8 research outputs found

    Case report: Exploring under the tip of the iceberg: A case series of “self-limiting” multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a serious condition triggered by SARS-COV-2 infection, characterized by persistent fever, multiorgan dysfunction, and increased inflammatory markers. It requires hospitalization and prompt treatment, with nearly 60% of the cases needing intensive care and 2% fatality rate. A wide spectrum of clinical characteristics and therapeutic approaches has been reported in MIS-C. We describe a series of four patients with MIS-C, defined according to the current case definitions, with a self-limiting course and no need for immunomodulatory treatment (“self-limiting MIS-C”). Few data about self-limiting MIS-C are available to date and no information on medium- and long-term outcome of this subset of patients has been reported. Although limited in size, our experience provides new insights into the MIS-C syndrome, highlighting an underestimated aspect of the disease that may have significant therapeutic implications

    Non-canonical manifestations of familial Mediterranean fever: a changing paradigm

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    Paroxysmal crises of fever and systemic inflammation herald familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), considered as the archetype of all inherited systemic autoinflammatory diseases. Inflammatory bouts are characterized by short-term and self-limited abdominal, thoracic, and/or articular symptoms which subside spontaneously. Erysipelas-like findings, orchitis, and different patterns of myalgia may appear in a minority of patients. In recent years, many non-classical manifestations have been reported in the clinical context of FMF, such as vasculitides and thrombotic manifestations, neurologic and sensory organ abnormalities, gastrointestinal diseases, and even macrophage activation syndrome. As FMF left unrecognized and untreated is ominously complicated by the occurrence of AA-amyloidosis, it is highly desirable that diagnosis of this autoinflammatory disorder with its multiple clinical faces can be contemplated at whatever age and brought forward

    Strategic use of levofolinic acid for methotrexate-induced side effects in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a prospective observational study

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of levofolinic acid (LVF) administered 48 h before methotrexate (MTX) in reducing gastrointestinal side effects without interference with drug efficacy.MethodsA prospective observational study was performed including patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) reporting significant gastrointestinal discomfort after MTX despite taking a dose of LVF 48 h after MTX. Patients with anticipatory symptoms were excluded. A LVF supplemental dose was added 48 h before MTX and patients were followed every 3-4 months. At each visit data on gastrointestinal symptoms, disease activity (JADAS, ESR, CRP values) and treatment changes were collected. Friedman test for repeated measures analyzed differences between these variables over time.ResultsTwenty-one patients were recruited and followed for at least 12 months. All patients received MTX subcutaneously (mean 9.54 mg/m2) and LVF 48 h before and after MTX (mean 6.5 mg/dose), 7 received a biological agent too. Complete remission of gastrointestinal side effects was reported in 61.9% of study patients at first visit (T1) and increased over time (85.7%, 95.2%, 85.7% and 100% at T2, T3, T4, T5, respectively). MTX efficacy was maintained as showed by significant reduction of JADAS and CRP (p = 0.006 and 0.008) from T1 to T4 and it was withdrawn for remission in 7/21.ConclusionsLVF given 48 h before MTX significantly reduced gastrointestinal side effects and did not reduce drug's efficacy. Our results suggest that this strategy may improve compliance and quality of life in patients with JIA and other rheumatic diseases treated with MTX

    Critical Overview of the Risk Scoring Systems to Predict Non-Responsiveness to Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Kawasaki Syndrome

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    Kawasaki syndrome (KS) is the most relevant cause of heart disease in children living in developed countries. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has a preventive function in the formation of coronary artery abnormalities and a poor strictly-curative action in established coronary damage. More than two decades ago, the Harada score was set to assess which children with KS should be subject to administration of IVIG, evaluating retrospectively a large cohort of patients with regard to age, sex and laboratory data. Nowadays, high dose IVIG is administered to all children with a confirmed diagnosis of KS, but a tool for predicting non-responsiveness to the initial infusion of IVIG has not been found. The prediction of IVIG resistance is a crucial issue, as recognising these high-risk patients should consent the administration of an intensified initial treatment in combination with IVIG in order to prevent coronary injuries. Few reports have focused on factors, referring to both clinical parameters and laboratory data at the onset of KS, in order to predict which patients might be IVIG non-responsive. We have analysed three different risk scores which were formulated to predict IVIG resistance in Japanese children with typical KS, but their application in non-Japanese patients or in those with incomplete and atypical patterns of the disease has been studied in a fragmentary way. Overall, our analysis showed that early and definite ascertainment of likely IVIG non-responders who require additional therapies reducing the development of coronary artery involvement in children with KS is still a challenge

    Prognostic role of euthyroid sick syndrome in MIS-C: results from a single-center observational study

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    Background: Euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) is characterized by low serum levels of free triiodothyronine (fT3) with normal or low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (fT4) and is reported in different acute clinical situations, such as sepsis, diabetic ketoacidosis and after cardiac surgery. Our aim was to evaluate the predicting role of ESS for disease severity in patients with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C).Methods: A single-centre observational study on consecutive patients with MIS-C. Before treatment clinical, and laboratory data were collected and, in a subset of patients, thyroid function tests were repeated 4 weeks later. Variables distribution was analyzed by Mann-Whitney U -test and correlations between different parameters were calculated by Spearman's Rho coefficient.Results: Forty-two patients were included and 36 (85.7%) presented ESS. fT3 values were significantly lower in patients requiring intensive care, a strong direct correlation was shown between fT3 and Hb, platelet count and ejection fraction values. A significant inverse correlation was retrieved between fT3 levels and C-reactive protein, brain natriuretic peptide, IL-2 soluble receptor and S-100 protein. Subjects with severe myocardial depression (EF < 45%) had lower fT3 values than subjects with higher EF. The thyroid function tests spontaneously normalized in all subjects who repeated measurement 4 weeks after admission.Conclusion: ESS is a frequent and transient condition in acute phase of MIS-C. A severe reduction of fT3 must be considered as important prognostic factor for severe disease course, with subsequent relevant clinical impact in the management of these patients