990 research outputs found

    Size, Structure, and Strategies: Insolvency and "The Nature of the Firm" in Italy, 1920S-1970S

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    During the Twentieth century, Italian joint-stock companies remained relatively small and tended to die young. This fact constrained the development of the full potential of the Italian industry, as small-dimensioned companies struggled to implement the most efficient technologies and managerial techniques. This paper analyses this problem by looking at the functioning of insolvency procedures. Using quantitative and qualitative evidence, we show how various devices that progressively appeared on the scene failed in providing efficient solutions to re-start worthy companies. Insolvency procedures thus remained liquidation-prone, a factor that contributes to explain the peculiarity and the limits of Italian industrial capitalism.

    ​"​​La definizione della Strategia di Sviluppo Locale per il programma Leader​ 2014-20. Un confronto tra un GAL della Toscana e un GAL della Puglia"

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha la finalità di valutare l’efficacia e l’impatto dell’approccio LEADER stabilito nella programmazione di sviluppo rurale. L’analisi è stata condotta analizzando e definendo il concetto di ruralità declinato nei suoi diversi significati ed analisi degli obiettivi definiti dalla strategia promossa dall’Unione Europea : Europa 2020. L’analisi di questo tipo di approccio partecipativo ha previsto un confronto sulle modalità di attuazione in tre stati europei (Germania, Francia ed Italia). Successivamente il lavoro ha previsto un focus sulla realtà italiana analizzando due regioni: la Puglia e la Toscana. Il confronto fra queste due aree è stato eseguito relazionando i Programmi di sviluppo Rurale delle programmazioni 2007-2013 e 2014-2020 e l’attività di due GAL (Murgia più s.c.r.l in Puglia e Montagnappennino s.c.r.l in Toscana) nella redazione della Strategia di Sviluppo Locale. I dati emersi hanno mostrato come in entrambe le regioni questo modello di sviluppo partecipativo sia definito e strutturato dalla normativa regionale, lasciando poco spazio agli attori locali

    PRILJ: an efficient two-step method based on embedding and clustering for the identification of regularities in legal case judgments

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    In an era characterized by fast technological progress that introduces new unpredictable scenarios every day, working in the law field may appear very difficult, if not supported by the right tools. In this respect, some systems based on Artificial Intelligence methods have been proposed in the literature, to support several tasks in the legal sector. Following this line of research, in this paper we propose a novel method, called PRILJ, that identifies paragraph regularities in legal case judgments, to support legal experts during the redaction of legal documents. Methodologically, PRILJ adopts a two-step approach that first groups documents into clusters, according to their semantic content, and then identifies regularities in the paragraphs for each cluster. Embedding-based methods are adopted to properly represent documents and paragraphs into a semantic numerical feature space, and an Approximated Nearest Neighbor Search method is adopted to efficiently retrieve the most similar paragraphs with respect to the paragraphs of a document under preparation. Our extensive experimental evaluation, performed on a real-world dataset provided by EUR-Lex, proves the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method. In particular, its ability of modeling different topics of legal documents, as well as of capturing the semantics of the textual content, appear very beneficial for the considered task, and make PRILJ very robust to the possible presence of noise in the data

    Bankruptcy laws around Europe (1850-2015): institutional change and institutional features

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    Despite the relevance of bankruptcy law for a number of key issues regarding business functioning and organization, little is known about the features and evolution of these legal institutions over time and space. This paper starts to fill this gap in current knowledge by analyzing a new data set providing consistent information about key features of bankruptcy law between 1850 and 2015 in the thirty largest European economies. Regarding institutional change, our analysis supports the established view of a link between macroeconomic changes and the introduction of procedures alternative to bankruptcy. However, this process shows significant differences at the national level, making it difficult to support the idea of change as the result of belonging to a given legal system (French; common law; Scandinavia; Germanic), or the degree of economic development. Instead, change in bankruptcy institutions seems to be a product of, and contributor to, the wider process of individual state formation. Similarly, the features of bankruptcy procedures seem to confirm this picture: Looking at their possible outcomes, the right to begin proceedings, and degree of application to different types of debtors, national differences appear deep and persistent, despite a generalized pattern of convergence over time toward a less punitive approach to bankruptcy

    Measuring cosmological distances by coalescing binaries

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    Gravitational waves detected from well-localized inspiraling binaries would allow us to determine, directly and independently, binary luminosity and redshift. In this case, such systems could behave as "standard candles" providing an excellent probe of cosmic distances up to z <0.1 and complementing other indicators of cosmological distance ladder.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables. To appear in the Proceeding of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011 (Madrid, Spain, 29th August - 2nd September 2011

    Molecular and phenotypic characterization of a collection of white grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] for temperate climates

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    AbstractSorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a subsistence crop and the main food for populations in arid or semiarid regions and it is appreciated for the production of gluten-free products, forages, raw materials for industrial transformation and packaging. The end-use of different sorghum purposes having various plant or kernel characteristics require specific breeding programs to develop the desired ideotype. Sorghum grains can be classified according to kernel color, tannins and polyphenols content: white, yellow, red, brown, and black. White sorghum is characterized by a low level of total phenolic content and tannins. The advantage of using white sorghum is: increased protein digestibility, nutritional composition and consumer acceptance similar to other cereals. A collection of 117 white grain sorghums was characterized using 10 SSRs and preliminary agronomic observations were made for main traits. SSR analysis revealed from 10 to 33 alleles per locus.Observed heterozygosity was lower than expected according to the reproduction system of sorghum. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 6 main groups of genotypes. Only one group is constituted by genotypes with the same geographical origin (Egypt) while other groups are admixtures of different countries. The principal coordinate analysis revealed good correspondence between genetic profiles and groups evidenced by similar agronomic performances

    Boosting the Performance of One-Step Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells Using a Natural Monoterpene Alcohol as a Green Solvent Additive

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    The perovskite film is the core of a perovskite solar cell (PSC), and its quality is crucial for the performance of such devices. The morphology, crystallinity, and surface coverage of the perovskite layer greatly affect the power conversion efficiency (PCE), hysteresis, and long-term stability of PSCs. The incorporation of appropriate solvent additives in the perovskite precursor solution is an effective strategy to control the film morphology and reduce the defects and grain boundaries. However, the commonly used solvent additives are environmentally harmful and highly toxic. In this work, α-terpineol (a nontoxic, eco-friendly, and low-cost monoterpene alcohol) is employed for the first time as an alternative green solvent additive to improve the quality of one-step solution-processed CH3NH3PbI3–xClx films and to restrain nonradiative recombination in the corresponding devices. An in-depth investigation of the physicochemical effects induced by such a high-boiling-point, polar protic solvent when incorporated into a conventional perovskite solvent system is provided. The collected data demonstrate that the addition of a precise amount of α-terpineol can generate uniform and highly crystalline perovskite films with improved photovoltaic performances. Through this approach, the PCE of planar n–i–p PSCs is boosted up to 17.5% (against 16.1% of the top control device) with reduced hysteresis and enhanced ambient stability

    Effect of halloysite nanotubes filler on polydopamine properties

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    Hypothesis: Polydopamine (PDA) is widely used as hydrophilic coating for several applications. However, most of the methods studied to improve or manipulate PDA properties are multistep and time-consuming, and there is a need for versatile strategies aimed at controlling and modifying the properties of PDA. Experiments: PDA-halloysite nanocomposites were produced under different oxidation conditions in alkaline and acidic media and were characterized by UV–visible and attenuated total refraction- Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopies, thermogravimetric analysis, porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and contact angle measurements against the reference PDA polymer. Findings: Inclusion of the inorganic halloysite nanofiller in the PDA component was found to affect the thermal properties of the nanocomposite as well as its structure, depending on the experimental conditions. The ability of the nanocomposites to adsorb organic dyes as possible membrane coatings for environmental remediation was also investigated by different models, suggesting promising applications as adsorbents for the treatment of wastewaters

    Improved Photocatalytic Activity of Polysiloxane TiO2 Composites by Thermally Induced Nanoparticle Bulk Clustering and Dye Adsorption

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    Fine control of nanoparticle clustering within polymeric matrices can be tuned to enhance the physicochemical properties of the resulting composites, which are governed by the interplay of nanoparticle surface segregation and bulk clustering. To this aim, out-of-equilibrium strategies can be leveraged to program the multiscale organization of such systems. Here, we present experimental results indicating that bulk assembly of highly photoactive clusters of titanium dioxide nanoparticles within an in situ synthesized polysiloxane matrix can be thermally tuned. Remarkably, the controlled nanoparticle clustering results in improved degradation photocatalytic performances of the material under 1 sun toward methylene blue. The resulting coatings, in particular the 35 wt % TiO2-loaded composites, show a photocatalytic degradation of about 80%, which was comparable to the equivalent amount of bare TiO2 and two-fold higher with respect to the corresponding composites not subjected to thermal treatment. These findings highlight the role of thermally induced bulk clustering in enhancing photoactive nanoparticle/polymer composite properties
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