36 research outputs found

    Proteome-level display by 2-dimensional chromatography of extracellular matrix-dependent modulation of the phenotype of bladder cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: The extracellular matrix can have a profound effect upon the phenotype of cancer cells. Previous work has shown that growth of bladder cancer cells on a matrix derived from normal basement membrane suppresses many malignant features that are displayed when the cells are grown on a matrix that has been modified by malignant tumors. This work was undertaken to investigate proteome-level changes as determined by a new commercially available proteome display involving 2-dimensional chromatography for bladder cancer cells grown on different extracellular matrix preparations that modulate the expression of the malignant phenotype. RESULTS: Depending on the matrix, between 1300 and 2000 distinct peaks were detected by two-dimensional chromatographic fractionation of 2.1 – 4.4 mg of total cellular protein. The fractions eluting from the reversed-phase fractionation were suitable for mass spectrometric identification following only lyophilization and trypsin digestion and achieved approximately 10-fold higher sensitivity than was obtained with gel-based separations. Abundant proteins that were unique to cells grown on one of the matrices were identified by mass spectrometry. Following concentration, peaks of 0.03 AU provided unambiguous identification of protein components when 10% of the sample was analyzed, whereas peaks of 0.05 AU was approximately the lower limit of detection when the entire sample was separated on a gel and in-gel digestion was used. Although some fractions were homogeneous, others were not, and up to 3 proteins per fraction were identified. Strong evidence for post-translational modification of the unique proteins was noted. All 13 of the unique proteins from cells grown on Matrigel were related to MYC pathway. CONCLUSION: The system provides a viable alternative to 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis for proteomic display of biological systems. The findings suggest the importance of MYC to the malignant phenotype of bladder cancer cells

    The CREB coactivator TORC2 functions as a calcium- and cAMP-sensitive coincidence detector

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    Elevations in circulating glucose and gut hormones during feeding promote pancreatic islet cell viability in part via the calcium- and cAMP-dependent activation of the transcription factor CREB. Here, we describe a signaling module that mediates the synergistic effects of these pathways on cellular gene expression by stimulating the dephosphorylation and nuclear entry of TORC2, a CREB coactivator. This module consists of the calcium-regulated phosphatase calcineurin and the Ser/Thr kinase SIK2, both of which associate with TORC2. Under resting conditions, TORC2 is sequestered in the cytoplasm via a phosphorylation-dependent interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. Triggering of the calcium and cAMP second messenger pathways by glucose and gut hormones disrupts TORC2:14-3-3 complexes via complementary effects on TORC2 dephosphorylation; calcium influx increases calcineurin activity, whereas cAMP inhibits SIK2 kinase activity. Our results illustrate how a phosphatase/kinase module connects two signaling pathways in response to nutrient and hormonal cues

    Structure-Property Relationships of Silicone Biofouling-Release Coatings: Effect of Silicone Network Architecture on Pseudobarnacle Attachment Strengths

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    Model silicone foul-release coatings with controlled molecular architecture were evaluated to determine the effect of compositional variables such as filler loading and crosslink density on pseudobarnacle attachment strength. Pseudobarnacle adhesion values correlated with filler loadings in both condensation and hydrosilylation-cured silicones. Variation of crosslink density of hydrosilylation-cured silicones had an insignificant effect on attachment strength. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicated that the mode of failure upon detachment of the pseudobarnacle was dependent upon the crosslink density; samples with high crosslink density failed cohesively within the silicone

    Pretreatment Time with Norbinaltorphimine

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    Absolute Proteome Quantification in the Gas-Fermenting Acetogen <i>Clostridium autoethanogenum</i>

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    Microbes that can recycle one-carbon (C(1)) greenhouse gases into fuels and chemicals are vital for the biosustainability of future industries. Acetogens are the most efficient known microbes for fixing carbon oxides CO(2) and CO. Understanding proteome allocation is important for metabolic engineering as it dictates metabolic fitness. Here, we use absolute proteomics to quantify intracellular concentrations for >1,000 proteins in the model acetogen Clostridium autoethanogenum grown autotrophically on three gas mixtures (CO, CO+H(2), or CO+CO(2)+H(2)). We detect the prioritization of proteome allocation for C(1) fixation and the significant expression of proteins involved in the production of acetate and ethanol as well as proteins with unclear functions. The data also revealed which isoenzymes are likely relevant in vivo for CO oxidation, H(2) metabolism, and ethanol production. The integration of proteomic and metabolic flux data demonstrated that enzymes catalyze high fluxes with high concentrations and high in vivo catalytic rates. We show that flux adjustments were dominantly accompanied by changing enzyme catalytic rates rather than concentrations. IMPORTANCE Acetogen bacteria are important for maintaining biosustainability as they can recycle gaseous C(1) waste feedstocks (e.g., industrial waste gases and syngas from gasified biomass or municipal solid waste) into fuels and chemicals. Notably, the acetogen Clostridium autoethanogenum is being used as a cell factory in industrial-scale gas fermentation. Here, we perform reliable absolute proteome quantification for the first time in an acetogen. This is important as our work advances both rational metabolic engineering of acetogen cell factories and accurate in silico reconstruction of their phenotypes. Furthermore, this absolute proteomics data set serves as a reference toward a better systems-level understanding of the ancient metabolism of acetogens