1,606 research outputs found

    Estimating packet loss rate in the access through application-level measurements

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    End user monitoring of quality of experience is one of the necessary steps to achieve an effective and winning control over network neutrality. The involvement of the end user, however, requires the development of light and user-friendly tools that can be easily run at the application level with limited effort and network resources usage. In this paper, we propose a simple model to estimate packet loss rate perceived by a connection, by round trip time and TCP goodput samples collected at the application level. The model is derived from the well-known Mathis equation, which predicts the bandwidth of a steady-state TCP connection under random losses and delayed ACKs and it is evaluated in a testbed environment under a wide range of different conditions. Experiments are also run on real access networks. We plan to use the model to analyze the results collected by the "network neutrality bot" (Neubot), a research tool that performs application-level network-performance measurements. However, the methodology is easily portable and can be interesting for basically any user application that performs large downloads or uploads and requires to estimate access network quality and its variation

    Validating corruption risk measures: a key step to monitoring SDG progress

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    The Agenda 2030 recognises corruption as a major obstacle to sustainable development and integrates its reduction among SDG targets, in view of developing peaceful, just and strong institutions. In this paper, we propose a method to assess the validity of corruption indicators within an Item Response Theory framework, which explicitly accounts for the latent and multidimensional facet of corruption. Towards this main aim, a set of fifteen red flag indicators of corruption risk in public procurement is computed on data included in the Italian National Database of Public Contracts. Results show a multidimensional structure composed of sub-groups of red flag indicators i. measuring distinct corruption risk categories, which differ in nature, type and entity, and are generally non-superimposable; ii. mirroring distinct dynamics related to specific SDG principles and targets

    Strengthening measurements from the edges: application-level packet loss rate estimation

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    Network users know much less than ISPs, Internet exchanges and content providers about what happens inside the network. Consequently users cannot either easily detect network neutrality violations or readily exercise their market power by knowledgeably switching ISPs. This paper contributes to the ongoing efforts to empower users by proposing two models to estimate -- via application-level measurements -- a key network indicator, i.e., the packet loss rate (PLR) experienced by FTP-like TCP downloads. Controlled, testbed, and large-scale experiments show that the Inverse Mathis model is simpler and more consistent across the whole PLR range, but less accurate than the more advanced Likely Rexmit model for landline connections and moderate PL

    A Study of Systematics on the Cosmological Inference of the Hubble Constant from Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences (CBCs) can constrain the cosmic expansion of the universe. In the absence of an associated electromagnetic counterpart, the spectral sirens method exploits the relation between the detector frame and the source frame masses to jointly infer the parameters of the mass distribution of black holes (BH) and the cosmic expansion parameter H0H_0. This technique relies on the choice of the parametrization for the source mass population of BHs observed in binary black holes merger (BBHs). Using astrophysically motivated BBH populations, we study the possible systematic effects affecting the inferred value for H0H_0 when using heuristic mass models like a broken power law, a power law plus peak and a multi-peak distributions. We find that with 2000 detected GW mergers, the resulting H0H_0 obtained with a spectral sirens analysis can be biased up to 3σ3\sigma. The main sources of this bias come from the failure of the heuristic mass models used so far to account for a possible redshift evolution of the mass distribution and from their inability to model unexpected mass features. We conclude that future dark siren GW cosmology analyses should make use of source mass models able to account for redshift evolution and capable to adjust to unforeseen mass features.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    A multi-resolutive extraction of geometric descriptors for virtual shapes and humans

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    Tools for the automatic decomposition of a surface into shape features will facilitate and optimize the classification, matching, texturing, morphing, and simplification of 3D shapes. Different features, such as flats, limbs, tips, pits, and various blending shapes between them may be characterized in terms of local curvature and other differential properties of the surface, or in terms of a global skeletal organization of the volume it encloses. However, both solutions are extremely sensitive to small perturbations in the surface smoothness and to quantization effects when they operate on triangulated surfaces. The paper presents a shape characterization based on a multi-resolutive curvature computation where the vertices of a given triangle mesh are classified according to their curvature and shape behavior in neighborhoods of increasing size, and whose final goal is to segment 3D models into main bodies and tubular parts, and to code the tube/body connectivity with their geometric parameters. Last, we propose to apply the morphological analysis for the automatically extraction of the semantic of human body models for their representation, retrieval and applications to animation. We prove the efficacy of our tool in automatically extracting morphological shape parameters and locating feature points on the human body identifying fingertips, nose,armpits, ankles, umbilicus, and so on

    In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Berry Juice against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Small Ruminants

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    Simple Summary Gastrointestinal nematodes are included worldwide among the most prominent parasites of small ruminants. In past decades, the control of these nematodes mainly relied on the use of synthetic anthelmintic drugs. However, nowadays the exclusive use of anthelmintic drugs is considered an obsolete and unsustainable control strategy due to the onset of anthelmintic-resistant sheep gastrointestinal nematode strains and the issues linked with the environmental pollution and residues in food of animal origin of synthetic anthelmintic drugs. Among alternative or complementary methods, the use of plants endowed with anthelmintic properties has been identified as a valuable option. As a part of this approach, this study evaluated the in vitro anthelmintic properties of two commercial sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry juices on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes. Both H. rhamnoides berry juices tested in this study showed interesting anthelmintic properties in vitro. The obtained results are promising regarding the use of sea buckthorn berry juice as a potential tool for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants. Gastrointestinal nematodes are one of the major threats in small ruminant breeding. Their control is difficult due to the development of anthelmintic resistance, and the search for new molecules endowed with anthelmintic activity (AH) is considered a priority. In this context, we evaluated the in vitro AH activity of two commercial sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry juices, namely SBT and SBF. The in vitro evaluation was based on the egg-hatch test and larval exsheathment assay at different concentrations. Data were statistically analysed, and the EC50 was calculated. Chemical analyses were performed to evaluate the total polyphenol content of the juices and chemical profile of the most represented compounds. The role of the polyphenolic fraction in the anthelmintic activity of the juices was also assessed. At the highest concentrations, the activity of SBT was high in both tests and comparable to that observed in the thiabendazole-treated positive controls, while SBF showed a lower efficacy. Glycosylated isorhamnetin and quercetin were the most represented polyphenolic compounds in both juices. In conclusion, both H. rhamnoides berry juices tested in this study showed interesting anthelmintic properties in vitro

    The Restorative Quality of the Work Environments: The Moderation Effect of Environmental Resources between Job Demands and Mindfulness

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    In the work context, employees must cope with everyday demands, which deplete psychological resources (e.g., direct attention and concentration). The environment’s perceived quality (i.e., perceived restorativeness) helps people recover from job demands by restoring the psychological resources depleted during working hours. Therefore, this study examines the possible moderating effect of restorativeness (i.e., fascination and compatibility dimensions) between job demands (i.e., cognitive demands and work overload) and a specific form of attention, such as mindfulness, within the Job Demands–Resources Model. To achieve this aim, a cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 210 Italian employees working in five different sectors. They completed a self-report questionnaire in their work context. The hypotheses were verified with linear regression analyses, including age, gender, and hours per day worked as control variables. The findings show that cognitive demands are significantly and negatively correlated with mindfulness and that the demands–mindfulness relationship is weaker among employees who perceived greater restorative quality regarding “compatibility” with the work context. Conversely, work overload is not significantly correlated with mindfulness. Overall, these findings highlight the importance of considering the levels of restorativeness (i.e., compatibility) in the work context for indirectly enhancing mindfulness. In particular, a work environment with compatible characteristics can help employees recover from job demands