106 research outputs found

    The Motivation of Customer Services Employees

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    Tato diplomová práce má za cíl zvýšit kvalitu práce telefonních operátorů a členů kurýrní sítě společnosti Mediaservis s.r.o., která poskytuje jedinou alternativu České pošty s.p. z pohledu celorepublikového poštovního operátora a zároveň zajišťuje outsourcing služeb zákaznické podpory. Teoretická část práce je věnována studiu pracovní motivace, systémům odměňování a nepeněžním faktorům, ovlivňující výkon pracovníků. V praktické části jsou vypracovány návrhy na změnu stávajícího motivačního programu, které vychází z poznatků dotazníkového měření na pracovišti.This thesis aims to increase the quality of telephone operators work and messenger network of the Mediaservis company, which competes to Czech Post and provides customer service outsourcing. The theoretical part of thesis is aimed to work motivation, wage-payment systems and employee benefits. The theory is applied in the second part of thesis, which brings suggestions to improve actual motivation system. Solutions are based on company and employee research.

    Constitutional development and the political system of Czechoslovakia after February 1948

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    Tato práce se věnuje ústavnímu a politickému vývoji v Československu po státním převratu v únoru 1948, který provedla Komunistická strana, aby získala absolutní moc. Autor zkoumá charakter politického systému bezprostředně po převratu, jakož i rozpory mezi ústavně-právními předpisy a dobovou realitou. Autor vychází z teze, že některá ustavení nejen ústavy, ale i dalších zákonů byla jen deklarativní zástěrkou pro nezákonné upevňování totalitárního režimu. Práce se nejdříve věnuje období před únorem 1948 a aspektům, které vedly k převratu, dále pak vývoji nové ústavy, která ale nebyla do převratu dokončena, následně jsou rozebrány samotné únorové události s důrazem na to, nakolik proběhly v souladu s ústavním pořádkem. V dalších kapitolách je analyzováno období po únoru 1948, kdy docházelo k nezákonnému upevňování moci KSČ, politickým čistkám a radikální přeměně společnosti. Autor dochází k tomu, že o budoucím směřování Československa bylo rozhodnuto již brzo po roce 1945 infiltrací bezpečnostních složek komunisty. Ty také sehrály důležitou roli v samotném převratu. Zatímco KSČ tvrdila, že samotný akt demise části ministrů a doplnění vlády proběhlo ústavní cestou, politický tlak na prezidenta, formování akčních výborů po celé zemi, umělé organizování manifestací sloužících k nátlaku a vyhrožování -...This work focuses on constitutional and political development in Czechoslovakia after the coup d'état in February 1948 that performed the Communist Party to gain absolute power. The author examines the nature of the political system immediately after the coup, and the differences between constitutional law and contemporary reality. The author assumes that some establishment not only the constitution but also other laws was just a front for illegal consolidation of a totalitarian regime. First, the work focuses to the period before February 1948, and the aspects that led to the coup, as well as the development of a new constitution, which were not completed before the coup. Second, the February events itself are analyzed with an emphasis on the extent to which took place in accordance with the constitutional order. The period after 1948, when there were illegal consolidation of power by the Communist Party, political purges and radical transformation of society, is analyzed in the following chapters. The author concludes that the future direction of Czechoslovakia was decided soon after the 1945 communist infiltration of the security forces. They also played an important role in the coup itself. While the Communist Party argued that the act of resignation of ministers and complement government was...Ústav politologieInstitute of Political ScienceFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Anthropometry of craniosynostosis

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    Background Anthropometry is becoming a popular method for diagnostics of various diseases in pediatric clinical practice. The aim of this study was to assess the growth changes in craniofacial parameters in patients with craniosynostosis and positional plagiocephaly. Methods Inclusion criteria for the study were presence of craniostenosis or positional plagiocephaly in a patient with at least three anthropometric evaluations at our department. Studied patients were aged from 1.0 month to 2.5 years with median age at the first and last anthropometric evaluation as 1.83 and 25.27 months, respectively. Further anthropometric results in patients older than 2.5 years were excluded from the study. Statistical significance was tested by the Mann–Whitney test. Results The studied group consisted of 70.5% male patients. The type of craniosynostosis was represented by scaphocephaly in 44.1%, by trigonocephaly in 45.6% and by coronal craniosynostosis in 10.3% of the cases. Cranial index was proven as a suitable parameter for evaluating differences in the trend of growth in craniosynostosis (p<0.001) and also for evaluating post-operative results. Significance was found in width of the head (p=0.038) for scaphocephaly and in length of the head for trigonocephaly (p=0.001) in surgically treated patients. Trend of cranial growth in operated patients copied the curve of the norm but in higher or lower values which depends on the type of prematurely closed suture. Conclusion Longitudinal anthropometric follow-up is an objective and measurable method that can accurately non-invasively and non-expensively assess skull growth in pediatric patients with cranial deformity

    Úprava malého zážehového motoru pro provoz na alkoholová paliva

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    Most of the effort to decrease dependency on fossil fuels is taking place in vehicular applications. There are relatively few studies aimed to investigate possibilities and results of usage of alternative, mainly alcohol-based, fuels in small engines used for propulsion of small garden machinery. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of alcohol fuels, n-buthanol and E85, on the operation of small spark ignition engine without any modification and with simple carburetor modification. The test results of an unmodified engine show a remarkable mixture enleanment with increasing alcohol share accompanied by decrease in maximum torque, limitation of stable engine regimes, increased nitrogen oxides production and lowered production of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Simple carburetor modification suppressed all the above mentioned negative impacts and thus allowed combustion of selected alcohol fuels

    Far Zone Effects for Integral Transformations: Theory and Implementation

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    Integrální transformace jsou užitečný matematický aparát pro modelování gravitačního pole a vyžadují formulaci integrálních odhadů včetně chybových charakteristik. Pro klasické integrální transformace byla již tato problematika prozkoumána, ale zatím nebyla studována formulace vzájemně vztahující všechny dostupné gravitační pozorovatelné veličiny. Předpokladem je globální pokrytí daty a globální integrace. Dostupnost dat může být omezená, proto globální integraci rozdělujeme na vliv blízkých a vzdálených zón. Výpočet vzdálených zón je nezanedbatelný systematický efekt, vyžadující přesný výpočet. Potřebná teorie a její implementace se realizují v podobě přesného softwarového nástroje. V tomto příspěvku představujeme základní teorii vlivu vzdálených zón. Dále studujeme vlastnosti integrálních jader a Moloděnského koeficientů. V numerických experimentech porovnáme výpočet vzdálených zón numerickou integrací s omezenou sumací ve formě sférických harmonických řad. Jedním z výstupů tohoto příspěvku je i softwarová knihovna na výpočet vlivu vzdálených zón pro integrální transformace až po třetí derivace gravitačního potenciálu.Integral transformations are a useful mathematical apparatus for modelling the gravitational field and require the formulation of integral estimates including error propagation. For classical integral transformations, this issue has already been studied, but the formulation for all available gravitational observables has not been studied yet. The assumption of integral transformations is global data coverage. In practice, however, data availability is limited, so we divide the global integration into the effects of the near and far zones. The computation of distant zones is a non-negligible systematic effect requiring an accurate calculation. The theory is implemented in the form of a precise software. In this paper, we present the basic theory for the evaluation of the far zones. We also investigate properties of integral kernels and truncation error coefficients. In the numerical experiments, we compare calculation of the far zones by numerical integration with truncated spherical harmonic series. One of the outputs of this contribution is a software library for computation of the far zones for integral transformations mutually relating all quantities up to the third derivatives of the gravitational potential

    Are Adolescent Religious Attendance/Spirituality Associated with Family Characteristics?

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    The family environment is associated with religiosity and spirituality as well as many aspects of adolescent lives, including their health behaviour. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess family environment associations with adolescent religious attendance (RA), i.e., weekly participation in religious services, and spirituality in a highly secular country. A nationally representative sample (n = 4182, 14.4 +/- 1.1 years, 48.6% boys) of Czech adolescents participated in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children cross-sectional study. RA, spirituality and the family environment, i.e., family communication, perceived emotional support, and parental monitoring, were measured. Higher adolescent RA was associated with lower self-reported easiness of communication with mother (odds ratio (OR) = 0.68; 99% confidence interval (99% CI) = 0.47-0.99; p <0.01). In contrast, spiritual respondents were more likely to report both easier communication with their father (OR per standard deviation (SD) change = 1.12, 99% CI 1.02-1.23; p <0.01) and mother (OR per SD change = 1.38 (1.23-1.55); p <0.001) and higher perceived emotional support (OR per SD change = 1.73 (1.55-1.92); p <0.001). Parents of respondents who attended religious services at least once a week, as well as parents of spiritual respondents, were generally more likely to monitor adolescent behaviour. Thus, this study provides information for parents, mental health workers, and pastoral carers. Further research should assess the association of a lower easiness of family communication with dissonances in adolescent-parent religiosity/spirituality and with higher parental monitoring

    Exploring Growth Variability and Crown Vitality of Sessile Oak (Quercus Petraea) in the Czech Republic

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    Unraveling climatic effects on growth of oak - Europe’s most ecologically and economically important forest species - has been the subject of many recent studies; however, more insight based on field data is necessary to better understand the relationship between climate and tree growth and to adapt forest management strategies to future climate change. In this report, we explore the influence of temperature, precipitation and drought variability on the productivity and vitality of oak stands in the Czech Highlands. We collected 180 cores from mature oaks (Quercus petraea) at four forest stands in the Czech Drahany Highlands. Standard dendromethods were used for sample preparation, ring width measurements, cross-dating, chronology development, and the assessment of growth-climate response patterns. Crown vitality was also evaluated, using the modified ICP Forests methodology. Late spring precipitation totals between May and June as well as the mean July temperature for the year of ring formation were found to be the most important factors for oak growth, whereas crown condition was significantly affected by spring and summer drought. This study is rep-resentative for similar bio-ecological habitats across Central Europe and can serve as a dendroclima-tological blueprint for earlier periods for which detailed meteorological information is missing

    Dendroclimatic study of a mixed spruce-fir-beech forest in the Czech Republic

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    European forests are undergoing an important transition due to the current climate change, as monocultures are being gradually replaced by mixed forests. Understanding tree growth in mixed forests under a changing climate is challenging because of tree species’ adaptation and long-term forest planning. In this study, we evaluate the long-term behaviour of Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) from a low montane range at the Czech-Austrian border. Species-specific tree-ring width chronologies have revealed significantly decreasing growth trends since the 2000s. Temporally unstable climate–growth relationships showed an increasing negative effect of current growing season drought on spruce growth and a positive effect of dormant season temperature on fir and beech growth. Our results suggest that though species’ response to climate change differs in the mixed forest, growth reduction in the last years has been proved for all species, likely due to frequent climate extremes

    The bisphenol S contamination level observed in human follicular fluid affects the development of porcine oocytes

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    Bisphenol S (BPS), the main replacement for bisphenol A (BPA), is thought to be toxic, but limited information is available on the effects of Bisphenol S on ovarian follicles. In our study, we demonstrated the presence of Bisphenol S in the follicular fluid of women at a concentration of 22.4 nM. The effect of such concentrations of Bisphenol S on oocyte maturation and subsequent embryo development is still unknown. Therefore, we focused on the effect of Bisphenol S on in vitro oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo development. As a model, we used porcine oocytes, which show many physiological similarities to human oocytes. Oocytes were exposed to Bisphenol S concentrations similar to those detected in female patients in the ART clinic. We found a decreased ability of oocytes to successfully complete meiotic maturation. Mature oocytes showed an increased frequency of meiotic spindle abnormalities and chromosome misalignment. Alarming associations of oocyte Bisphenol S exposure with the occurrence of aneuploidy and changes in the distribution of mitochondria and mitochondrial proteins were demonstrated for the first time. However, the number and quality of blastocysts derived from oocytes that successfully completed meiotic maturation under the influence of Bisphenol S was not affected

    Reinitiation and Subsequent Discontinuation of Antiplatelet Treatment in Nonpersistent Older Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    The successful treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) depends on adequate adherence to medications including antiplatelet agents. The aims of this study were (a) to identify the proportion of nonpersistent patients who reinitiated antiplatelet therapy and how many of them discontinued therapy after reinitiation, and (b) to identify patient- and medication-related characteristics associated with the likelihood of reinitiation and discontinuation among reinitiators. The analysis of reinitiation was conducted on 3032 nonpersistent users of antiplatelet agents aged >= 65 years, with PAD newly diagnosed in 2012. Discontinuation (i.e., a treatment gap of >= 6 months without antiplatelet medication prescription) was analysed in 2006 reinitiating patients. To identify factors associated with the likelihood of reinitiation and discontinuation, Cox regression with time-dependent covariates was used. Reinitiation was recorded in 2006 (66.2%) of 3032 patients who had discontinued antiplatelet medication. Among these 2006 reinitiators, 1078 (53.7%) patients discontinued antiplatelet therapy again. Ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction during non-persistence and bronchial asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were associated with an increased likelihood of reinitiation. University education was associated with discontinuation among reinitiators. Factors associated with the probability of reinitiation and discontinuation in reinitiators make it possible to identify older PAD patients in whom "stop-starting" behaviour may be expected