192 research outputs found

    Size-consistent variational approaches to non-local pseudopotentials: standard and lattice regularized diffusion Monte Carlo methods revisited

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    We propose improved versions of the standard diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and the lattice regularized diffusion Monte Carlo (LRDMC) algorithms. For the DMC method, we refine a scheme recently devised to treat non-local pseudopotential in a variational way. We show that such scheme --when applied to large enough systems-- maintains its effectiveness only at correspondingly small enough time-steps, and we present two simple upgrades of the method which guarantee the variational property in a size-consistent manner. For the LRDMC method, which is size-consistent and variational by construction, we enhance the computational efficiency by introducing (i) an improved definition of the effective lattice Hamiltonian which remains size-consistent and entails a small lattice-space error with a known leading term, and (ii) a new randomization method for the positions of the lattice knots which requires a single lattice-space.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Active control of blankholder in sheet metal stamping

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    Abstract The continuous demand of shape complexity, product accuracy and extended tools life has led to a widespread use of auxiliary systems in sheet metal stamping. Nevertheless, their performances are often inadequate, making their use a compromise between process efficiency and stability. The paper focuses on a new magneto-rheological actuator design. Both analytical and numerical approaches are developed to evaluate load response and to optimize the magnetic field interaction. A physical prototype according to the design outputs is manufactured and tested at different dynamic conditions. Finally, magnetic force values obtained from FE model and experimental tests are compared

    Multiphoton Label-Free ex-vivo imaging using a custom-built dual-wavelength microscope with chromatic aberrations compensation

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    Label-Free Multiphoton Microscopy is a very powerful optical microscopy that can be applied to study samples with no need for exogenous fluorescent probes, keeping the main benefits of a Multiphoton approach, like longer penetration depths and intrinsic optical sectioning, while opening the possibility of serial examinations with different kinds of techniques. Among the many variations of Label-Free MPM, Higher Harmonic Generation (HHG) is one of the most intriguing due to its generally low photo-toxicity, which enables the examination of specimens particularly susceptible to photo-damages. HHG and common Two-Photon Microscopy (TPM) are well-established techniques, routinely used in several research fields. However, they require a significant amount of fine-tuning in order to be fully exploited and, usually, the optimized conditions greatly differ, making them quite difficult to perform in parallel without any compromise on the extractable information. Here we present our custom-built Multiphoton microscope capable of performing simultaneously TPM and HHG without any kind of compromise on the results thanks to two, separate, individually optimized laser sources with full chromatic aberration compensation. We also apply our setup to the examination of a plethora of ex vivo samples in order to prove the significant advantages of our approach

    Early-type Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. The <mu_e>-r_e relation and the lack of large galaxies at high redshift

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    We present the results of the detailed surface photometry of a sample of early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. Effective radii, surface brightnesses and total V_606 magnitudes have been obtained, as well as U_300, B_450, I_814, J, H and K colors, which are compared with the predictions of chemical-spectrophotometric models of population synthesis. Spectroscopic redshifts are available for 23 objects. For other 25 photometric redshifts are given. In the -r_e plane the early-type galaxies of the HDF, once the appropriate K+E corrections are applied, turn out to follow the `rest frame' Kormendy relation. This evidence, linked to the dynamical information gathered by Steidel et al.(1996), indicates that these galaxies, even at z~2-3, lie in the Fundamental Plane, in a virial equilibrium condition. At the same redshifts a statistically significant lack of large galaxies [i.e. with Log r_e(kpc) > 0.2] is observed.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX with aasms4.sty macros, 9 embedded postscript figures + 1 postscript Table. To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Few-body precursors of topological frustration

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    Quantum spin chains - the prototypical model for coupled two-level systems - offer a fertile playground both for fundamental and technological applications, ranging from the theory of thermalization to quantum computation. The effects of frustration induced by the boundary conditions have recently been addressed in this context. In this work, we analyze the effects of such frustration on a few spin system and we comment the strong even-odd effects induced in the ground state energy. The purpose of this work is to show that such signatures are visible on current quantum computer platforms

    Role of heart rate and stroke volume during muscle metaboreflex-induced cardiac output increase: differences between activation during and after exercise

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    We hypothesized that the role of stroke volume (SV) in the metaboreflex-induced cardiac output (CO) increase was blunted when the metaboreflex was stimulated by exercise muscle ischemia (EMI) compared with post-exercise muscle ischemia (PEMI), because during EMI heart rate (HR) increases and limits diastolic filling. Twelve healthy volunteers were recruited and their hemodynamic responses to the metaboreflex evoked by EMI, PEMI, and by a control dynamic exercise were assessed. The main finding was that the blood pressure increment was very similar in the EMI and PEMI settings. In both conditions the main mechanism used to raise blood pressure was a CO elevation. However, during the EMI test CO was increased as a result of HR elevation whereas during the PEMI test CO was increased as a result of an increase in SV. These results were explainable on the basis of the different HR behavior between the two settings, which in turn led to different diastolic time and myocardial performance

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza potentiates the quality of fruits but does not influence the precocity of goldenberry plants / A micorriza arbuscular potencializa a qualidade de frutos mas não influencia a precocidade de plantas de fisális

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    The alternative to minimize the impacts to the agroecosystem and to establish a sustainable management for the goldenberry cultivation (Physalis peruviana L.) corresponds to the use of inoculants based on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). However, this biotechnological tool is lacking and unknown to producers. The objective of the research was to investigate whether goldenberry plants in the absence and presence of inoculation with AMF differ in their horticultural potential. The treatments were absence of inoculation (control) and three mycorrhizal inoculants, arranged in a randomized block design, with five replications. The phyllochron, mycorrhizal colonization and fruit quality were evaluated. Non-mycorrhized plants had a higher leaf appearance rate and, therefore, a lower phyllochron value. Mycorrhizal colonization was greater in roots of plants produced with Glomus intraradices. Less acid and more tasty fruits were produced by plants inoculated with AMF, regardless of the fungal treatment used. In conclusion, goldenberry plants in the absence and presence of inoculation with AMF have different horticultural potential. Plants devoid of arbuscular mycorrhiza are earlier to start flowering. The fungal species G. intraradices is more effective in colonizing the roots of the plant host. Plants submitted to mycorrhizal biotechnology potentiate the chemical quality of berries

    Effetti sulla ripartizione dei carichi dovute alla configurazione dei satelliti in rotismi planetari

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    La conoscenza della ripartizione dei carichi sulle dentature è di cruciale importanza per la progettazione di rotismi planetari, in quanto permette di evitare che la trasmissione operi in condizioni non conformi alle specifiche, in cui possano avvenire rotture catastrofiche. La ripartizione del carico dipende sia dai parametri funzionali del rotismo (quali gioco dei cuscinetti, backlash, rigidezze dei componenti) sia dal numero di satelliti impiegati. Il presente lavoro mira ad investigare come il numero di satelliti possa influenzare la ripartizione dei carichi applicati a una trasmissione tipicamente impiegata in campo eolico e come questi effetti vengano amplificati oppure attenuati dalla variazione di parametri funzionali (quali il gioco dei cuscinetti, le rigidezze dei supporti e dell’ingranamento, ed il backlash) e dagli errori di montaggio. Lo studio è stato condotto impiegando un modello a parametri concentrati interamente parametrico che permette di identificare condizioni di malfunzionamento quali perdita di contatto e/o incuneamento oltre al carico agente su ciascun ingranamento in funzione dell’insieme dei suddetti parametri. Mappe di ripartizione del carico vengono proposte per rotismi aventi da tre a cinque satelliti.The knowledge of the distribution of loads on the teeth is of crucial importance for the design of planetary gearboxes, since it allows to avoid that the transmission operates in conditions that do not comply with the specifications, in which a catastrophic failure can take place. The load distribution depends both on the functional parameters of the gearing (such as bearing play, backlash, stiffness component) and on the number of planets. This paper aims to investigate how the number of planets will affect the distribution of loads applied to a transmission typically used in wind farms and how these effects are amplified or attenuated by the variation of operating parameters (such as bearing clearance, supports and tooth stiffness, and backlash) and the assembly errors. The study was conducted employing a lumped parameter model parametric spaces that allows to identify fault conditions such as loss of contact and/or wedging in addition to the load acting on each meshing on the basis of all of those parameters. Maps load distribution are proposed for gears having from three to five planets

    Voxel-based morphometry and task functional magnetic resonance imaging in essential tremor: evidence for a disrupted brain network

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    The pathophysiology of essential tremor (ET) is controversial and might be further elucidated by advanced neuroimaging. Focusing on homogenous ET patients diagnosed according to the 2018 consensus criteria, this study aimed to: (1) investigate whether task functional MRI (fMRI) can identify networks of activated and deactivated brain areas, (2) characterize morphometric and functional modulations, relative to healthy controls (HC). Ten ET patients and ten HC underwent fMRI while performing two motor tasks with their upper limb: (1) maintaining a posture (both groups); (2) simulating tremor (HC only). Activations/deactivations were obtained from General Linear Model and compared across groups/tasks. Voxel-based morphometry and linear regressions between clinical and fMRI data were also performed. Few cerebellar clusters of gray matter loss were found in ET. Conversely, widespread fMRI alterations were shown. Tremor in ET (task 1) was associated with extensive deactivations mainly involving the cerebellum, sensory-motor cortex, and basal ganglia compared to both tasks in HC, and was negatively correlated with clinical tremor scales. Homogeneous ET patients demonstrated deactivation patterns during tasks triggering tremor, encompassing a network of cortical and subcortical regions. Our results point towards a marked cerebellar involvement in ET pathophysiology and the presence of an impaired cerebello-thalamo-cortical tremor network

    Acute respiratory virus emergency department admissions in a tertiary care hospital in Central Italy and the relative impact on bed occupancy, January 2017-May 2022

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    Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) have a relevant impact on public health in terms of prevalence and costs associated with the diseases. This concern highlighted the need to adopt accurate surveillance systems to respond to new emergencies and meet the demand for access to care. The objective of our work is to set up, at the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana (AOUP), an automated syndromic surveillance for ARI
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