20 research outputs found

    Circular 66

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    Phosphorus (P) along with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) comprise the three macronutrients most frequently added as fertilizer for growing plants. In Alaska soils, P is often the second most limiting nutrient after N. A proper supply of plant-available P is important for root development and plant growth. To supply P to growing crops, the soil not only must contain enough P, but it must be in a form which is available for utilization by the plant. The status of P in the soil has an important influence on fertilization practices. Agricultural soils of Alaska vary considerably, not only in their total content of P and its distribution (form it occurs in), but also in the characteristics for sorption or fixation of P (Ping and Michaelson, 1986). Forms of P in the soil will affect its availability. The P-sorption character of soils will affect P fertilizer reactions in the soil and thus influence the amount of P fertilizer necessary and carry-over effects of applied P. It is essential that P soil tests and their interpretation be tailored for soils with similar P reactions. A useful P soil test must be based on both correlation of test values to plant growth and to field calibration of soil test values with yield

    Soil Carbon and Material Fluxes Across the Eroding Alaska Beaufort Sea Coastline

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    Carbon, nitrogen, and material fluxes were quantified at 48 sampling locations along the 1957 km coastline of the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Landform characteristics, soil stratigraphy, cryogenic features, and ice contents were determined for each site. Erosion rates for the sites were quantified using satellite images and aerial photos, and the rates averaged across the coastline increased from 0.6 m yr-1 during circa 1950-1980 to 1.2 m yr-1 during circa 1980-2000. Soils were highly cryoturbated, and organic carbon (OC) stores ranged from 13 to 162 kg OC m-2 in banks above sea level and averaged 63 kg OC m-2 over the entire coastline. Long-term (1950-2000) annual lateral fluxes due to erosion were estimated at -153 Gg OC, -7762 Mg total nitrogen, -2106 Tg solids, and -2762 Tg water. Total land area loss along the Alaska Beaufort Sea coastline was estimated at 203 ha yr-1. We found coastal erosion rates, bank heights, soil properties, and material stores and fluxes to be extremely variable among sampling sites. In comparing two classification systems used to classifying coastline types from an oceanographic, coastal morphology perspective and geomorphic units from a terrestrial, soils perspective, we found both systems were effective at differentiating significant differences among classes for most material stores, but the coastline classification did not find significant differences in erosion rates because it lacked differentiation of soil texture

    Production of very long chain polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in plants

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    We report the production of two very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), in substantial quantities in a higher plant. This was achieved using genes encoding enzymes participating in the ω3/6 Δ8-desaturation biosynthetic pathways for the formation of C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed sequentially with genes encoding a Δ9-specific elongating activity from Isochrysis galbana, a Δ8-desaturase from Euglena gracilis and a Δ5-desaturase from Mortierella alpina. Instrumental in the successful reconstitution of these C20 polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic pathways was the I. galbana C18-Δ9-elongating activity, which may bypass rate-limiting steps present in the conventional Δ6-desaturase/elongase pathways. The accumulation of EPA and AA in transgenic plants is a breakthrough in the search for alternative sustainable sources of fish oils.&nbsp

    “Working the System”—British American Tobacco's Influence on the European Union Treaty and Its Implications for Policy: An Analysis of Internal Tobacco Industry Documents

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    Katherine Smith and colleagues investigate the ways in which British American Tobacco influenced the European Union Treaty so that new EU policies advance the interests of major corporations, including those that produce products damaging to health

    Spatial Variation of Tundra Soil Organic Carbon Along the Coastline of Northern Alaska

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    Coastal erosion plays an important role in the terrestrial-marine-atmosphere carbon cycle. This study was conducted to explore the spatial variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) and other soil properties along the coastline of northern Alaska. A total of 769 soil samples, from 48 sites along over 1800-km of coastline in northern Alaska, were collected during the summers of 2005 and 2006. A geological information system (GIS) and a geostatistical method (ordinary kriging) were coupled to investigate the spatial variation of SOC along the coastline. SOC have a big variation ranging from 0.8 to 187.4 kg C m(-2) with the greatest value observed in the middle and lowest in the northeastern coastline. Compared to the I-D model or the I-D model with shortcut distance, the 2-D model was more reasonable to describe SOC along the coastline. The Gaussian correlation structure model had less prediction error than other examined geostatistical models. All mapping results also indicate that soils of the northwestern coastline stored greater SOC than those of the northeastern coastline. The estimation of total SOC along the coastline of northern Alaska was 6.86 10(7) kg m(-1). The prediction errors indicated that greater errors were observed in both ends of the coastline than were observed in other fractions, although the range was from 0.739 to 0.779. Our study suggests that the isotropic 2-D model without a trend, with the nugget effect and the Gaussian correlation structure is a useful tool to investigate SOC in large scale. Results of stable isotope of organic matter indicate that SOC are mainly derived from C3 plant, which ranged from - 30 parts per thousand. to - 22 parts per thousand.. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Estimated stocks of circumpolar permafrost carbon with quantified uncertainty ranges and identified data gaps

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    Soils and other unconsolidated deposits in the northern circumpolar permafrost region store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). This SOC is potentially vulnerable to remobilization following soil warming and permafrost thaw, but SOC stock estimates were poorly constrained and quantitative error estimates were lacking. This study presents revised estimates of permafrost SOC stocks, including quantitative uncertainty estimates, in the 0–3 m depth range in soils as well as for sediments deeper than 3 m in deltaic deposits of major rivers and in the Yedoma region of Siberia and Alaska. Revised estimates are based on significantly larger databases compared to previous studies. Despite this there is evidence of significant remaining regional data gaps. Estimates remain particularly poorly constrained for soils in the High Arctic region and physiographic regions with thin sedimentary overburden (mountains, highlands and plateaus) as well as for deposits below 3 m depth in deltas and the Yedoma region. While some components of the revised SOC stocks are similar in magnitude to those previously reported for this region, there are substantial differences in other components, including the fraction of perennially frozen SOC. Upscaled based on regional soil maps, estimated permafrost region SOC stocks are 217 ± 12 and 472 ± 27 Pg for the 0–0.3 and 0–1 m soil depths, respectively (±95% confidence intervals). Storage of SOC in 0–3 m of soils is estimated to 1035 ± 150 Pg. Of this, 34 ± 16 Pg C is stored in poorly developed soils of the High Arctic. Based on generalized calculations, storage of SOC below 3 m of surface soils in deltaic alluvium of major Arctic rivers is estimated as 91 ± 52 Pg. In the Yedoma region, estimated SOC stocks below 3 m depth are 181 ± 54 Pg, of which 74 ± 20 Pg is stored in intact Yedoma (late Pleistocene ice- and organic-rich silty sediments) with the remainder in refrozen thermokarst deposits. Total estimated SOC storage for the permafrost region is ∼1300 Pg with an uncertainty range of ∼1100 to 1500 Pg. Of this, ∼500 Pg is in non-permafrost soils, seasonally thawed in the active layer or in deeper taliks, while ∼800 Pg is perennially frozen. This represents a substantial ∼300 Pg lowering of the estimated perennially frozen SOC stock compared to previous estimates

    Field information links permafrost carbon to physical vulnerabilities of thawing

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    Deep soil profiles containing permafrost (Gelisols) were characterized for organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) stocks to 3m depths. Using the Community Climate System Model (CCSM4) we calculate cumulative distributions of active layer thickness (ALT) under current and future climates. The difference in cumulative ALT distributions over time was multiplied by C and N contents of soil horizons in Gelisol suborders to calculate newly thawed C and N. Thawing ranged from 147 PgC with 10 PgN by 2050 (representative concentration pathway RCP scenario 4.5) to 436 PgC with 29 PgN by 2100 (RCP 8.5). Organic horizons that thaw are vulnerable to combustion, and all horizon types are vulnerable to shifts in hydrology and decomposition. The rates and extent of such losses are unknown and can be further constrained by linking field and modelling approaches. These changes have the potential for strong additional loading to our atmosphere, water resources, and ecosystems. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved