160 research outputs found

    Family Life – between Charism and Institution. Signalling Multidimensionality and Complexity of Human Interactions for Business Institutions and Society

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    This paper analyses the complexity of family life, which includes both its charismatic and institutional aspects. Deepening the understanding of this basic social group can be useful in explaining how human beings in their decisions and actions, as well as organizations, unceasingly transcend different oppositions and dimensions. Undertaking this topic is not only important in the context of understanding the fundamental and complex experience of family life in the process of preparing and introducing new members to society, but also from the organizational perspective. It means that exploring the role of both dimensions – charismatic and institutional – which are somehow complementary, is crucial for understanding and harmonizing the different relationships and interactions within organizations, including business ones. In this way the article shows the connection between the functioning of the family and society (including organizations within it)

    Ekonomia dobra czy zła? Ekonomiczno-gospodarcze paradoksy współczesności

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    Economics plays important role in contemporary societies and shapes our thinking about fundamental aspects of everyday life. If that is the case, it is necessary to analyse economic theories from the axiological point of view. It does not only has theoretical importance but practical as well when we consider recent financial and economic crisis when economists were asked to explain how and why was it possible for the 21st century economy and economics to fail so seriously. The article reflects on these issues and presents examples of paradoxes in contemporary economics and economy which show that critical evaluation of what our societies consider true and right in terms of material reproduction and social well-being is necessary. It also asks about ‘good economics’ which will not only adequately describe and interprete real economic processes but also serve as the useful and effective tool for accomplishing economic and social – morally acceptable – development. In order to do this the article analyses and verifies foundations and assumptions of current economic theory. It engages the contribution of personalistic perspective and authors like John D. Mueller, Tomáš Sedláček, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Amartya Sen, Gary S. Becker, Chantal Delsol and Grzegorz W. Kołodko who offer interesting arguments in the discussion about the proper shape of economics which will facilitate economic and human development as well

    Economic Development and Social Development. Socio‑cultural Aspects of Fertility Changes and their Consequences

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    Thesis: Present‑day radical fertility changes are determined by socio‑cultural factors and will have consequences for the economy and its development potential. Current changes in the fertility rate in Poland are the subject of many discussions and arguments. It means that, among the challenges for researchers, firstly, they have to understand the background to this issue and identify the factors influencing procreative decisions. Secondly, they should demonstrate how population growth changes and will change society, and the economy in particular. Our paper analyzes the mentioned research problem by engaging tools from sociology and cultural studies to examine the influence of norms, values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours on the changing level of birth rate and its economic consequences for the current and future functioning of the social order. The purpose of the analyses is to deepen and compare the results of findings from such disciplines as demography, statistics and economics, and present them against a background of socio‑cultural transformations, which seem to be very important in the context of Polish females and males making procreative decisions. Additionally, the paper presents links between fertility and economic development, which often seem to be ignored or underestimated.The “Annales. Ethics in Economic Life” is affiliated and co-financed by the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz

    The impact of knowledge and effectiveness of educational intervention on readiness for hospital discharge and adherence to therapeutic recommendations in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Introduction: ESC guidelines emphasize the importance of educating patients after acute coronary syndromes aimed at familiarizing the patient with the essence of the disease, the principles of self-control and self-care as well as actions enhancing health maintenance.Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of knowledge and effectiveness of educational intervention on readiness for discharge from the hospital and compliance with therapeutic recommendationssix months after discharge.Material and methods: The study group consisted of 218 patients (28.9% women and 71.1% men) aged 31to 90 years (63.0 ± 11.24) treated with coronary angioplasty for myocardial infarction. The effectiveness of educational intervention was assessed by comparing patients’ knowledge on the day of admission (1KE)and discharge from the hospital (2KE). Knowledge was assessed in 3 aspects: knowledge of symptoms, knowledge of the disease, and knowledge of prevention. Education was provided between 1KE and 2KE based on the brochure entitled “Myocardial Infarction”. The level of knowledge on the day of discharge and the increase in knowledge obtained after education (ΔKE) were referred to the level of Readiness for Hospital Discharge after Myocardial Infarction Scale (RHD-MIS) and to the level of adherence in chronic diseases scale (ACDS).Results: As a result of the education carried out between 1KE and 2KE, a significant increase in knowledgewas obtained (p < 0.05). There was no correlation between ΔKE and RHD-MIS. However, it was shown that a higher level of knowledge at discharge (2KE) was associated with a higher RHD-MIS result (R = 0.17; p = 0.01). The highest impact on the RHD-MIS result was due to the level of knowledge of disease symptoms in 2KE: 75.5 ± 19.5%, 76.4 ± 21.1%, 85.8 ± 16.4% for low, medium and high RHD-MIS results (p = 0.002) ; R = 0.15; p = 0.0003. Knowledge of the disease symptoms in 2KE was associated with the patient’s expectations in RHD-MIS - a higher level of knowledge was associated with higher patient expectations, respectively: 73.2 ± 21.7%, 80.0 ± 18.5%, 82.9 ± 19.2 for low, medium and high RHDMIS (p = 0.02); R = 0.19; p = 0.006. There was no correlation between ΔKE or 2KE and ACDS results 6 months after discharge.Conclusions: The educational brochure is an effective tool in improving patients’ level of knowledge. Better knowledge of the symptoms of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction is associated with a higher degree of readiness for discharge from the hospital but does not affect the observance of therapeutic recommendations in the field of pharmacotherapy after 6 months

    Consumer Social Responsibility

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    In our contemporary literature and academic discourse we often see how popular the topic of corporate social responsibility is. In my opinion another problem – tightly linked to this – and strongly influencing our business life is consumer’s activity. This second part of business relations is often associated rather with legal demands and customer’s protection. The purpose of my article is to show how consumer social responsibility can help not only corporations, but all those involved in the market exchange to contribute to the common good and improve quality of millions of transactions people make every day. To become real, this responsibility needs effort – courage to witness by expressing consumer’s opinion and education. The first aspect shows how important action is in revealing values and introducing ethics into everyday market activity, the second shows that emphasizing basic economical education and expecting thorough information from companies can help build and enhance consumer awareness. In my paper I am also trying to show the contribution of Catholic Social Thought to the problem of social responsibility

    Tożsamość etniczna społeczności ar-Rūsīja w świetle pochodzenia ich kultowych posągów i sposobu ich rozmieszczenia w miejscu kultu

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    The Arabic sources comprising the information about the society called ar-Rūs play an important role in the disputes between the Normanists and the Anti-normanists. The data provided by Arab travelers and historians do not only give laconic notes of the community bearing such a name, but also constitute valuable and comprehensive characteristics of their customs, social relations and religion. Therefore, they allow to obtain various information regarding the factors constituting the identity of that early Medieval society. Thus, it is not surprising that the Arabic information concerning the people called ar-Rūs engage both the historians of the Slavic people and archaeologists or ethnologists as well. In this article the material from the account of Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s journey to the Kama Bulgars (the first half of the 10th c.) was scrutinized to state which cultural traditions the costumes and forms of worship of the old Rus might be connected to.Źródła arabskie zawierające informacje o społeczności określanej jako ar-Rūs odgrywają istotną rolę w sporze między normanistami i antynormanistami. Informacje przekazane przez arabskich podróżników oraz historyków dostarczają nie tylko lakonicznych wzmianek o ludzie noszącym taką nazwę, lecz dodatkowo zawierają cenne i obszerne charakterystyki obyczajów, stosunków społecznych oraz religii. Pozwalają zatem uzyskać różnorodne dane dotyczące czynników składających się na tożsamość tego wczesnośredniowiecznego ludu. Nie dziwi zatem, że arabskie dane dotyczące ludu ar-Rūs interesują zarówno historyków Słowian, jak również archeologów czy etnologów. W niniejszym artykule poddano rozważaniom materiał pochodzący z relacji z podróży do Bułgarów kamskich Ahmada ibn Fadlāna (1. poł. X wieku) w celu odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, z kulturą jakiego ludu można wiązać obyczaje oraz formy kultu Rusów

    Religious variety in the Wieluń district in the years 1918–1939 against the background of the religious mosaic of the Second Polish Republic

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    The agricultural district of Wieluń in the interwar period was an area with less religious diversity than Poland and the Łódź Province. The Roman Catholic denomination definitely dominated – both in terms of the number of believers, the number of clergy, organizational structures and material base. Judaism occupied the second place, with the majority of the faithful concentrated around eight communes. The podium was closed by Augsburg Evangelicals scattered throughout the district with the parish in Wieluń. The remaining denominations were sparse, and among them only the Orthodox had their own parish, which were liquidated.Rolniczy powiat wieluński w okresie międzywojennym był obszarem o mniejszym zróżnicowaniu religijnym i wyznaniowym niż Polska i województwo łódzkie. Zdecydowanie dominowało tu wyznanie rzymskokatolickie – zarówno pod względem liczby wiernych, liczby duchownych, struktur organizacyjnych, jak i bazy materialnej. Drugie miejsce zajmował judaizm, gdzie większość wiernych skupiona była wokół ośmiu gmin. Podium zamykali ewangelicy augsburscy rozsiani po całym powiecie z jedyną parafią w Wieluniu. Pozostałe wyznania były nieliczne, a wśród nich jedynie prawosławni posiadali własną parafię, która uległa likwidacji

    Automated diagnostic systems

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    With the extremely advanced and complex design of modern vehicles, their high power and torque, it is necessary to employ advanced diagnostic systems. Quick detection and diagnosis of all defects will protect the vehicle against more serious failures, and will prevent excessive fuel consumption and harmful emissions, as well as prevent the reduction of the efficiency and functionality of vehicles. The mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system must include the diagnostic modules for the following components: engine, powertrain, steering, brake system, suspension and electrical equipment. The study discusses the hardware and software components of the mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system, and presents the sample sensors installed in the vehicle to monitor the parameters of components included in the diagnostic system. The vehicle diagnostics system has been presented using the example of diagnostics of wheeled tractors. For this purpose, two alternative diagnostic devices have been developed: a prototype MSDC-1 device, and a production version of the MSDC-2 device. Following a minor adaptation, both devices can be used in the diagnostics of other wheeled vehicles powered by I.C. engine. In further paragraphs of the study, some of the field tests performed on the diagnostic units are discussed. The study also presents some of the test results in the form of diagrams of changes in the temperature of specific engine components. In the diagrams illustrating the results of the tests, the changes of specific operating parameters of the wheeled tractor over time during tests of the MSDC-1 and MSDC-2 units can be observed. The devices differ significantly in terms of design, but they share a purpose, namely online diagnostics of vehicle condition

    Consumer social responsibility

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    In our contemporary literature and academic discourse, we often see how popular the topic of corporate social responsibility is. It will be argued that another problem, tightly linked to this issue, and strongly influencing the business environment is the consumer behaviour. This second part of business relations is often associated rather with legal demands and customer protection. The purpose of my article is to show how consumer social responsibility can help not only the corporations but also those involved in the market exchange to contribute to the common good and improve quality of millions of transactions people make every day. To become real, this responsibility needs effort—courage to witness by expressing consumer’s opinion and education. The first aspect shows how important action is in revealing values and introducing ethics into everyday market activity, the second shows that emphasizing basic economic education and expecting thorough information from companies can help build and enhance consumer awareness. This article also attempts to demonstrate the contributions of Catholic Social Thought to the problem of social responsibility.Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the "Annales. Ethics in Economic Life" financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship

    For Better or Worse? The Common Crisis and Common Good

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    Crisis, sometimes associated with historically distant times or centrally planned economies, has turned out to be one of the main contemporary issues. Hence different systems like socialism and capitalism become similar in their inability to reply to expectations for a safe, peaceful and abundant life. It means that economic problems are more complex in their nature. Thorough analysis of the roots of different crises should therefore reach deeper than just economic explanations. This is the point where ethical and cultural explanations may be useful because they strive to explore the socio-cultural fabric at its foundations in the hierarchy of values and vision of human beings and society. When it comes to contemporary crisis the problem is twofold: firstly, there is the threat that the crisis will be treated inadequately and not realistically in consequence. Secondly, the roots ofthe crisis may not be diagnosed properly, which may lead to false ‘treatment’. This article is an attempt to highlight the above issues and analyse them in the context ofthe common good approach, which seems to offer valuable potential to understand the difficulties properly and offer a reasonable plan for recovery