190 research outputs found

    EMS Testing

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou elektromagnetické kompatibility. Počátek práce je věnován obecnému popisu problematiky EMC. Následná část zmiňuje jednotlivé zkoušky odolnosti. Další kapitola se zabývá přístrojem Seaward Mace a podrobnějšímu popisu zkoušek odolnosti. V poslední části je popsán zkoušený přístroj a realizace zkoušek v prostorách laboratoře elektrických měření Ústavu automatizace a meříící techniky FEKTThe bachelor thesis deals with electromagnetic compatibility. Beginning of this thesis is devoted to general problems of EMC. Next part refers of the various tests for robustness. The next chapter deals with device Seaward Mace and a more detailed description of the resistance tests. The last part describes the test apparatus and implementation tests in the laboratory measurement of the Institute of Electrical Control and Instrumentation FEEC

    Konjunktive in der Presse

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o slovesném způsobu v němčině. Práce je rozdělena na praktickou a teoretickou část. Největší pozornost je věnována konjunktivům. V teoretické části jsou definovány základní pojmy, rozdělena slovesa podle typu časování a popsány kategorie, které může německé sloveso vyjadřovat. Dále je zde vysvětleno tvoření, použití a funkce Konjunktivu I, Konjunktivu II a opisu s - würde. V práci jsou též nastíněny vývojové tendence v oblasti konjunktivů. Praktická část je zaměřena na četnost konjunktivů a opisu s - würde ve dvou rubrikách novin. Zkoumá, jaké slovesné kategorie konjunktivy a opis vyjadřují. Zabývá se také jejich funkcí ve větě. Výzkum a jeho výsledky vychází ze srovnání článků v rubrikách politika a sport ve Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.ObhájenoThis bachelor's thesis contemplates about grammatical mood in German language. The thesis is split into practical and theoretical part. Main focus of ther thesis is on Konjuntiv. In the theoretical part the basic terms are established, verbs differentiated based on the type of their conjugation and categories based on all the different meanings of the German verb are described. Furthermore the creation, use and function of Konjuntiv I, Konjuntiv II and - würde transcript (circumbendibus) are explained here in the theoretical part. The evolutionary tendencies regarding the Konjuntivs are also outlined here. The practical part of the thesis is aimed on the frequency of usage of the Konjuntiv and - würde transcript (circumbendibus) in two sections of newspaper. The practical part studies which verbal categories the Konjuntivs and - würde transcript (circumbendibus) represent. It also deals with their function in the sentence. The research and it's results stem from the comparation of the articles in sections "politics" and "sport" in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


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    The title compound, C21H26N2O4, adopts an E configuration with respect to the azomethine C=N bonds. The dihedral angle between the two rings is 8.16 (8)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions

    10,16-Dichloro-6,20-dioxa-3,23-diaza­tetra­cyclo­[,12.014,19]nona­cosa-1(29),7,9,11,14(19),15,17,25,27-nona­ene-4,22-dione methanol monosolvate

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    In the title compound, C25H22Cl2N2O4·CH3OH, the macrocyclic mol­ecule adopts a slightly distorted C 2-symmetric conformation. The macrocyclic mol­ecules are linked via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the amide groups into chains extending along the [010] direction. The methanol mol­ecules bridge these chains via N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds with the formation of a two-dimensional polymeric structure parallel to (001). The methanol mol­ecule is disordered over two positions with the occupancy ratio of 9:1. The disorder of the solvent molecule is caused by weak intermolecular C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonding


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    In the title compound, C17H19NO3, the mol­ecule has an E configuration with respect to the C=N bond and the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 56.07 (5)°. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur. The dimers are linked by weak C—H⋯π inter­actions, forming a three-dimensional network


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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C19H18Cl2N2O4, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into infinite chains along the b axis. The structure also features weak C—H⋯O and C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds and C—H⋯π and (lone pair)⋯π inter­actions [Cl⋯centroid = 3.5871 (7) Å]. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O bond occurs


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    The title mol­ecule, [ZrBr2(C12H14Si)], possesses a crystallographically imposed twofold rotational symmetry with the rotation axis passing through the Zr and Si atoms. The ZrIV centre is in a distorted tetra­hedral environment defined by two Cp rings of chelating organic ligands and two Br anions. Two five-membered rings form a dihedral angle of 59.7 (2)°. Unequal Zr—C bonds [2.471 (3)–2.556 (3) Å] in the mol­ecule indicate that the inter­action of the central metal with the [(C5H4)2SiMe2]2− ligand contains noticeable η3-allyl and η2-olefin contributions