11 research outputs found

    Identifikace mrtvol a kostrových nálezů

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    Resumé "Identifikácia" je akt deklarácie identity. Identite sa (obzvlášť v súčasnej globalizovanej spoločnosti) právom venuje pozornosť nielen v bežnej sociálnej interakcii, ale je zakotvená aj právne. Jej určenie je dôležité aj pri smutnej udalosti pri poslednej identifikácii osoby - pri identifikácii mŕtveho. Práca si stanovuje za cieľ v prehľadnej a zrozumiteľnej forme ponúknuť predstavenie mimoriadne zaujímavej a inšpiratívnej témy identifikácie mŕtvych ľudských tiel a využívať pri tom multidisciplnárny prístup s fokusovaním na kriminalistickú prax. Poskytuje komplexný prehľad všetkých komponentov identifikácie mŕtvoly, prevádza procesom jej identifikácie od jej nálezu, cez pitvu, až po niektoré expertízne postupy pre zistenie jej identity. Na dosiahnutie tohto cieľa je využitá metóda literárneho prehľadu s použitím knižných i časopiseckých, tuzemských i zahraničných zdrojov, s následnou syntézou získaných vedomostí a informácií s ich kritickou evaluáciou. Zrozumiteľnosť však práca nevymieňa za povrchnosť a preto niektoré témy vhodné na detailnejší rozbor (analýza DNA, tanatológia, postup pri náleze mŕtvoly v teréne) rozvíja v šírke a hĺbke potrebnej na involvovanie aj nezainteresovaného bádateľa, poskytujúc mu tak komplexný pohľad na danú problematiku. Záujemca o tému sa môže oboznámiť s procesom...Identification of cadavers and skeletal findings Abstract "Identification" is an act of declaration of identity. The identity (particularly in today's globalized society) deservedly draws attention not only in a normal social interaction, but is also enshrined legally. Its purpose is also important in the sad events of last identification of a person - the identification of the dead. Thesis sets as a goal in a clear and comprehensible form to offer a presentment to an extremely interesting and inspiring topic of identification of the dead human body, using multidisciplinary approach with focus to criminological practice. It provides a comprehensive overview of all the components of identifying corpses, demonstrates the process of identifying, from the finding of the dead body, through autopsy, up to some practice expertise to determine its identity. To achieve this, the method of literature review using books and journals, both domestic and foreign, with subsequent synthesis of acquired knowledge and information with their critical evaluations is used. Clarity, however, is not exchanged for cursoriness and perfunctoriness in the work and therefore some topics suitable for detailed analysis (analysis of DNA, thanatology, the procedure of finding dead bodies in the terrain) are evolved in such a degree to...Department of Criminal LawKatedra trestního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Environmental education in geography education

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    Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Identification of cadavers and skeleton findings

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    Identification of cadavers and skeletal findings Abstract "Identification" is an act of declaration of identity. The identity (particularly in today's globalized society) deservedly draws attention not only in a normal social interaction, but is also enshrined legally. Its purpose is also important in the sad events of last identification of a person - the identification of the dead. Thesis sets as a goal in a clear and comprehensible form to offer a presentment to an extremely interesting and inspiring topic of identification of the dead human body, using multidisciplinary approach with focus to criminological practice. It provides a comprehensive overview of all the components of identifying corpses, demonstrates the process of identifying, from the finding of the dead body, through autopsy, up to some practice expertise to determine its identity. To achieve this, the method of literature review using books and journals, both domestic and foreign, with subsequent synthesis of acquired knowledge and information with their critical evaluations is used. Clarity, however, is not exchanged for cursoriness and perfunctoriness in the work and therefore some topics suitable for detailed analysis (analysis of DNA, thanatology, the procedure of finding dead bodies in the terrain) are evolved in such a degree to..

    Environmental education in geography education

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    Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Planning optimal VFR routes from the Czech republic to Italy and France

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá vytvorením pozemných príprav pre 2 lety do zahraničia, konkrétne do Talianska a Francúzska. Práca je rozdelená, mimo úvod a záver, do 7 kapitol, v ktorých autor postupne rieši nevyhnutné požiadavky, legislatívnu problematiku, zoznámenie čitateľa s lietadlom vybraným na tieto lety, konkrétnou navigačnou prípravou či doplňujúcimi komplexnými informáciami určenými pre pilota. Na záver práce autor oboznamuje čitateľa s predpokladanými nákladmi spojenými s plánovanými letmi

    Influence of Relative Displacement on Surface Roughness in Longitudinal Turning of X37CrMoV5-1 Steel

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    The shaping process of surface texture is complicated and depends on many factors and phenomena accompanying them. This article presents the author’s test stand for the measurement of relative displacements in a tool–workpiece system during longitudinal turning. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of edge radius on the relative displacement between the tool and workpiece. The cutting process was carried out with inserts with different edge radii for X37CrMoV5-1 steel. As a result of the research, vibration charts of the tool–workpiece system were obtained. In the range of feed 0.03–0.18 mm/rev, the values of the standard deviation of relative displacements in the x-axis were obtained in the range of 0.36–0.78 μm for the insert with an edge radius of rn = 48.8 μm. As a result of the work, it was determined that for the feed value of 0.12 mm/rev for all inserts, the relative displacements are the smallest. As the final effect, the formula for forecasting the Ra roughness parameter was presented

    The functional morphology and role of cardiac telocytes in myocardium regeneration

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    Key morphological discoveries in recent years have included the discovery of new cell populations inside the heart called cardiac telocytes. These newly described cells of the connective tissue have extremely long cytoplasmic processes through which they form functionally connected three-dimensional networks that connect cells of the immune system, nerve fibers, cardiac stem cells, and cardiac muscle cells. Based on their functions, telocytes are also referred to as “connecting cells” or “nurse cells” for cardiac progenitor stem cells. In this critical review, we provide a summary of the latest research on cardiac telocytes localized in all layers of the heart – from the historical background of their discovery, through ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and functional characterizations, to the application of this knowledge to the fields of cardiology, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Influence of the cutting parameters on the workpiece temperature during face milling

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    This thesis presents the outcome of experimental research of the impact of changes in cutting speed and volume of material processed during a face milling process on the temperature of the processed object made of copper of M1Ez4 class. Measurement of the temperature of the processed object was conducted in six points with K-type thermocouples. The theoretical amount of released heat per unit of time for particular parameters of machining was also calculated