41 research outputs found

    Religiosity Associated with Prolonged Survival in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    We tested the hypothesis that religiosity (ie, seeking God\u27s help, having faith in God, trusting in God, and trying to perceive God\u27s will in the disease) is associated with improved survival in patients with end-stage liver disease who have undergone orthotopic liver transplantation. We studied a group of 179 candidates for liver transplantation who responded to a questionnaire on religiosity during the pretransplant psychological evaluation and underwent transplantation between 2004 and 2007. The demographic data, educational level, employment status, clinical data, and results of the questionnaire were compared with the survival of patients during follow-up, regardless of the cause of any deaths. Factorial analysis of responses to the questionnaire revealed 3 main factors: searching for God (active), waiting for God (passive), and fatalism. The consistency of the matrix was very high (consistency index ? 0.92). Eighteen patients died during follow-up (median time ? 21 months). In multivariate analysis, only the searching for God factor [hazard ratio (HR) ? 2.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) ? 1.05-8.32, v2 ? 4.205, P ? 0.040] and the posttransplant length of stay in the intensive care unit (HR ? 1.05, 95% CI ? 1.01-1.08, v2 ? 8.506, P ? 0.035) were independently associated with survival, even after adjustments for the waiting for God factor, fatalism, age, sex, marital status, employment, educational level, viral etiology, Child-Pugh score, serum creatinine level, time from the questionnaire to transplantation, donor age, and intraoperative bleeding. Patients who did not present the searching for God factor were younger than those who did, but they had shorter survival times (P ? 0.037) and a 3-fold increased relative risk of dying (HR ? 3.01, 95% CI ? 1.07-8.45). In conclusion, religiosity is associated with prolonged survival in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Liver Transpl 16:1158-1163, 2010. VC 2010 AASLD

    Trends of Increasing Medical Radiation Exposure in a Population Hospitalized for Cardiovascular Disease (1970-2009)

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    Abstract Background: High radiation doses employed in cardiac imaging may increase cancer frequency in exposed patients after decades. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative trends in medical radiation exposure in a population hospitalized for cardiovascular disease. Methods and Results: An observational single-center study was conducted to examine 16,431 consecutive patients with heart disease admitted to the Italian National Research Council Institute of Clinical Physiology between January 1970 and December 2009. In all patients, the cumulative estimated effective dose was obtained from data mining of electronic records of hospital admissions, adopting the effective dose typical values of the American Heart Association 2009 statement and Mettler\u27s 2008 catalog of doses. Cumulative estimated effective dose per patient in the last 5 years was 22 (12-42) mSv (median, 25th-75th percentiles), with higher values in ischemic heart disease (IHD), 37 (20-59) vs non-IHD, 13 (8-22) mSv, p,0.001. Trends in radiation exposure showed a steady increase in IHD and a flat trend in non-IHD patients, with variation from 1970-74 to 2005-2009 of +155% for IHD (p,0.001) and 21% in non-IHD (NS). The relative contribution of different imaging techniques was remodeled over time, with nuclear cardiology dominating in 1970s (23% of individual exposure) and invasive fluoroscopy in the last decade (90% of individual exposure). Conclusion: A progressive increase in cumulative estimated effective dose is observed in hospitalized IHD patients. The growing medical radiation exposure may encourage a more careful justification policy regarding ionizing imaging in cardiology patients applying the two main principles of radiation protection: appropriate justification for ordering and performing each procedure, and careful optimization of the radiation dose used during each procedure

    Interpretation of the "obesity paradox": A 30-year study in patients with cardiovascular disease

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    Background: Several epidemiological reports indicate that the body mass index (BMI) is inversely related with mortality, in spite of the notion that obesity is a recognized cardio-metabolic risk factor. The aim of the study was to evaluate the independent impact of overweight and obesity on long-term mortality in a large cohort of patients with heart disease (HD). Methods: The study included 10,446 patients hospitalized in the last three decades for ischemic (60%) or nonischemic HD and followed-up for 10 years. The relationship between BMI and total or cardiovascular mortality was analyzed in the whole cohort, and in age-stratified categories (≤65 and >65 years). Considering that survival in HD patients has improved after the introduction of revascularization, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and statins, the relationship was re-examined separately in patients hospitalized before and after 1990. Results: Diabetes, hyperuricemia, hypertension, glycaemia, and triglyceridemia increased across BMI groups. During follow-up (73?59 months) there were 1707 all-cause deaths (47% cardiac). Any relationship between BMI and mortality was lost in the ≤65 age category and in patients hospitalized before 1990, but it persisted in old patients hospitalized after 1990. Most significant independent predictors of mortality in all groups were hyperuricemia, diabetes and impaired ejection fraction. Conclusions: No independent relationship was found between BMI and mortality in subjects ≤65 years of age. This neutral relationship seems to be partly counteracted by treatment, particularly in old patients. A different effect of obesity onset in old vs. young age cannot be ruled out

    Variability of radiation doses of cardiac diagnostic imaging tests: the RADIO-EVINCI study (RADIationdOse subproject of the EVINCI study)

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    Background: Patients with coronary artery disease can accumulate significant radiation dose through repeated exposures to coronary computed tomographic angiography, myocardial perfusion imaging with single photon emission computed tomography or positron emission tomography, and to invasive coronary angiography. Aim of the study was to audit radiation doses of coronary computed tomographic angiography, single photon emission computed tomography, positron emission tomography and invasive coronary angiography in patients enrolled in the prospective, randomized, multi-centre European study-EVINCI (Evaluation of Integrated Cardiac Imaging for the Detection and Characterization of Ischemic Heart Disease).Methods: We reviewed 1070 tests (476 coronary computed tomographic angiographies, 85 positron emission tomographies, 310 single photon emission computed tomographies, 199 invasive coronary angiographies) performed in 476 patients (mean age 60 +/- 9 years, 60% males) enrolled in 12 centers of the EVINCI. The effective doses were calculated in milli-Sievert (mSv) as median, interquartile range (IQR) and coefficient of variation of the mean.Results: Coronary computed tomographic angiography (476 exams in 12 centers) median effective dose was 9. 6 mSv (IQR = 13.2 mSv); single photon emission computed tomography (310 exams in 9 centers) effective dose was 9.3 (IQR = 2.8); positron emission tomography (85 in 3 centers) effective dose 1.8 (IQR = 1.6) and invasive coronary angiography (199 in 9 centers) effective dose 7.4 (IQR = 7.3). Inter-institutional variability was highest for invasive coronary angiography (100%) and coronary computed tomographic angiography (54%) and lowest for single photon emission computed tomography (20%). Intra-institutional variability was highest for invasive coronary angiography (121%) and coronary computed tomographic angiography (115%) and lowest for single photon emission computed tomography (14%).Conclusion: Coronary computed tomographic angiography and invasive coronary angiography doses vary substantially between and within centers. The variability in nuclear medicine procedures is substantially lower. The findings highlight the need to audit doses, to track cumulative exposures and to standardize doses for imaging techniques

    Variability of radiation doses of cardiac diagnostic imaging tests: the RADIO-EVINCI study (RADIationdOse subproject of the EVINCI study)

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    Background: Patients with coronary artery disease can accumulate significant radiation dose through repeated exposures to coronary computed tomographic angiography, myocardial perfusion imaging with single photon emission computed tomography or positron emission tomography, and to invasive coronary angiography. Aim of the study was to audit radiation doses of coronary computed tomographic angiography, single photon emission computed tomography, positron emission tomography and invasive coronary angiography in patients enrolled in the prospective, randomized, multi-centre European study–EVINCI (Evaluation of Integrated Cardiac Imaging for the Detection and Characterization of Ischemic Heart Disease).Methods: We reviewed 1070 tests (476 coronary computed tomographic angiographies, 85 positron emission tomographies, 310 single photon emission computed tomographies, 199 invasive coronary angiographies) performed in 476 patients (mean age 60 ± 9 years, 60% males) enrolled in 12 centers of the EVINCI. The effective doses were calculated in milli-Sievert (mSv) as median, interquartile range (IQR) and coefficient of variation of the mean.Results: Coronary computed tomographic angiography (476 exams in 12 centers) median effective dose was 9.6 mSv (IQR = 13.2 mSv); single photon emission computed tomography (310 exams in 9 centers) effective dose was 9.3 (IQR = 2.8); positron emission tomography (85 in 3 centers) effective dose 1.8 (IQR = 1.6) and invasive coronary angiography (199 in 9 centers) effective dose 7.4 (IQR = 7.3). Inter-institutional variability was highest for invasive coronary angiography (100%) and coronary computed tomographic angiography (54%) and lowest for single photon emission computed tomography (20%). Intra-institutional variability was highest for invasive coronary angiography (121%) and coronary computed tomographic angiography (115%) and lowest for single photon emission computed tomography (14%).Conclusion: Coronary computed tomographic angiography and invasive coronary angiography doses vary substantially between and within centers. The variability in nuclear medicine procedures is substantially lower. The findings highlight the need to audit doses, to track cumulative exposures and to standardize doses for imaging techniques.Trial registration: The study protocol is available at https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00979199). Information provided on September 16, 2009


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    Objective The limited scientific knowledge on relationship between exposure and health effects in relation to geothermal activity motivated an epidemiologic investigation in Tuscan geothermal area. The study aims to describe the health status of populations living in Tuscany municipalities where concessions for exploitation of geothermal resources were granted. Design This is an ecological study, so it is not useful to produce evidence to sustain a judgment on the cause-effect link. The major limits of this type of study are the use of the residence at municipal level as a proxy of exposure to both environmental and socioeconomic factors and the use of aggregated data of health outcomes that can lead to the well-known ecological fallacy. Setting and participants Sixteen municipalities were included in the study area: eight are part of the so-called "traditional" geothermal area, defined as Northern Geothermal Area (NGA) and eight located in the Amiata Mountain defined as Southern Geothermal Area (SGA). In 2000-2006, the average resident population in the overall area was approximately 43,000 inhabitants. Thirty-one geothermal power plants were active, with a production capacity of 811 MW, 5 of them with 88 MW located in the SGA. Statistical analyses on the entire geothermal area, NGA and SGA subareas, and the sixteen municipalities were performed. Main outcome measures Mortality data were obtained from Tuscany Regional Mortality Registry for the 1971-2006 period, analysing 60 causes of death, of interest for population health status or consistent with "Project SENTIERI" criteria. Hospital discharge records of residents in Tuscany Region in 2004-2006, anywhere admitted to hospital, were analyzed considering only the main diagnosis, excluding repeated admissions for the same cause. The causes taken into account are the same analysed for mortality were considered. Age-standardized mortality rates (TSDM) and the temporal trends of TSDM for four periods (1971-1979, 1980- 1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2006) were computed. Age-standardized mortality/hospitalization ratios (SMR/SHR), with and without adjustment for the deprivation index based on 2001 census data, were calculated: mortality in the years 2000-2006 and hospitalization in 2004-2006. The expected number of events were computed using rates of residents in neighbouring municipalities (municipalities included in 50 km radius circle centred on the study area). Bayesian estimates of mortality/hospitalization ratios (BMR/BHR) at municipal level only and relating maps of the Bayesian risk estimators were elaborated. Congenital malformations (MC) were analysed using data from Tuscan Registry of Birth Defect in 1992-2006 period, relative to outcomes of pregnancies in women resident in the municipalities of study area, wherever the birth or termination of pregnancy occurred. The ratio between observed and expected cases (O/A), with expected defined according to regional rate, were calculated and O/A Bayesian estimates (BMR) are showed only at municipal level . The low weight and the males/females ratio at birth were analysed using data from Tuscany Birth Certificates, covering period 2001-2007, excluding biths occurred in facilities outside Tuscany Region. For Low birth weight (<2,500 grams), very low birth weight (<1,500 grams), low birth weight in women with normal gestational age or greater than 36 weeks, gestational age less than 36 weeks, and the frequency of males, the observed/expected ratio was calculated, with the expected number defined according to regional rate. Results Environmental background High levels of arsenic in drinking water distribution emerges as a critical element, so that several municipalities resorted to granting exemptions for the parameters laid down by the Legislative Decree in force (DLgs 31/01). However, during the final phase of the study, new blast systems activated in the SGA decreased the arsenic levels in the water supply, reaching values not requiring derogations, which, instead, are still effective in some NGA municipalities. Air quality data, from Tuscany Regional Agency for Environmental Protection-ARPAT, show that geothermal activities are able to affect air quality, especially with hydrogen sulphide in NGA, and hydrogen sulphide and mercury in SGA. A significant contribution to the presence of mercury in air is due to previous metallurgical sites. Although mercury levels are belowWHO guideline values, in SGA nearby Siena, values were significantly higher than in other geothermal areas, because of power plant PC2 (turned off in July 2011) in Piancastagnaio municipality. The hydrogen sulphide concentration levels were generally lower than WHO reference values, with occasional excesses over guideline value for health protection (150 &#956;g/m3 as average of the 24 hours). Olfactory pollution was more critic with values exceeding 7-10 &#956;g/m3 range even in areas without geothermal plants.Obiettivo Le limitate conoscenze scientifiche sui rapporti tra esposizione a fattori ambientali correlati all\u27attivit? geotermica e lo stato di salute della popolazione esposta hanno motivato la conduzione di una indagine epidemiologica nell\u27area geotermica toscana basata sull\u27analisi dei dati ambientali e sanitari disponibili negli archivi regionali. Lo studio ha lo scopo di descrivere lo stato di salute delle popolazioni residenti nelle aree geotermiche toscane, identificate con i territori comunali per i quali sono state rilasciate concessioni di sfruttamento della risorsa geotermica. Disegno Lo studio ? di tipo ecologico e quindi non adatto a produrre evidenze che permettano di esprimere un giudizio sul nesso causa-effetto. I maggiori limiti degli studi ecologici derivano dall\u27assunzione che la residenza anagrafica a livello comunale rappresenti una valida misura di esposizione a fattori sia ambientali sia socioeconomici e dall\u27utilizzo di dati aggregati degli esiti sanitari che possono portare a risultati affetti da fallacia ecologica. Setting e partecipanti I comuni inclusi nell\u27area geotermica dello studio sono 16, di cui 8 compresi nell\u27area geotermica cosiddetta ?tradizionale?, che include le localit? di Larderello, Val di Cornia e Radicondoli-Travale (area geotermica Nord) e gli altri 8 situati nella zona dell\u27Amiata senese e grossetana (area geotemica Sud). Nel periodo 2000-2006 la popolazione media residente nell\u27area geotermica complessiva era di oltre 43.000 abitanti. Al momento dello studio erano attive 31 centrali geotermoelettriche con capacit? di produzione di 811 MW, di cui 5 con 88 MW totali nell\u27area geotermica Sud. Le analisi statistiche sono state effettuate a livello di intera area geotermica, delle due subaree geotermiche (Nord e Sud) e dei 16 comuni. Principali misure di outcome La mortalit? ? stata analizzata utilizzando i dati del Registro di mortalit? regionale della Toscana per l\u27intero periodo disponibile (1971-2006), con dettaglio per 60 cause, scelte in quanto di interesse generale per il profilo di salute della popolazione o perch? coerenti con i criteri adottati dal Progetto SENTIERI. L\u27ospedalizzazione ? stata valutata analizzando i dati delle schede di dimissione ospedaliera (SDO) della Re-gione Toscana nel periodo 2004-2006, includendo i ricoverati residenti in Toscana ovunque abbiano effettuato un ricovero, considerando solo la diagnosi principale di ricovero, escludendo i ricoveri ripetuti degli stessi soggetti per la stessa causa. Le cause di ospedalizzazione selezionate per l\u27analisi dei ricoveri sono le stesse utilizzate per l\u27analisi della mortalit?. Per la mortalit? sono stati calcolati i tassi di mortalit? standardizzati per et? (TSDM) e i trend temporali dei TSDM in quattro periodi (1971- 1979, 1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2006). Sia per la mortalit? del periodo 2000-2006, sia per l\u27ospedalizzazione del periodo 2004-2006,sono stati calcolati: &#61692; i rapporti di mortalit?/ospedalizzazione standardizzati per et? (SMR/SHR), con e senza aggiustamento per l\u27indice di deprivazione (ID), utilizzando per il calcolo dell\u27ID i dati del censimento 2001, con gli attesi calcolati usando il tasso di mortalit?/ospedalizzazione della popolazione residente nei comuni limitrofi (comuni con la coordinata geografica del municipio compresa in un cerchio con raggio di 50 km centrato sull\u27area in studio); &#61692; le stime bayesiane dei rapporti di mortalit? (BMR) e di ospedalizzazione (BHR) a livello esclusivamente comunale; &#61692; le mappe (disease mapping) dei rischi bayesiani di mortalit?/ospedalizzazione comunali. Le malformazioni congenite (MC) sono state analizzate utilizzando i dati del Registro toscano dei difetti congeniti (RTDC) nel periodo 1992-2006, relativi a esiti di gravidanze di donne residenti nei comuni dell\u27area in studio, ovunque sia avvenuto il parto o l\u27interruzione di gravidanza. Per le MC ? stato calcolato il rapporto tra casi osservati e casi attesi (O/A), con gli attesi definiti in base al tasso regionale e vengono fornite le stime bayesiane del rapporto O/A (BMR) a livello esclusivamente comunale. Per valutare il basso peso e il rapporto tra maschi e femmine alla nascita sono stati utilizzati i dati dei certificati di assistenza al parto della Regione Toscana, relativi al periodo 2001-2007, con esclusione degli eventi occorsi in presidi di altre regioni. L\u27analisi ? stata condotta considerando i nati con: basso peso alla nascita (LW: peso <2.500 grammi), bassissimo peso alla nascita (VLW: peso <1.500 grammi), basso peso alla nascita nelle donne con et? gestazionale normale e maggiore di 36 settimane (LW36), et? gestazionale inferiore a 36 settimane, e il numero di maschi osservato. Per tutti gli indicatori ? stato calcolato il rapporto osservato/atteso, con l\u27atteso definito in base al tasso regionale. Risultati Il contesto ambientale Dalla descrizione del contesto ambientale, per quanto riguarda l\u27acqua, emerge come elemento di criticit? il riscontro talvolta di elevati livelli di arsenico nelle acque della rete di distribuzione degli acquedotti, tanto che in diverse realt? comunali si ? dovuto far ricorso alla concessione di deroghe ai parametri previsti dal decreto legislativo vigente (DLgs 31/01). Comunque, durante la fase conclusiva dello studio, nell\u27area geotermica Sud i nuovi sistemi abbattitori hanno ridotto i livelli di arsenico nella rete idrica fino a valori tali da non dover pi? ricorrere alle deroghe, ancora attive, invece, in alcuni comuni dell\u27area geotermica Nord. Le informazioni dell\u27ARPAT sui dati dell\u27aria evidenziano che l\u27attivit? geotermica ? in grado di modificare la qualit? dell\u27aria, soprattutto per l\u27acido solfidrico nell\u27area geotermica Nord, e per l\u27acido solfidrico e il mercurio nell\u27area geotermica Sud, in particolare nel versante senese dell\u27Amiata. Per il mercurio nell\u27aria, un contributo rilevante ? legato anche alle emissioni dagli ex siti metallurgici. Sebbene i livelli di mercurio nelle postazioni di monitoraggio rientrino sempre al di sotto dei valori guida raccomandati dall\u27OMS, le concentrazioni riscontrate nell\u27aria dell\u27Amiata senese, e perlopi? legate alla centrale PC2 di Piancastagnaio (spenta nel luglio 2011), sono significativamente superiori a quelle rilevate nelle altre aree geotermiche che, al contrario, sono assestate sugli stessi livelli registrati nei territori non geotermici. I livelli di concentrazione di acido solfidrico sono inferiori ai valori di riferimento, con occasionali superamenti del valore guida di tutela sanitaria OMS (150 &#956;g/m3 come media delle 24 ore). Pi? critici sono i dati di inquinamento olfattivo, che si verifica con il superamento del valore di 7-10 g/m3 di acido solfidrico nell\u27aria, riscontrato con vario grado di intensit? in tutte le postazioni di monitoraggio, anche in aree dove non sono presenti impianti geotermici. In alcune aree con insediamenti produttivi geotermici la frequenza, la persistenza e l\u27intensit? dei cattivi odori sono tali da comportare condizioni di qualit? dell\u27aria scadente

    Long-term prognosis of unheralded myocardial infarction vs chronic angina; role of sex and coronary atherosclerosis burden

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    Abstract Background Angina pectoris (AP) and unheralded myocardial infarction (MI) are considered random clinical equivalents of ischemic heart disease (IHD). Aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term progression of AP as opposed to unheralded MI as alternative first clinical presentations of IHD and the effect of sex on prognosis. Methods The study included 2272 consecutive patients, 1419 MI and 1353 AP, hospitalized from 1995 to 2007 at CNR Clinical Physiology Institute, Pisa, Italy and followed up to December 2013, who fulfilled the following criteria: unheralded MI or AP as first manifestation of IHD; age < = 70 years; known coronary anatomy; at least 10-year follow-up. Fatal and non fatal MI, all-cause, and cardiac deaths were the end-points. Results Males were predominant in MI (86%) as compared to AP (77%). Females were predominantly affected by AP (61%, MI 39%), and older than men (61 ± 7 vs 59 ± 8 years, p < 0.001). Coronary stenoses were prevalent in MI. During 115 ± 58 months follow-up, 628 deaths (23%) were observed, including 269 cardiac (43%), and 149 cancer deaths (24%). Long-term prognosis was significantly better in AP than MI group. The lowest prevalence of future MI was recorded in female AP (p < 0.001). Conclusions MI as first clinical manifestation of IHD implies a more adverse prognosis than AP; future MI is a rare event in AP; sex influences the first presentation of IHD and its course with possible implications for preventive strategy