8 research outputs found

    Natural Gas Dehydration

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    Adjustable point supported glass floor in the renewed building of the National Museum in Prague

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    The building of the National Museum in Prague is a part of the historical heritage of the Czech Republic. Very huge reconstruction and maintenance of whole building was ongoing during the last decade. Special emphasis was devoted to every detail of the interior as well as the facade elements to keep the historical value of the building adding modern architectural elements like transport glass flooring and balustrades. This paper deals with the project of the glass flooring in total area about 200m2 placed directly in the main tower of the building as a representative place with nice view to a historical parts of the city. The tower is a part of the main Pantheon with historical coloured glass elements visible from the inside of the building, therefore, glass flooring was the only possible solution to open this area for people by keeping the daylight from the top of the Pantheon

    Automotive Catalyst Production – Challenges for Chemical Engineers

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    The goal of this paper is to explain the chemical engineering backgrounds for operations participating on catalyst production in the automotive industry. It is shown that chemical engineering knowledge can help to a better understanding and optimisation of the production process. Besides the contribution mentioned above this paper brings the description of the up to date and interesting technology developed and patented by the worldwide leader in the chemical engineering - BASF. The car catalyst production process consists of two steps. Firstly, the coating slurry is produced and secondly, it is applied to the substrate. This paper focuses on the slurry production especially with regard to its dispersion, mixing, particle size reduction, and the influence of parameters affecting this proces

    Automotive Catalyst Production – Challenges for Chemical Engineers

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    The goal of this paper is to explain the chemical engineering backgrounds for operations participating on catalyst production in the automotive industry. It is shown that chemical engineering knowledge can help to a better understanding and optimisation of the production process. Besides the contribution mentioned above this paper brings the description of the up to date and interesting technology developed and patented by the worldwide leader in the chemical engineering - BASF. The car catalyst production process consists of two steps. Firstly, the coating slurry is produced and secondly, it is applied to the substrate. This paper focuses on the slurry production especially with regard to its dispersion, mixing, particle size reduction, and the influence of parameters affecting this proces

    Natural Gas Dehydration

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    Measurement on the transformer

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce popisuje transformátor pomocí přepočtených veličin strany sekundární na stranu primární a ověřuje je pomocí měření jalového příkonu transformátoru a přiložených kompenzačních kondenzátorů.Katedra elektromechaniky a výkonové elektronikyObhájenoThe submitted Bachelor?s thesis describes a transformer using by means of recalculating values the secondary side to the primary side and verifies them by measuring a reactive power of the transformer and connected compensatory capacitors

    Opportunities for using induction heating for heating of nano-particles dispersed in liquids

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce porovnává indukční ohřev nanočástic v podélném elektromagnetickém poli a příčném elektromagnetickém poli. Porovnání probíhá na základě vypočtených Joulových ztrát ve vsázce v závislosti na použité frekvenci a relativní permeabilitě materiálu pomocí simulačního programu ANSYS, verze 14.5ObhájenoThe presented master thesis compares induction heating of nanoparticles in the longitudinal magnetic flux and transverse magnetic flux. The comparison is based on the calculated Joule losses in the charge depending on the frequency and relative permeability of the material by means of a simulation program ANSYS Version 14.

    Material properties of adhesives for shear bonded connections of structural glass

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    Thanks to intensive research in the field of polymer adhesives in the last few years, there is a possibility of using a glued joint with a real load bearing role. The reliability of adhesive in the connection during the lifetime of a structure is affected by many factors, but the initial choice of a proper adhesive material is the most crucial one. The article deals with the experimental analysis focused on the determination of material characteristics of adhesives in planar connections, it describes the effect of various factors on the behavior of an adhesive joint under increasing loads, its ultimate bearing capacity and its failure modes. The main investigated factors are the type of adhesive, the type of connected materials (material of substrate), surface treatment and the thickness of the adhesive layer. A special part of the article describes numerical models of a glued joint with respect to different types of adhesive