make the citizens of tomorrow able to implement green solutions – environmentalists – and blue – digital – (Floridi, 2020). In fact, technology is not only the cause of sustainability issues, but at the same time it is a solution to these issues (Valera, 2012).Nel presente contributo si riportano la progettazione e la descrizione di un’esperienza di apprendimento online, che ha coinvolto una classe prima di una scuola primaria nella provincia di Bari e in cui si intrecciano l’Educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile e l’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Digitale. La scuola si pone, infatti, come il luogo in cui educare a una digital citizenship e rendere i cittadini del domani in grado di mettere in atto delle soluzioni verdi – ambientaliste – e blu – digitali – (Floridi, 2020), poiché la tecnologia non è solo causa di problematiche di sostenibilità, ma può essa stessa divenire una soluzione a tali problematiche (Valera, 2012)

    Metacognition as a predictor of improvements in personality disorders

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    Personality Disorders (PDs) are particularly hard to treat and treatment drop-out rates are high. Several authors have agreed that psychotherapy is more successful when it focuses on the core of personality pathology. For this reason, therapists dealing with PDs need to understand the psychopathological variables that characterize this pathology and exactly what contributes to maintaining psychopathological processes. Moreover, several authors have noted that one key problem that characterizes all PDs is an impairment in understanding mental states - here termed metacognition - which could also be responsible for therapy failures. Unfortunately, a limited number of studies have investigated the role of mentalization in the process of change during psychotherapy. In this paper, we assume that poor metacognition corresponds to a core element of the general pathology of personality, impacts a series of clinical variables, generates symptoms and interpersonal problems, and causes treatment to be slower and less effective. We explored whether changes in metacognition predicted an improvement among different psychopathological variables characterizing PDs; 193 outpatients were treated at the Third Center of Cognitive Psychotherapy in Rome, Italy, and followed a structured path tailored for the different psychopathological variables that emerged from a comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessment that considered patients' symptoms, metacognitive abilities, interpersonal relationships, personality psychopathology, and global functioning. The measurements were repeated after a year of treatment. The results showed that changes in metacognitive abilities predicted improvements in the analyzed variable
