25 research outputs found

    In Vivo Study of HIV-1 Tat Arginine-rich Motif Unveils Its Transport Properties

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    Tat-derived peptides have attracted much interest as molecular carriers for intracellular delivery as they incorporate specific attributes required for efficient cargo delivery to sub-cellular domains. Little is known, however, about intracellular trafficking and interactions of Tat peptide–tagged cargoes, although some in vitro studies have suggested the relevance of active processes in Tat peptide–driven nuclear translocation. These issues are addressed by comparing Tat peptide–induced transport properties with well-established passive diffusion and active import benchmarks in living cells. Specifically, we examine several constructs of increasing molecular weight (MW) both below and above the threshold for passive diffusion through the nuclear pore. The resulting sub-cellular localization is analyzed by confocal imaging, and construct intracellular dynamics is investigated by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) real-time imaging. Our experiments yield the characteristic transport parameters of Tat peptide intra-cytoplasm dynamics and nucleus/cytoplasm shuttling. These results allow us to elucidate the mechanism of Tat peptide–driven nuclear permeation, demonstrating that it crosses the nuclear envelope (NE) by passive diffusion. Finally, we discuss the limitations of this route in terms of acceptable cargo size

    Loss of negative regulation by Numb over Notch is relevant to human breast carcinogenesis

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    The biological antagonism between Notch and Numb controls the proliferative/differentiative balance in development and homeostasis. Although altered Notch signaling has been linked to human diseases, including cancer, evidence for a substantial involvement of Notch in human tumors has remained elusive. Here, we show that Numb-mediated control on Notch signaling is lost in ∼50% of human mammary carcinomas, due to specific Numb ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Mechanistically, Numb operates as an oncosuppressor, as its ectopic expression in Numb-negative, but not in Numb-positive, tumor cells inhibits proliferation. Increased Notch signaling is observed in Numb-negative tumors, but reverts to basal levels after enforced expression of Numb. Conversely, Numb silencing increases Notch signaling in normal breast cells and in Numb-positive breast tumors. Finally, growth suppression of Numb-negative, but not Numb-positive, breast tumors can be achieved by pharmacological inhibition of Notch. Thus, the Numb/Notch biological antagonism is relevant to the homeostasis of the normal mammary parenchyma and its subversion contributes to human mammary carcinogenesis

    HNRNPM controls circRNA biogenesis and splicing fidelity to sustain cancer cell fitness

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    High spliceosome activity is a dependency for cancer cells, making them more vulnerable to perturbation of the splicing machinery compared to normal cells. To identify splicing factors important for prostate cancer (PCa) fitness, we performed pooled shRNA screens in vitro and in vivo. Our screens identified HNRNPM as a regulator of PCa cell growth. RNA- and eCLIP-sequencing identified HNRNPM binding to transcripts of key homeostatic genes. HNRNPM binding to its targets prevents aberrant exon inclusion and back-splicing events. In both linear and circular mis-spliced transcripts, HNRNPM preferentially binds to GU-rich elements in long flanking proximal introns. Mimicry of HNRNPM dependent linear splicing events using splice-switching-antisense-oligonucleotides (SSOs) was sufficient to inhibit PCa cell growth. This suggests that PCa dependence on HNRNPM is likely a result of mis-splicing of key homeostatic coding and non-coding genes. Our results have further been confirmed in other solid tumors. Taken together, our data reveal a role for HNRNPM in supporting cancer cell fitness. Inhibition of HNRNPM activity is therefore a potential therapeutic strategy in suppressing growth of PCa and other solid tumors

    Tuning the transport properties of HIV-1 Tat arginine-rich motif in living cells

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    A large body of work is currently devoted to the rational design of new molecular carriers for the controlled delivery of cargoes (e.g. proteins or nucleic acids) to relevant subcellular domains, particularly the nucleus. In this article, we show that rational mutagenesis of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat-derived peptide (YGRKKRRQRRR) affords variants with finely tuned intercompartmental dynamics and controllable transport mechanisms. Our findings are made possible by the demonstration that the Tat peptide possesses two competing functionalities capable of active nuclear targeting and additional binding to intracellular moieties. By altering the competition between these two functions, we show how to control cargo localization of Tat peptide chimeras. Our investigation provides a unified, coherent description of previous conflicting in vivo and in vitro results and lets the true nature of the Tat peptide emerge. \uc2\ua9 2008 The Authors Journal compilation \uc2\ua9 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Dendrimer internalization and intracellular trafficking in living cells

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    \u3cp\u3eThe ability of dendrimers to cross cell membranes is of much interest for their application in drug and gene delivery. Recent studies demonstrate that dendrimers are capable to enter cells by endocytosis, but the intracellular pathway following their internalization remains controversial. In this study we use confocal fluorescence microscopy to elucidate the intracellular trafficking properties of PAMAM dendrimers with high spatial and temporal resolution in living HeLa cells. Macromolecules of different chemical functionality (neutral, cationic and lipidated), size (from G2 up to G6) and surface charge are investigated and their internalization properties correlated with the molecular structure. Toxicity and internalization data are discussed that allow the identification of dendrimers maximizing intracellular uptake with the minimum effect on cell viability. Time-lapse imaging and colocalization assays with fluorescent biomarkers for endocytic vesicles demonstrate that dendrimers are internalized by both clathrin-dependent endocytosis and macropinocytosis and are eventually delivered to the lysosomal compartment. Moreover we analyzed the uptake of dendrimers in additional cell lines of practical interest for therapeutic purposes. These measurements together with a direct comparison with TAT peptides demonstrate that PAMAM dendrimers possess similar properties to these widely used cell-penetrating peptides and thanks to their chemical tunability may represent a valid alternative for drug and gene delivery.\u3c/p\u3

    Probing Nuclear Localization Signal-Importin α Binding Equilibria in Living Cells*

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    The regulated process of protein import into the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is mediated by specific nuclear localization signals (NLSs) that are recognized by protein-import receptors. In this study, we present fluorescence-based methods to quantitatively address the physicochemical details of NLS recognition by the receptor protein importin α (Impα) in living cells. First, by combining fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements and protein-concentration calibration, we quantitatively define nuclear import saturability and afford an affinity value for NLS-Impα binding. Second, by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, we directly monitor the occurrence of NLS-Impα interaction and measure its effective dissociation constant (KD) in the actual cellular environment. Our kinetic and thermodynamic analyses independently indicate that the subsaturation of Impα with the expressed NLS cargo regulates nuclear import rates in living cells, in contrast to what can be predicted on the basis of available in vitro data. Finally, our experiments also provide evidence for the regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric importin β-binding domain of Impα and yield the first estimate of its autoinhibition energy in living cells

    Neuronal polarity selection by topography-induced focal adhesion control

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    Interaction between differentiating neurons and the extracellular environment guides the establishment of cell polarity during nervous system development. Developing neurons read the physical properties of the local substrate in a contact-dependent manner and retrieve essential guidance cues. In previous works we demonstrated that PC12 cell interaction with nanogratings (alternating lines of ridges and grooves of submicron size) promotes bipolarity and alignment to the substrate topography. Here, we investigate the role of focal adhesions, cell contractility, and actin dynamics in this process. Exploiting nanoimprint lithography techniques and a cyclic olefin copolymer, we engineered biocompatible nanostructured substrates designed for high-resolution live-cell microscopy. Our results reveal that neuronal polarization and contact guidance are based on a geometrical constraint of focal adhesions resulting in an angular modulation of their maturation and persistence. We report on ROCK1/2-myosin-II pathway activity and demonstrate that ROCK-mediated contractility contributes to polarity selection during neuronal differentiation. Importantly, the selection process confined the generation of actin-supported membrane protrusions and the initiation of new neurites at the poles. Maintenance of the established polarity was independent from NGF stimulation. Altogether our results imply that focal adhesions and cell contractility stably link the topographical configuration of the extracellular environment to a corresponding neuronal polarity state