150 research outputs found

    Reconstitution du contexte historique. Les villes allemandes et le cas de Lübeck

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    [EN] The more or less plausible reconquest of the historical image built up over the centuries – violently removed by the war and the infrastructural interventions of the following decades – poses central, inescapable questions in the current debate on historical contexts and on the relationship between old and new, beyond a still too indeterminate notion of authenticity. It is precisely within this image that the reconstruction interventions in Germany, considered here as mature and conscious responses to a new reconstructive phase of historical centres, can be explained. Within the history of reconstruction, they are thus paradigmatic for the questions they raise, but also for the concrete solutions they offer, in their dialectical relationship between copy and reinterpretation. For this reason, they cannot be treated as simple cases of stylistic reconstruction, but need to be assessed as genuine projects of contemporary architecture. The revival of the minute structure of the parcellarium, which has often required the demolition of large building complexes built between the 1960s and 1980s, becomes the common denominator of these recent experiences. The mixed model adopted in these cases is based on the coexistence of Leitbauten and Neubauten – pilot buildings reconstructed in the same way as the original ones and new buildings inspired by the existing ones.[CA] La més o menys plausible reconquesta de la imatge històrica construïda segle rere segle i violentament eliminada per la guerra i les intervencions de caire infrastructural de les següents dècades, planteja preguntes cabdals i ineludibles en l’actual debat sobre contextos històrics i en la relació entre allò vell i allò nou, més enllà d’una noció d’autenticitat que encara és massa indeterminada. És precisament en aquest marc on trobem l’explicació per les intervencions de reconstrucció en Alemanya, considerades ací com respostes madures i conscients a una nova fase reconstructora de centres històrics. Dins de la història de la reconstrucció, són, per tant, paradigmàtiques per les preguntes que suggereixen, però també per les solucions concretes que ofereixen en la seua relació dialèctica entre còpia i reinterpretació. Per aquesta raó, no poden ser tractades com a simples casos de reconstrucció estilística, sinó que han de ser avaluades com a projectes genuïns d’arquitectura contemporània. El reviscolat de l’estructura mínima del parcellarium, que sovint a requerit la demolició de grans complexos edificats entre les dècades dels seixanta i dels vuitanta del segle XX, es converteix en el comú denominador d’aquestes experiències recents. El model mixt adoptat en aquests casos està basat en la coexistència de Leitbauten i de Neubauten, és a dir, edificis pilots reconstruïts d’acord amb els originals i en nous edificis inspirats pels originals.[ES] La más o menos plausible reconquista de la imagen histórica construida a lo largo de los siglos y violentamente eliminada por la guerra y las intervenciones para implementar infraestructuras de las décadas posteriores, plantea preguntas centrales e ineludibles en el debate actual sobre los contextos históricos y la relación entre lo viejo y lo nuevo, más allá de una todavía indeterminada noción de autenticidad. Es precisamente en este escenario en el que pueden explicarse las intervenciones reconstructivas en Alemania, consideradas aquí como respuestas maduras y conscientes a una nueva fase de reconstrucción de centros históricos. Dentro de la historia de la reconstrucción, son, así pues, paradigmáticas por las preguntas que suscitan, pero también por las soluciones concretas que ofrecen en su relación dialéctica entre copia y reinterpretación. Por esta razón, no pueden ser tratadas como simples casos de reconstrucción estilística, sino que requieren una evaluación como proyectos genuinos de arquitectura contemporánea. El renacimiento de la ínfima estructura del parcellarium que frecuentemente ha requerido la demolición de grandes complejos edificatorios, construidos entre los años sesenta y los años ochenta, se convierte en el denominador común de estas recientes experiencias. El modelo mixto adoptado en estos casos está basado en la coexistencia de Leitbauten y de Neubauten, edificios piloto reconstruidos del mismo modo que los originales y edificios nuevos inspirados en los existentes.[FR] Une plus ou moins plausible reconquête de l’image historique construite tout le long des siècles et violemment éliminée par la guerre et les interventions pour implémenter les infrastructures des décennies postérieures, soulève des questions centrales et incontournables sur le débat actuel concernant les contextes historiques et le rapport entre ce qui est vieux et ce qui est nouveau, en plus d’une notion d’authenticité indéterminée. C’est justement sur ce scénario que peuvent s’expliquer les interventions reconstructives en Allemagne, considérées comme des réponses matures et conscientes à une nouvelle phase de reconstruction des centres historiques. Dans l’histoire de la reconstruction, ces interventions sont donc paradigmatiques à cause des questions qu’elles suscitent, mais aussi à cause des solutions concrètes qu’elles offrent dans leur rapport dialectique Por esta razón, no pueden ser tratadas como simples casos de reconstrucción estilística, sino que requieren una evaluación como proyectos genuinos de arquitectura contemporánea. El renacimiento de la ínfima estructura del parcellarium que frecuentemente ha requerido la demolición de grandes complejos edificatorios, construidos entre los años sesenta y los años ochenta, se convierte en el denominador común de estas recientes experiencias. El modelo mixto adoptado en estos casos está basado en la coexistencia de Leitbauten y de Neubauten, edificios piloto reconstruidos del mismo modo que los originales y edificios nuevos inspirados en los existentes. Palabras clave: Contexto histórico, reconstrucción, ciudades alemanas, Lübeckentre copie et réinterprétation. Voilà pourquoi elles ne peuvent pas être jugées comme de simples cas de reconstruction stylistique, mais elles exigent une évaluation en tant que des projets authentiques d’architecture contemporaine. La renaissance de l’infime structure du parcellarium, qui a exigé fréquemment la démolition de grands complexes d’édifices, construits entre les années soixante et les années quatre-vingt, devient le dénominateur commun de ces expériences récentes. Le modèle mixte adopté dans ces cas-là est fondé sur la coexistence de Leitbauten et de Neubauten, des bâtiments pilotes reconstruits comme les originaux et des bâtiments neufs inspirés par ceux déjà existants.Caja, M. (2021). Reconstruint contextos històrics. Les ciutats alemanyes i el cas de Lübeck. ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat. 0(1):38-58. https://doi.org/10.4995/anuari.2021.16108OJS385801Barey, André, ed. Déclaration de Bruxelles. Propos sur la reconstruction de la ville européenne. Brussels: A.A.M., 1980.Borasi, Giovanna. The Other Architect. Another Way of Building Architecture. Montreal: CCA, Spector Books, 2015.Cabrera i Fausto, Ivan et al., ed. The Architect and the City. In the EAAE - ARCC International Conference, Valencia 11-14 Novembre 2020. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020.Caja, Michele, ed. "Neue Projekte in historischen Deutschen Städten / Nuovi progetti in centri storici tedeschi." Quaderno di Aión, no. 23, 2019.Caja, Michele, Martina Landsberger and Silvia Malcovati, ed. Tipologia Architettonica e morfologia urbana. Il dibattito italiano - antologia 1960-1980. Milano: Lampi di Stampa/Il Libraccio, 2010.Chaves Martin, Miguel Ángel. ed. "Visiones Urbanas." In the IX Jornadas Internacionales Arte & Ciudad. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 2020.Halbwachs, Maurice. La mémoire collective. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1949.Häger, Benjamin. "Die Franfurter Alstadt. Rekonstruktion in drei Akten." Arch+, no. 204 (Octubre 2011): 104-111.Hobsbawm, Eric J. and Terence Ranger, ed. The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983.Krier, Léon and Maurice Culot. Contreprojets. Brussels: A.A.M., 1981.Mager, Tino. Schillernde Unschärfe. Der Begriff der Authentizität im architektonischem Erbe. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110458343Nerdinger, Winfried with M. Eisen and H. Strobl, ed. Geschichte der Rekonstruktion. Konstruktion der Geschichte. München: Prestel, 2010.Neumeyer, Fritz, ed. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Hochhaus am Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse. Tübingen/Berlin: Wasmuth, 1993.Pehnt, Wolfgang. "Eine Kopie ist nur die halbe Wahrheit. Kampf dem Attrappenkult: Die Debatte um die Rekonstruktion verlorener Bauwerke bleibt heftig." Süddeutsche Zeitung, no. 96 (2011).Rogers, Ernesto Nathan. "Le preesistenze ambientali e i temi pratici contemporanei." Casabella-Continuità, no. 204 (1955).Rogers, Ernesto Nathan, J.L. Sert and J. Tyrwhitt, ed. The Heart of the City. Towards the humanization of Urban life. New York: Pellegrini and Cudahy, 1952.Vidler, Anthony. Histories of the immediate present: inventing architectural modernism. Cambridge/London: MIT Press, 2008. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/7699.001.0001Whitehand, Jeremy. "British Urban Morphology: the Conzenian tradition". Urban Morphology 5, no. 2 (2001): 103-109

    PROGETTI URBANI. Nuove idee per il progetto della città europea / URBANE PROJEKTE. Neue Ideen für das Projekt der europäischen Stadt

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    Il numero monografico si rivolge al progetto urbano nel contesto contemporaneo in Germania e Olanda. Attraverso un saggio introduttivo del curatore viene tracciato il filo rosso di un dibattito sul progetto urbano che risale all'epoca delle ricostruzione postbellica, quando due idee di città vengono poste a confronto. Il volume viene poi completato da una serie di progetti di studi tedeschi e olandesi inviatati a confrontarsi con la scala specifica del progetto urbano.The monographic issue addresses urban design in the contemporary context in Germany and the Netherlands. An introductory essay by the editor traces the thread of a debate on urban design that goes back to the era of post-war reconstruction, when two ideas of the city were compared. The volume is then completed by a series of projects of German and Dutch studies sent to confront the specific scale of the urban project

    Attualità della casa urbana. Analisi, progetti e ricostruzioni

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    LE PRIME CASE DI MIES la dimensione spazio-temporale del luogo

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    La continuità spazio-temporale di un edificio non dipende solo dalla specificità geografica di un luogo, ma anche dai legami che esso intesse coi valori storico-temporali dell’architettura. È proprio in questo senso che si possono comprendere alcuni esempi dell’opera iniziale di Mies – prevalentemente case unifamiliari e ville suburbane – che rivelano, in modi diversi, il radicamento ad un luogo e alle forme della storia. Infatti, comune alle prime case costruite nei dintorni di Potsdam e Berlino è l’attenzione particolare al contesto geografico e storico in cui i progetti si inseriscono. Tra gli esempi analizzati, le prime opere di Mies rivelano uno stretto rapporto di continuità con la tradizione della scuola classica berlinese – a partire da David Gilly e Karl Friedrich Schinkel fino a Peter Behrens – dove il tema della casa diviene occasione di una ricerca compositiva e tipologica riferita a modelli storici, ma declinati secondo un processo di semplificazione formale.The spatio-temporal continuity of a building does not only depend on the geographical specificity of a place, but also on the links it weaves with the historical-temporal val - ues of architecture. It is precisely in this sense that we can understand some examples of Mies’ early work – mainly single-fam - ily houses and suburban villas – which reveal, in differ - ent ways, the rootedness to a place and to the forms of history. In fact, common to the first houses built around Potsdam and Berlin is the special attention to the geo - graphical and historical context in which the projects are inserted. Among the examples analysed, Mies’ early works reveal a close relationship of continuity with the tradition of the classical Berlin school – from David Gilly and Karl Friedrich Schinkel to Peter Behrens – where the theme of the house becomes an opportunity for compositional and typological research based on historical models, but declined according to a process of formal simplification

    Progetti per la città fortificata

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    Itinerari milanesi

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    recensione libro: Petrus’ Milano. Italian Factory Milano, Mondadori, Electa, Milano, 200

    Tra città e campagna. Forme dell’abitare contemporaneo.

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    Il libro presenta, con un ampio scorcio, l’opera in corso della coppia di architetti berlinesi Antje Freiesleben e Johannes Modersohn, a partire dall’inizio del millennio sino ad oggi


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    As important centre of the Hanseatic League, Lübeck is the first western city on the Baltic Sea, whose historic centre is protected by Unesco. In historical iconography, its handed-down urban image is characterised by the emergence of seven churches – including the oldest, the Cathedral. Founded in 1173 as a Romanesque basilica, Lübeck Cathedral was later transformed, with a nave and two aisles of the same height, becoming one of Northern Germany's Gothic masterpieces. Partly destroyed by war, and then rebuilt until the 1980s, it is now one of the three Episcopal cathedrals of the Evangelical Church north of the River Elbe. The typical façade with double bell tower, is almost identical in the nearby Marienkirche – another city's icon – which emerges almost as a replicate inside the urban skyline. Compared to the marginal position of the cathedral, isolated in a large green area on the southern edge of the city, this second church is located in the historic centre, near the Marktplatz – with its Romanesque town hall. Surrounded by the dense fabric of medieval blocks, including the Gründungsviertel, which is currently being rebuilt according to the old parcellarium, it emerges for its monumental size. The relationship between Marienkirche and the compact fabric of urban blocks, is portrayed in one of Karl Gruber's famous bird's-eye views drawn up during post-war reconstruction to illustrate the typical characters of German cities. In addition to the morphological difference between the two churches, the similarity in typology leads them to the Basilica type with double bell towers on the main façade. This type differs from that of the Hallenkirche, which can be found in several other Hanseatic cities on the Baltic Sea. These include the parish churches of the same name in the neighbouring towns of Stralsund and Wismar or, in a lesser form, the heavily reused St. Nicholas Church in Rostock