219 research outputs found

    Pattern-driven Process Design

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    Prozess , Simulation, Muste


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    This is the preface for Volume 56: Proceedings of the Combined workshop on Self-organizing, Adaptive, and Context-Sensitive Distributed Systems  andSelf-organized Communication in Disaster Scenarios (SACS/SoCoDiS 2013

    Kommunikation zwischen autonomen Agenten

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Softwareagenten sind Programme, die einen Auftrag autonom und weitgehend selbständig ausführen. Man spricht von mobilen Agenten, wenn diese Programme selbstbestimmt ihre Ausführungsumgebung in einem Netzwerk wechseln können. Die Mobilität der Software impliziert ein neues Programmierparadigma für verteilte Systeme, das die bekannten Interaktionskonzepte herkömmlicher Verteilungsplattformen erweitert. Anwendungen mit mobilen Agenten finden sich in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen, wie Netz- und Systemmanagement, elektronische Marktplätze und Logistik

    The myth of speeding up business processes through parallel job processing

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    Strukturierung , Koordination , Theorie, Mustervergleich , Prozesssimulatio

    QoS-based Self-Management for Business Processes

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    Business processes are commonly implemented as compositions of Web Services, using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) as an orchestration specification. Business processes do not only require an appropriate setup but also need to be monitored throughout their runtime, especially when Quality-of-service (QoS) constraints have to be met. Monitoring results may be used for the automated reconfiguration and optimization of business processes. We show how we achieve self-management based on QoS constraints within our system. The BPRules Language that we set up can be used to improve the QoS behavior of business processes by triggering appropriate management actions on the process. Also we propose a service selection strategy for the dynamic selection and replacement of services within business processes

    Management of Business Processes with the BPRules Language in Service Oriented Computing

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    Quality of Service (QoS) concerns are an important topic for the realization of business processes. While BPEL is considered the de facto standard for web service compositions, QoS requirements are not part of its specification. We present the BPRules (Business Process Rules) language for the management of business processes with respect to QoS concerns. BPRules is a rule-based, declarative language which brings novel benefits in the management of business processes, like QoS dependability for sub-orchestrations and corrective actions tailored to the specific needs of the clients. We present the main constructs of the BPRules language and how they support the flexible adaptation of the business process during runtime. Decision making is done according to the behavior of several process executions. An illustrative scenario shows how BPRules is applied to a business process

    Method to Extract Frequency Dependent Material Attenuation for Improved Transducer Models

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    The time response of the ultrasound transducers used in our 3D ultrasound tomography device shows a slight reverberation. This may causes artifacts in the reconstructed images. Loss properties of materials used in the array fabrication have a big impact on their complex vibration behavior. Unfortunately, material parameters for accurate modeling are often not available in literature. Here, we present a method to derive loss properties of polymers and composites and how to include them in a finite element analysis (FEA). The method has three steps: First, an experiment to measure the frequency and thickness dependent sound attenuation. Second, a brute-force fit to a frequency-power law expression to obtain an analytic formulation. Third, a conversion of the sound attenuation to an equivalent structural loss factor. The last step is necessary as acoustic attenuation can not directly be implemented in structural mechanics FEA. We applied the method to derive loss properties of the filler and backing material which we use for our ultrasound transducer arrays. When including the loss factor in the simulation a reverberation is predicted, which matches the measurement well. Hence, considering loss properties allows more accurate modeling of complex vibration behavior. This aids in optimizing our ultrasound transducer array design towards better 3D ultrasound imaging

    Improved temperature measurement and modeling for 3D USCT II

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    Medical visualization plays a key role in the early diagnosis and detection of symptoms related to breast cancer. However, currently doctors must struggle to extract accurate and relevant information from the 2D models on which the medical field still relies. The problem is that 2D models lack the spatial definition necessary to extract all of the information a doctor might want. In order to address this gap, we are developing a machine capable of performing ultrasound computer tomography and reconstructing 3D images of the breasts - the KIT 3D USCT II. In order to accurately reconstruct the 3D image using ultrasound, we must first have an accurate temperature model. This is because the speed of sound varies significantly based on the temperature of the medium (in our case, water). We address this issue in three steps: so-called super-sampling, calibration, and modeling. Using these three steps, we were able to improve the accuracy of the hardware from ±1°C to just under 0.1°C