13 research outputs found
Eating habits in families of adolescents
Stravovanie v rodine je jedným z faktorov
ovplyvňujúci formovanie stravovacích návykov jednotlivých jej členov. Problematike stravovania detí a adolescentov je venovaná pozornosť odbornej
verejnosti, výsledky výskumov posúdenia stravovania v rodinách adolescentov u nás absentujú. Cieľom výskumu bolo u adolescentov popísať niektoré zo stravovacích návykov rodiny, ktorej sú členmi. Na zber empirických údajov
bola použitá metóda dotazníka. Súbor respondentov tvorilo 100 študentov z troch stredných škôl v Žilinskom kraji. Z výsledkov výskumu vyplýva, že
adolescenti sa za časové obdobie posledných 7 dní stretávali najčastejšie pri spoločných večerách. V rodinách sa obeduje najčastejšie medzi 12.-14.
a večeria medzi 18.-20. hodinou. Viac ako polovica rodín máva pustený televízor pri jedení. Pri spoločnom stolovaní sa pijú džúsy, čaj, nápoje s obsahom cukru. V rodinách je zvykom jedávať pochutiny a sladkosti počas sledovania
televízie. Zvýšenie úrovne vedomostí o vhodných stravovacích návykoch v rodinách adolescentov môže pozitívne ovplyvniť postojovú zložku správania v oblasti stravovania a predstavuje prevenciu vzniku stravovacích problémov. Cielená edukácia v školskom prostredí predstavuje odporúčanú intervenciu, ktorá spadá do kompetencie sestry.Eating in the families is one of the factors
affecting the formation of the eating habits of each of its members. The issue of eating children and adolescents is dedicated to the attention of the public, results of the research-based
assessment of eating habits in families of adolescents absent in our conditions. The aim of the study was identify some eating habits of family, which adolescent is a member. We used the
questionnaire method for empirical data collection. Research was realized in a sample of 100 adolescent respondents from three secondary schools in Žilina region (Slovak Republic). Results of research show that adolescents are for a period of time the last 7 days frequently
encountered in the eating dinner. Lunch is served between 2-4 p.m. in most families and evening between 8-10 p.m. In more than half of the families is observed TV while eating. During eating are served juice, tea, drinks containing
sugar. In families it is habit to eat sweets
and salty crisps while watching TV. Increasing level of knowledge about appropriate eating habits in families of adolescents can positively influence attitudes in the field of eating habits and behaviour and it is a prevention component
of the dietary problems. Targeted education in the school environment is recommended intervention, within a competence of nurse
Health literacy of primiparae in the first six months of maternity: review
Aim: The aim was to synthesize themes and influencing factors of personal dignity experienced among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the context of health care. Design: A qualitative narrative review with regard to PRISMA statements was used as a study design. Methods: The CASP Qualitative checklist was chosen for critical appraisal and thematic synthesis for synthesis of findings was adopted. Narrative the electronic databases: Academic Search Complete; Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition; Humanities International Complete; MEDLINE were used for search. 230 studies were retrieved. 4 studies met the reviewers’ inclusion criteria and were included into the study. Results: Three synthesized themes – Ill body, changed healthy identity and personal integrity (8 subthemes); Fighting spirit and patient’s factors (8 subthemes) and Social factors (8 subthemes) – seem to be relevant for dignity of patients with MS. Narrative review shows tendency that patients with MS are in the danger of loss of dignity. Conclusion: Focused on personal dignity of people with MS brings possibility to have non-psychiatric approach to patients’ personality fully consistent with the patient-centred approach in the context of health care. Results will be used as a framework for ethical reflection, interventions focused on how to improve or maintain personal dignity of patients with MS. Based on the critical appraisal, researchers should pay more attention to reflexivity. According to study limitations, a systematic review is needed
Aim: The goal of this study was to analyse relevant research studies focusing on the testing of the predictive value of the Morse Fall Scale measuring device on hospitalized patients. Design: Literature review. Method: Search for full text research studies in Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Summon Discovery Tool (licensed electronic information databases), based on pre-established criteria, and key words, from 1989 to 2016. Results: Sensitivity values ranged from 31% to 98%, and specificity values ranged from 8% to 97% in 14 analysed studies. The predictive value of the tool in validation studies varies depending on the tested cut-off value, the type of clinical ward, the frequency of assessment, the size and age of the sample, and the length of hospitalisation; therefore, the validity of the results from one study cannot by extrapolated to the entire hospitalized population of patients. Conclusion: The predictive values of the Morse Fall Scale are not stable; they vary in clinical conditions according to various factors. When implementing a tool for a specific clinical ward, an optimum cut-off score must be established to ensure that preventative strategies do not require unnecessary effort on the part of the staff, and do not increase hospital costs.
Keywords: falls, hospital, Morse Fall Scale, sensitivity, specificity, review
Pharmacotherapy as a fall risk factor
Aim: To determine the correlation between pharmacotherapy and high risk of fall based on the Morse Fall Scale (MFS score ≥ 45) in acute and long-term care settings. Design: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive correlation study. Methods: The study was conducted at a University Hospital in Martin (UHM) and a selected long-term care facility (LTC) in Martin (Slovakia) June–October 2016. The pharmacotherapeutic data were obtained from the health documentation of the respondents. The fall risk was assessed by using the MFS screening tool within 24–48 hours of admission to the facility. Results: For the group of UHM patients (n = 63), the mean MFS score for fall risk was high (60.6 ± 22.4), and the correlation (p = 0.030) between the number of medications administered in 24 hours and high risk of fall was significant. For the group of LTC patients (n = 89), the mean MFS score for fall risk was moderate (35.4 ± 15.9). The correlations were not significant. Conclusion: Pharmacotherapy is an important fall risk factor; therefore, it is necessary to determine it within the assessment of overall fall risk. The risk management of pharmacotherapy is an effective and important multifactorial intervention in programmes of fall prevention in acute and long-term care.
Keywords: fall, hospital, long-term care, Morse Fall Scale, pharmacotherapy, screening, senior