351 research outputs found

    Q.954 and A.954, Quickie Problem and Solution

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    Problem and proof proposed by authors. Another proof, using lattice paths, can be found in Robert A. Sulanke\u27s article, Objects Counted by the Central Delannoy Numbers, The Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol 6, 2003. A proof by polynomials is in Michel Bataille\u27s paper Some Identities about an Old Combinatorial Sum, The Mathematical Gazette, March 2003, pp. 144-8. A slight change in the above proof leads to m ≥ n, a generalization proved by Li Zhou using lattice paths in The Mathematical Gazette

    Autobiographie, réflexivité et professionnalisation

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    À partir de l’Esquisse pour une auto-analyse de Pierre Bourdieu, l’auteur interroge les concepts et les pratiques d’autobiographie et de réflexivité en formation, ainsi que leur place dans le processus de professionnalisation. Il présente brièvement l’approche théorique de l’équipe de recherche qu’il anime, sur la construction et les transformations des représentations et de l’implication professionnelles.This paper, based on Pierre Bourdieu’s last book: Outline for a sociological self-seeking, questions the concepts and practices of autobiography and reflexivity during education and their part in the training process. The author provides a short presentation of the theoretical approach of a research team, of which he is facilitator, during a study of the construction and transformation of occupational representations and consequent professional involvement

    Neutron scattering study of the long-range ordered state in CeRu2Al10

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been performed on powder and single-crystal samples of orthorhombic CeRu2Al10. The order forming below T0 = 27 K was identified as a long-range antiferromagnetic state with the wave vector k = (1,0,0). The magnetic spectral response in the ordered phase, measured on powder, is characterized by a spin gap and a pronounced peak at 8 meV, whose Q dependence suggests a magnetic origin. Both features are suppressed when temperature is raised to T0, and a conventional relaxational behavior is observed at 40 K. This peculiar spin dynamics is discussed in connection with recent magnetization results for the same compound.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 (Tokyo Metropolitan University, September 17 - 20, 2010), to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Typo corrected p. 3: "sites denoted 1 and 3" => "1 and 4

    In-signifiances d'acéphale

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    Power comparison of different methods to detect genetic effects and gene-environment interactions

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    Identifying gene-environment (G × E) interactions has become a crucial issue in the past decades. Different methods have been proposed to test for G × E interactions in the framework of linkage or association testing. However, their respective performances have rarely been compared. Using Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 simulated data, we compared the power of four methods: one based on affected sib pairs that tests for linkage and interaction (the mean interaction test) and three methods that test for association and/or interaction: a case-control test, a case-only test, and a log-linear approach based on case-parent trios. Results show that for the particular model of interaction between tobacco use and Locus B simulated here, the mean interaction test has poor power to detect either the genetic effect or the interaction. The association studies, i.e., the log-linear-modeling approach and the case-control method, are more powerful to detect the genetic effect (power of 78% and 95%, respectively) and taking into account interaction moderately increases the power (increase of 9% and 3%, respectively). The case-only design exhibits a 95% power to detect G × E interaction but the type I error rate is increased

    L’accompagnement de l’implication dans le projet issu du bilan de compétences des salariés en activité

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    Notre recherche nous a amenés à élaborer un protocole permettant de faire émerger les caractéristiques individuelles des bénéficiaires d’un bilan de compétences et d’introduire un accompagnement spécifique du projet, fondé sur l’activation des composantes Sens/Repères/sentiment de Contrôle du modèle de l’implication professionnelle, développé dans notre laboratoire. Notre recherche a pour but de mesurer les effets de l’accompagnement sur la concrétisation des projets par rapport à un échantillon de comparaison. Les analyses statistiques démontrent un lien significatif entre accompagnement et concrétisation du projet.This study allowed us to elaborate a protocol that made it possible to reveal individual traits of participants having taken a skills assessment test and to introduce a personalized support program for the duration of a project. This accompaniment throughout the project was based on activating certain components: Direction/Meaning, Points of reference, Feelings of control from the professional implication model developed in our laboratory. Using a control group, this study aimed to measure the implications that being accompanied, throughout a project, had on the project achievement itself. Statistical findings demonstrated a significant link between being accompanied and project achievement

    Mesure de netteté par Transformée en ondelettes. Définition et comparaison pour l'autofocus de caméra

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons une nouvelle mesure de netteté d'image destinée à l'autofocus de caméra numérique que nous comparons à des mesures classiques telles que celles fondées sur les caractéristiques différentielles ou de quantité d'information de l'image. Cette mesure utilise la quantification de la régularité locale d'un signal, en étudiant l'évolution des coefficients des maxima de la transformée en ondelettes du signal. Les expérimentations montrent une bonne robustesse au bruit de cette méthode et une bonne réponse lorsque le contenu informatif de l'image est faible (basse lumière, faibles contrastes)