24 research outputs found

    An analytic-geospatial approach for sustainable water resource management: a case study in the province of Perugia

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    Water is a strategic, but also highly vulnerable, natural resource. This because the increasing demand from multiple uses, in many cases competing amongst them, seems to influence the concepts of sustainability of the exploitation. From the operational point of view, the studied system is an integrated decision support system. It is not only a platform to exchange information and assessments, but also a tool for conflict resolution, in the management of water resources, to obtain the consensus among all participants in the decisional processes. So the canonical “top-down” approach has been replaced with a “bottom-up” approach where all stakeholders become decision makers themselves. The application of the aforementioned approach was studied for the Tiber River basin and has been applied to the Province of Perugia area. The study focused to the building of a spatial database of hydrological data and multipurpose water withdrawals, together with the setting of the evaluation model for the surface water resources. This model bases its algorithms on regionalization procedures of flow parameters. For the definition of the river condition, hydrological indices calculated from the hydrological database have been used, while for the existing withdrawals, an analysis procedure has been developed, that from the point of interest directly selected on the map, finds out the upstream basin and, by means of overlay procedures, identifies the upstream water uses and the total flow that could be extracted. The potential of the system and the technologies used are contained in a WEB platform that allows the analysis of the database of water uses/withdrawals on the cartography, and the comparison with the hydrogeological characteristics of the sub-basin examined. The purpose of this study is to provide software tools that can be used as a support in water resource evaluation and management policies at the basin scale

    An analytic-geospatial approach for sustainable water resource management: a case study in the province of Perugia

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    Water is a strategic, but also highly vulnerable, natural resource. This because the increasing demand from multiple uses, in many cases competing amongst them, seems to influence the concepts of sustainability of the exploitation. From the operational point of view, the studied system is an integrated decision support system. It is not only a platform to exchange information and assessments, but also a tool for conflict resolution, in the management of water resources, to obtain the consensus among all participants in the decisional processes. So the canonical "top-down" approach has been replaced with a "bottom-up" approach where all stakeholders become decision makers themselves. The application of the aforementioned approach was studied for the Tiber River basin and has been applied to the Province of Perugia area. The study focused to the building of a spatial database of hydrological data and multipurpose water withdrawals, together with the setting of the evaluation model for the surface water resources. This model bases its algorithms on regionalization procedures of flow parameters. For the definition of the river condition, hydrological indices calculated from the hydrological database have been used, while for the existing withdrawals, an analysis procedure has been developed, that from the point of interest directly selected on the map, finds out the upstream basin and, by means of overlay procedures, identifies the upstream water uses and the total flow that could be extracted. The potential of the system and the technologies used are contained in a WEB platform that allows the analysis of the database of water uses/withdrawals on the cartography, and the comparison with the hydrogeological characteristics of the sub-basin examined. The purpose of this study is to provide software tools that can be used as a support in water resource evaluation and management policies at the basin scale

    Expression of CD13 and CD26 on extracellular vesicles in canine seminal plasma: preliminary results

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    Canine seminal plasma is a complex fluid containing proteins, peptides, enzymes, hormones as well as extracellular vesicles that are involved in many physiological and pathological processes including reproduction. We examined the expression of the extracellular vesicles surface antigens Aminopeptidase-N (CD13) and Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26) by flow cytometry. For this study, third fraction of the ejaculate, from fertile adult male German Shepherd dogs, was manually collected twice, two days apart. FACS analyses revealed that CD13 and CD26 are co-expressed on the 69.3 & PLUSMN; 3.7% of extracellular vesicles and only a 2.0 & PLUSMN; 0.5% of extracellular vesicles express CD26 alone. On the other hand, 28.6 & PLUSMN; 3.6% of seminal EVs express CD13 alone. Our results agree with the hypothesis that CD26 needs to be co-expressed with other signal-transducing molecules, while CD13, can perform functions independently of the presence or co-expression of CD26. The results obtained in normal fertile dogs could represent physiological expression of these enzymes. Therefore, it would be interesting to carry out further studies to evaluate the expression of CD13 and CD26 on extracellular vesicles as biomarker for prostate pathological condition in dogs

    Sustainability of Water Withdrawals in the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy)

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    Problems in the sustainable exploitation of water resources are mainly due to the spatial distribution of uses and are worsened by uncontrolled withdrawals by different activities. In this context, in order to evaluate and manage the available water resources, a decision support system has been developed to support the decision-making processes. This system was implemented on a web platform, in order to manage spatial data and to analyze information on water resources. The system also integrates a WEB-GIS engine for the elaboration and regionalization of data over the river network. The web architecture also makes these tools widely accessible and easily shareable by all stakeholders. The Web-based application was tested successfully in the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy) and focuses on the building of a hydrological database together with an evaluation model for surface water resources. The results provide synthetic information on the sustainability of water allocation scenarios, with particular regard to the feasibility of allowing new dissipative water withdrawal, such as dissipative water use in agricultural production for precision irrigation. The software technology of this project relies on open source code and can also be applied in other fields for the sustainable management of environmental resources

    Integrated Water Resources Management in a Lake System: A Case Study in Central Italy

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    Lake Trasimeno is a closed lake in Central Italy and in historically its water level has been affected by wide fluctuations mostly depending on the climate. The lake has suffered many water crises due to water scarcity and in recent decades, droughts have also severely affected the economic and environmental situation. The aim of this study was to analyze the possibility of limiting these severe level fluctuations by evaluating of feasible water resource management policies that could also reduce the environmental stress of this area. Therefore, a specific decision support system (DSS) has been developed in order to simulate different scenarios for the entire water system of the Trasimeno area. In particular, the hydrological model implemented in the DSS allowed for the simulation and validation of different management policy hypotheses for the water resource in order to mitigate environmental and water crises for the Lake Trasimeno. Results indicated that it is possible to transfer a certain amount of water from nearby reservoirs without affecting the availability of the resource for specific users. In this way, Lake Trasimeno can benefit both from an increase in water levels in the lake, so a possible better situation in quantitatively and qualitatively

    Tecnologie libere ed open source per la consultazione e l’elaborazione di dati territoriali ed idrometeorologici in applicazioni web-based

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    Open source and free technologies for spatial and hydrometeorological data referencing and managing in web based applications In the field of water resources management, it is more important to operate at territorial scales larger than the administrative ones to take into consideration the entire watershed. This, on one hand, requires a wider sharing of the initial hydraulic data, while on the other, the larger territorial dimension, the social and environmental issues, bring up the need of more integrated approaches and of a wider integration between Hydrological data and territorial information. The WRME project has been developed as an SDSS to share data, models and results via a WEB interface in order to put around the same integrated system all the stakeholders involved

    Tecnologie libere ed open source per la consultazione e l’elaborazione di dati territoriali ed idrometeorologici in applicazioni web-based

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    Open source and free technologies for spatial and hydrometeorological data referencing and managing in web based applications In the field of water resources management, it is more important to operate at territorial scales larger than the administrative ones to take into consideration the entire watershed. This, on one hand, requires a wider sharing of the initial hydraulic data, while on the other, the larger territorial dimension, the social and environmental issues, bring up the need of more integrated approaches and of a wider integration between Hydrological data and territorial information. The WRME project has been developed as an SDSS to share data, models and results via a WEB interface in order to put around the same integrated system all the stakeholders involved

    Isolation of extracellular vesicles from bitch's amnion-derived cells culture and their CD59 expression: Preliminary results

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small spherical particles surrounded by a membrane with an unusual lipid composition and a striking cholesterol/phospholipidic ratio. About 2000 lipid and 3500 protein species were identified in EVs secreted by different cell sources. EVs mediate cell to cell communication in proximity to or distant from the cell of origin. In particular, it was suggested that they represent modulators of multiple processes during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of EVs in canine amnion-derived cells (ASCs) culture and the expression of CD 59 on their surface. Amniotic membrane was collected in PBS with antibiotics added from 2 bitches during elective caesarean section. Cells culture was prepared and EVs were isolated. EVs were used to evaluate CD59 expression by flow cytofluorimetry. We found that the majority of EVs expressed CD59. Our results could increase the knowledge about the complex mechanisms that regulate the pregnancy in the bitch