133 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning between Motor Imagery Datasets using Deep Learning -- Validation of Framework and Comparison of Datasets

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    We present a simple deep learning-based framework commonly used in computer vision and demonstrate its effectiveness for cross-dataset transfer learning in mental imagery decoding tasks that are common in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). We investigate, on a large selection of 12 motor-imagery datasets, which ones are well suited for transfer, both as donors and as receivers. Challenges. Deep learning models typically require long training times and are data-hungry, which impedes their use for BCI systems that have to minimize the recording time for (training) examples and are subject to constraints induced by experiments involving human subjects. A solution to both issues is transfer learning, but it comes with its own challenge, i.e., substantial data distribution shifts between datasets, subjects and even between subsequent sessions of the same subject. Approach. For every pair of pre-training (donor) and test (receiver) dataset, we first train a model on the donor before training merely an additional new linear classification layer based on a few receiver trials. Performance of this transfer approach is then tested on other trials of the receiver dataset. Significance. First, we lower the threshold to use transfer learning between motor imagery datasets: the overall framework is extremely simple and nevertheless obtains decent classification scores. Second, we demonstrate that deep learning models are a good option for motor imagery cross-dataset transfer both for the reasons outlined in the first point and because the framework presented is viable in online scenarios. Finally, analysing which datasets are best suited for transfer learning can be used as a reference for future researchers to determine which to use for pre-training or benchmarking.Comment: Keywords: EEG, BCI, Motor Imagery, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, Cross-Dataset. 3 figures, 2 table

    Integrating dynamic stopping, transfer learning and language models in an adaptive zero-training ERP speller

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    Objective. Most BCIs have to undergo a calibration session in which data is recorded to train decoders with machine learning. Only recently zero-training methods have become a subject of study. This work proposes a probabilistic framework for BCI applications which exploit event-related potentials (ERPs). For the example of a visual P300 speller we show how the framework harvests the structure suitable to solve the decoding task by (a) transfer learning, (b) unsupervised adaptation, (c) language model and (d) dynamic stopping. Approach. A simulation study compares the proposed probabilistic zero framework (using transfer learning and task structure) to a state-of-the-art supervised model on n = 22 subjects. The individual influence of the involved components (a)–(d) are investigated. Main results. Without any need for a calibration session, the probabilistic zero-training framework with inter-subject transfer learning shows excellent performance—competitive to a state-of-the-art supervised method using calibration. Its decoding quality is carried mainly by the effect of transfer learning in combination with continuous unsupervised adaptation. Significance. A high-performing zero-training BCI is within reach for one of the most popular BCI paradigms: ERP spelling. Recording calibration data for a supervised BCI would require valuable time which is lost for spelling. The time spent on calibration would allow a novel user to spell 29 symbols with our unsupervised approach. It could be of use for various clinical and non-clinical ERP-applications of BCI

    Automatic Classification of Artifactual ICA-Components for Artifact Removal in EEG Signals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Artifacts contained in EEG recordings hamper both, the visual interpretation by experts as well as the algorithmic processing and analysis (e.g. for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) or for Mental State Monitoring). While hand-optimized selection of source components derived from Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to clean EEG data is widespread, the field could greatly profit from automated solutions based on Machine Learning methods. Existing ICA-based removal strategies depend on explicit recordings of an individual's artifacts or have not been shown to reliably identify muscle artifacts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We propose an automatic method for the classification of general artifactual source components. They are estimated by TDSEP, an ICA method that takes temporal correlations into account. The linear classifier is based on an optimized feature subset determined by a Linear Programming Machine (LPM). The subset is composed of features from the frequency-, the spatial- and temporal domain. A subject independent classifier was trained on 640 TDSEP components (reaction time (RT) study, n = 12) that were hand labeled by experts as artifactual or brain sources and tested on 1080 new components of RT data of the same study. Generalization was tested on new data from two studies (auditory Event Related Potential (ERP) paradigm, n = 18; motor imagery BCI paradigm, n = 80) that used data with different channel setups and from new subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on six features only, the optimized linear classifier performed on level with the inter-expert disagreement (<it><</it>10% Mean Squared Error (MSE)) on the RT data. On data of the auditory ERP study, the same pre-calculated classifier generalized well and achieved 15% MSE. On data of the motor imagery paradigm, we demonstrate that the discriminant information used for BCI is preserved when removing up to 60% of the most artifactual source components.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose a universal and efficient classifier of ICA components for the subject independent removal of artifacts from EEG data. Based on linear methods, it is applicable for different electrode placements and supports the introspection of results. Trained on expert ratings of large data sets, it is not restricted to the detection of eye- and muscle artifacts. Its performance and generalization ability is demonstrated on data of different EEG studies.</p

    Robust artifactual independent component classification for BCI practitioners

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    Objective. EEG artifacts of non-neural origin can be separated from neural signals by independent component analysis (ICA). It is unclear (1) how robustly recently proposed artifact classifiers transfer to novel users, novel paradigms or changed electrode setups, and (2) how artifact cleaning by a machine learning classifier impacts the performance of brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Approach. Addressing (1), the robustness of different strategies with respect to the transfer between paradigms and electrode setups of a recently proposed classifier is investigated on offline data from 35 users and 3 EEG paradigms, which contain 6303 expert-labeled components from two ICA and preprocessing variants. Addressing (2), the effect of artifact removal on single-trial BCI classification is estimated on BCI trials from 101 users and 3 paradigms. Main results. We show that (1) the proposed artifact classifier generalizes to completely different EEG paradigms. To obtain similar results under massively reduced electrode setups, a proposed novel strategy improves artifact classification. Addressing (2), ICA artifact cleaning has little influence on average BCI performance when analyzed by state-of-the-art BCI methods. When slow motor-related features are exploited, performance varies strongly between individuals, as artifacts may obstruct relevant neural activity or are inadvertently used for BCI control. Significance. Robustness of the proposed strategies can be reproduced by EEG practitioners as the method is made available as an EEGLAB plug-in.EC/FP7/224631/EU/Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction/TOBIBMBF, 01GQ0850, Verbundprojekt: Bernstein Fokus Neurotechnologie - Nichtinvasive Neurotechnologie für Mensch-Maschine Interaktion - Teilprojekte A1, A3, A4, B4, W3, ZentrumDFG, 194657344, EXC 1086: BrainLinks-BrainTool

    An embedding for EEG signals learned using a triplet loss

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    Neurophysiological time series recordings like the electroencephalogram (EEG) or local field potentials are obtained from multiple sensors. They can be decoded by machine learning models in order to estimate the ongoing brain state of a patient or healthy user. In a brain-computer interface (BCI), this decoded brain state information can be used with minimal time delay to either control an application, e.g., for communication or for rehabilitation after stroke, or to passively monitor the ongoing brain state of the subject, e.g., in a demanding work environment. A specific challenge in such decoding tasks is posed by the small dataset sizes in BCI compared to other domains of machine learning like computer vision or natural language processing. A possibility to tackle classification or regression problems in BCI despite small training data sets is through transfer learning, which utilizes data from other sessions, subjects or even datasets to train a model. In this exploratory study, we propose novel domain-specific embeddings for neurophysiological data. Our approach is based on metric learning and builds upon the recently proposed ladder loss. Using embeddings allowed us to benefit, both from the good generalisation abilities and robustness of deep learning and from the fast training of classical machine learning models for subject-specific calibration. In offline analyses using EEG data of 14 subjects, we tested the embeddings' feasibility and compared their efficiency with state-of-the-art deep learning models and conventional machine learning pipelines. In summary, we propose the use of metric learning to obtain pre-trained embeddings of EEG-BCI data as a means to incorporate domain knowledge and to reach competitive performance on novel subjects with minimal calibration requirements.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, 5 appendix pages, 6 appendix figures, work conducted in 2020-2021 during an ARPE (https://ens-paris-saclay.fr/en/masters/ens-paris-saclay-degree/year-pre-doctoral-research-abroad-arpe

    Listen, You are Writing! Speeding up Online Spelling with a Dynamic Auditory BCI

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    Representing an intuitive spelling interface for brain–computer interfaces (BCI) in the auditory domain is not straight-forward. In consequence, all existing approaches based on event-related potentials (ERP) rely at least partially on a visual representation of the interface. This online study introduces an auditory spelling interface that eliminates the necessity for such a visualization. In up to two sessions, a group of healthy subjects (N = 21) was asked to use a text entry application, utilizing the spatial cues of the AMUSE paradigm (Auditory Multi-class Spatial ERP). The speller relies on the auditory sense both for stimulation and the core feedback. Without prior BCI experience, 76% of the participants were able to write a full sentence during the first session. By exploiting the advantages of a newly introduced dynamic stopping method, a maximum writing speed of 1.41 char/min (7.55 bits/min) could be reached during the second session (average: 0.94 char/min, 5.26 bits/min). For the first time, the presented work shows that an auditory BCI can reach performances similar to state-of-the-art visual BCIs based on covert attention. These results represent an important step toward a purely auditory BCI

    True zero-training brain-computer interfacing: an online study

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    Despite several approaches to realize subject-to-subject transfer of pre-trained classifiers, the full performance of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) for a novel user can only be reached by presenting the BCI system with data from the novel user. In typical state-of-the-art BCI systems with a supervised classifier, the labeled data is collected during a calibration recording, in which the user is asked to perform a specific task. Based on the known labels of this recording, the BCI's classifier can learn to decode the individual's brain signals. Unfortunately, this calibration recording consumes valuable time. Furthermore, it is unproductive with respect to the final BCI application, e.g. text entry. Therefore, the calibration period must be reduced to a minimum, which is especially important for patients with a limited concentration ability. The main contribution of this manuscript is an online study on unsupervised learning in an auditory event-related potential (ERP) paradigm. Our results demonstrate that the calibration recording can be bypassed by utilizing an unsupervised trained classifier, that is initialized randomly and updated during usage. Initially, the unsupervised classifier tends to make decoding mistakes, as the classifier might not have seen enough data to build a reliable model. Using a constant re-analysis of the previously spelled symbols, these initially misspelled symbols can be rectified posthoc when the classifier has learned to decode the signals. We compare the spelling performance of our unsupervised approach and of the unsupervised posthoc approach to the standard supervised calibration-based dogma for n = 10 healthy users. To assess the learning behavior of our approach, it is unsupervised trained from scratch three times per user. Even with the relatively low SNR of an auditory ERP paradigm, the results show that after a limited number of trials (30 trials), the unsupervised approach performs comparably to a classic supervised model