22 research outputs found

    The relationship between sarcopenia and two behavioral factors - cigarett smoking and alcohol drinking - meta- analys

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    Background Sarcopenia is one of problems its prevalence and development have been studied in many researches. A meta-analysis focusing to sarcopenia relationships could open the new space for following scientific works. Objectives The main aims of that study were to explore relationships between sarcopenia and cigarette smoking and also sarcopenia and alcohol drinking in relatively healthy people over 65 years old on the basis of recommendation of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews. Methods Four electronic databases were searched to identify potentially relevant literature for this study. Then the data which contained relevant information were transformed into contingency tables and there were calculated odds ratios (OR) by using those tables. Except OR calculating, there was made systematic review section where the ORs which were transferred from individual studies were collected and assessed. Finally age-adjusted linear regression models were done. Results Out of 373 papers identified as potentially relevant by the database searching, 20 were ultimately included in the meta-analyses. From those papers data of 33,162 participants were analyzed. It was found that OR (95% CI) in cigarette smoking analysis was in males 1.65 (1.16 - 2.35), in females 1.42 (1.09 - 1.85), and in overall...Souvislosti Sarkopenie je jedním ze zdravotních problémů, jehož výskyt a vývoj byl v minulosti mnohokrát zkoumán. Meta-analýza vztahů sarkopenie proto může otevřít nový prostor pro další vědeckou činnost. Cíle Hlavním cílem této studie bylo objasnit vztah mezi sarkopenií a kouřením a mezi sarkopenií a pitím alkoholických nápojů u relativně zdravých seniorů nad 65 let. Práce byla vypracována v souladu s Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews. Metody Čtyři elektronické databáze byly použity pro vyhledání potenciálně relevantních článků. Data získaná z článků byla převedena do kontingenčních tabulek, s jejichž použitím byl vypočítán poměr šancí (OR) na získání sarkopenie. Kromě výpočtu OR byl vypracován systematický přehled vztahu mezi sarkopenií a kouřením cigaret respektive konzumací alkoholu. Navíc byl sestaven lineární regresní model, ve kterém byla sarkopenie hlavní závisle proměnnou. Výsledky Z celkového množství 373 článků, které byly vybrány jako potencionálně vhodné, bylo nakonec 20 článků analyzováno. Tyto celkově články obsahovaly informace o 33 162 účastnících. Bylo zjištěno, že OR (95% CI) na získání sarkopenie bylo u kuřáků mužů 1,65 (1,16 - 2,23), u žen 1,42 (1,09 - 1,85) a u celkové populace 1,38 (1,15 - 1,66). OR (95% CI) u konzumentů alkoholu bylo u mužů 0,67 (0,54 - 0,83), u žen...FyziologieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor


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    Selected Characteristics Of Artistic Gymnastics Achievements And Their Diagnostics

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    V příspěvku předkládáme přehled výsledků studií, které se zabývají problematikou identifikace výkonů ve sportovní gymnastice mužů a žen, a zároveň nabízejí možnosti jeho diagnostiky. Charakteristickým znakem sportovněgymnastického výkonu je přesná a formálně dokonalá realizace různě náročných dovedností koordinačně estetického charakteru. Změna kvality výkonu je provázena řadou morfologických, strukturálních a z nich plynoucích funkčních změn, které je vhodné dlouhodobě sledovat a hodnotit. Za nejčastěji využívané můžeme označit testy statické i dynamické síly, dále anaerobní a aerobní kapacity a dynamiky tepové frekvence v podmínkách soutěžního výkonu.This article presents a review of research study results that deal with identification achievement in men’s and women’s artistic gymnastics. In addition, it is to examine the scope of their diagnostics. The characteristic attribute of artistic gymnastics achievement is correct. It is an excellent recognition of different gymnastic skills and the variety of difficulty. Qualitative changes of gymnastics achievements are followed by many morphological, structural and functional changes. These are useful longitudinally to monitor and evaluate performance. These tests are frequently used as designate tests for static and dynamic power, anaerobic and aerobic capacity and also a to test heart rate dynamics during gymnastics competitions

    The Influence of Movement Programme on Subjektive Feelings

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    Title: The Influence of Movement Programme on Subjective Feelings Objective: Analysis of the influence of medically oriented movement programme on subjective feelings of subjects. Method: An empirically quantitative research objective determined the methods. We have exploited the properties of modified Melzack scale for analysing data from the study of subjective feelings of pain alleviation as a result of the movement programme. We have used the method of group interview to obtain insight into the study subjects' opinions regarding their feelings, benefit and effectivity of the conducted movement programme. Results: We have completed our movement programme with three subjects: three senior ladies and one middle-aged woman. The programme was terminated by group interview, from subsequent analysis of acquired data we have come up with a number of ideas for improvement of our model. We consider the results from the study of interventionist movement programmes with a focus on documentation of subjective feelings of the subjects as beneficial not only for the designers of movement programmes but also for wider public. Key Words: movement programme, subjective feelings, user opinions, group interview, Melzack scale

    The relationship between sarcopenia and two behavioral factors - cigarett smoking and alcohol drinking - meta- analysis

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    Background Sarcopenia is one of problems its prevalence and development have been studied in many researches. A meta-analysis focusing to sarcopenia relationships could open the new space for following scientific works. Objectives The main aims of that study were to explore relationships between sarcopenia and cigarette smoking and also sarcopenia and alcohol drinking in relatively healthy people over 65 years old on the basis of recommendation of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews. Methods Four electronic databases were searched to identify potentially relevant literature for this study. Then the data which contained relevant information were transformed into contingency tables and there were calculated odds ratios (OR) by using those tables. Except OR calculating, there was made systematic review section where the ORs which were transferred from individual studies were collected and assessed. Finally age-adjusted linear regression models were done. Results Out of 373 papers identified as potentially relevant by the database searching, 20 were ultimately included in the meta-analyses. From those papers data of 33,162 participants were analyzed. It was found that OR (95% CI) in cigarette smoking analysis was in males 1.65 (1.16 - 2.35), in females 1.42 (1.09 - 1.85), and in overall..

    Suggested compensatory for children in competitive level gymnastics

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    Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařstvíFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    The Influence of Movement Programme on Subjektive Feelings

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    Title: The Influence of Movement Programme on Subjective Feelings Objective: Analysis of the influence of medically oriented movement programme on subjective feelings of subjects. Method: An empirically quantitative research objective determined the methods. We have exploited the properties of modified Melzack scale for analysing data from the study of subjective feelings of pain alleviation as a result of the movement programme. We have used the method of group interview to obtain insight into the study subjects' opinions regarding their feelings, benefit and effectivity of the conducted movement programme. Results: We have completed our movement programme with three subjects: three senior ladies and one middle-aged woman. The programme was terminated by group interview, from subsequent analysis of acquired data we have come up with a number of ideas for improvement of our model. We consider the results from the study of interventionist movement programmes with a focus on documentation of subjective feelings of the subjects as beneficial not only for the designers of movement programmes but also for wider public. Key Words: movement programme, subjective feelings, user opinions, group interview, Melzack scale