284 research outputs found

    Rural areas development as a field of intervention of the European Union Cohesion Policy after 2013

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    Sustainable rural development is one of the social, economic and territorial cohesion aspects of the European Union. In the current financial perspective 2007-2013 rural areas development is supported by the Common Agricultural Policy, which does not always contribute to improvement of their vitality and cohesion with urban areas. The main theses organising the analyses presented in this paper are as follows: The problem lies in the division of the funds into particular priorities of rural development and the rural development is still dominated by the agriculture approach. The European Commission and the Member States’ approaches to rural development focus on agricultural production and improving its conditions or environment protection. Cohesion Policy instruments intervention will be an essential condition for sustainable rural areas development. One of the key research issues concerned with rural areas development is territorial orientation in programming of the Structural Funds in the next financial perspective 2014-2020. Integrated rural development requires different instruments of development in order to stimulate non-agricultural economic, social and cultural activity of rural residents

    Obywatelskość demokratyczna jako idea normatywna w koncepcjach polityczno-programowych polskiej opozycji w latach 1980–1989

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    Poprawiona wersja pracy doktorskiej, nagrodzona w konkursie Europejskiego Centrum Solidarności na najlepszą pracę doktorską na temat Solidarności i opozycji lat 1970-1989.Autorka udziela odpowiedzi na pytania w jaki sposób opozycja rozumiała główne idee charakteryzujące obywatelskość, jaka była treść i ewolucja obywatelskich postulatów i oczekiwań wobec komunistycznych władz, jaki zakres, cele i formy aktywności obywatelskiej przejawiała polska opozycja w kierunku realizacji obywatelskiego programu w latach 1980–1989? Z tych względów książka dr Małgorzaty Michalewskiej-Pawlak stanowi cenną pozycję naukową.Magdalena Jedlick

    Diagnostic value of flow mediated dilatation measurement for coronary artery lesions in men under 45 years of age

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    Background: In those without symptoms of coronary artery disease (CAD), the incidence of coronary events is still high. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether flow mediated dilatation (FMD) is a useful tool in identifying those with CAD in who are under 45 years of age. Methods and results: Seventy five men below 45 years of age, hospitalized in order to perform elective coronary angiography, were enrolled into the study. Based on coronary angiography findings, they were divided into two groups: study group (Group A, n = 55) with obstructive coronary lesions and the control group (Group B, n = 20) without significant lesions in coronary arteries. In all subjects atherosclerosis risk factors were analyzed. Endothelial dysfunction was assessed in ultrasound via FMD. FMD was significantly lower in the study group than in the control group (3.92 &#177; 1.1 vs 6.51 &#177; 1.1, p < 0.001). FMD, as well as age, diabetes and positive family history, appeared to be statistically significant CAD risk factors. AUROC for FMD was 0.957 (p < 0.001), meaning this model had an almost complete ability to predict the presence of CAD. AUROC for CAD diagnosis on the basis of significant clinical parameters was 0.992 (p < 0.001), also representing almost complete ability of this model to identify asymptomatic subjects with CAD risk. Conclusions: The evaluation of endothelial function by the use of FMD in the population of men below 45 years of age with diabetes and positive family history can help in identifying subjects at high risk of coronary artery disease. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 3: 288-292

    Wybrane doniesienia na temat aktualnej wiedzy o grupach krwi

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    Pretransfusion red blood cell immunology testing; the present and the future

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    Over 100 years ago, shortly after the discovery of the ABO blood groups (Landsteiner, 1901) serological testing of blood compatibility between recipient and donor were introduced to the regular practice. The scope of pretransfusion testing expanded after the discovery of further blood groups. Apart from ABO and RhD conformity between recipient and blood donor a significant part of compatibility testing is the search for clinically relevant alloantibodies in recipient plasma and determination of their specificity if the patient is to receive relevant antigen negative blood. These studies are performed using a panel of human red blood cells specially selected for this purpose. The knowledge of the molecular basis of all DNA polymorphisms underlying the differentiation of red blood cell antigen allows to predict the blood group phenotype on the basis of DNA testing. This knowledge may also be used in the production of recombinant proteins of blood group antigens. In the cell cultures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms multiple group antigens with protein structure have been obtained. In the future they could be used as reagents for tests based on the inhibition of the activity of antibodies to solid phase assays such as ELISA techniques, or protein-based microchips. Promising results have also been obtained using the recombinant proteins to identify antibodies against high frequency antigens. The increasing technological capabilities will allow in the future use of a single recombinant proteins of blood for a single step and direct identification of antibodies, the introduction of a test based on the technique of “one antigen per well”. Such procedure would simplify and accelerate the determination of alloantibody specificity which at the moment is quite a time-consuming process. This would shorten the time for compatibility testing in the recipient in whom alloantibodies were found

    Typha laxmannii lepech. The new, expansive kenophyte in Poland: distribution and taxonomy

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    The paper provides data on a new antropophyte species - Typha laxmannii Lepech. which spreads throughout Poland as a hemiagriophyte. Its present distribution in Poland is given on a cartogramme map in a 10x10 km square grid and its geographic element, population numbers and notes on habitats are provided. An identification key to 5 species of the Typha genus, two native, one new which is the topic of this paper, and two which can be expected to be discovered in Poland