4 research outputs found

    Systems of Summoning of Fire Brigades

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    Import 29/09/2010Diplomová práce se zabývá současnými způsoby svolávání jednotek požární ochrany v České republice. Zaměřuje se především na technické řešení této problematiky a nabízí aktuální přehled používaných technologií včetně jejich hodnocení. Dále poukazuje na existenci problémů vzniklých z nejednotnosti způsobů svolávání a odlišnostmi využívaných systémů. Značnou pozornost pak věnuje efektivnějšímu využití a vylepšení těchto systémů. Navrhuje jednotný a centralizovaný způsob svolávání jednotek požární ochrany a tento návrh podporuje praktickým experimentem.This thesis deals with current ways of summoning fire brigades in the Czech Republic. It concentrates primaly on the technical solution of this issue and it suggests the topical summary of used technologies, including their evaluation. Further it points out the problems caused by disunity of ways of summoning and by dissimilarity of applied systems. The substantial attention is focused on more efficient application and improvement of these systems. This thesis proposes an integrated and centralized way of summoning fire brigades which is supported by the practical experiment.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn

    Desire and reality – teaching and assessing communicative competencies in undergraduate medical education in German-speaking Europe – a survey

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    Objectives: Increasingly, communicative competencies are becoming a permanent feature of training and assessment in German-speaking medical schools (n=43; Germany, Austria, Switzerland – ”D-A-CH”). In support of further curricular development of communicative competencies, the survey by the “Communicative and Social Competencies” (KusK) committee of the German Society for Medical Education (GMA) systematically appraises the scope of and form in which teaching and assessment take place. Methods: The iterative online questionnaire, developed in cooperation with KusK, comprises 70 questions regarding instruction (n=14), assessment (n=48), local conditions (n=5), with three fields for further remarks. Per location, two to three individuals who were familiar with the respective institute’s curriculum were invited to take part in the survey. Results: Thirty-nine medical schools (40 degree programmes) took part in the survey. Communicative competencies are taught in all of the programmes. Ten degree programmes have a longitudinal curriculum for communicative competencies; 25 programmes offer this in part. Sixteen of the 40 programmes use the Basler Consensus Statement for orientation. In over 80% of the degree programmes, communicative competencies are taught in the second and third year of studies. Almost all of the programmes work with simulated patients (n=38) and feedback (n=37). Exams are exclusively summative (n=11), exclusively formative (n=3), or both summative and formative (n=16) and usually take place in the fifth or sixth year of studies (n=22 and n=20). Apart from written examinations (n=15) and presentations (n=9), practical examinations are primarily administered (OSCE, n=31); WPA (n=8), usually with self-developed scales (OSCE, n=19). With regards to the examiners’ training and the manner of results-reporting to the students, there is a high variance. Conclusions: Instruction in communicative competencies has been implemented at all 39 of the participating medical schools. For the most part, communicative competencies instruction in the D-A-C-H region takes place in small groups and is tested using the OSCE. The challenges for further curricular development lie in the expansion of feedback, the critical evaluation of appropriate assessment strategies, and in the quality assurance of exams