6,187 research outputs found
Magnetic collimation of protostellar winds into bipolar outflows
Researchers describe self-consistent 2-D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the collimation of an isotropic protostellar wind into bipolar outflows by magnetic stresses in the ambient medium. A variety of ambient field strengths, wind luminosities, and density profiles were studied. Collimation occurs when the energy of the magnetic field swept up by the expanding bubble approaches the bubble thermal energy. Measured axial and radial expansion rates are in good agreement with the analytical predictions of Konigl (1982)
The telomerase essential N-terminal domain promotes DNA synthesis by stabilizing short RNA-DNA hybrids.
Telomerase is an enzyme that adds repetitive DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes and consists of two main subunits: the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) protein and an associated telomerase RNA (TER). The telomerase essential N-terminal (TEN) domain is a conserved region of TERT proposed to mediate DNA substrate interactions. Here, we have employed single molecule telomerase binding assays to investigate the function of the TEN domain. Our results reveal telomeric DNA substrates bound to telomerase exhibit a dynamic equilibrium between two states: a docked conformation and an alternative conformation. The relative stabilities of the docked and alternative states correlate with the number of basepairs that can be formed between the DNA substrate and the RNA template, with more basepairing favoring the docked state. The docked state is further buttressed by the TEN domain and mutations within the TEN domain substantially alter the DNA substrate structural equilibrium. We propose a model in which the TEN domain stabilizes short RNA-DNA duplexes in the active site of the enzyme, promoting the docked state to augment telomerase processivity
NASA's progress in nuclear electric propulsion technology
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has established a requirement for Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) technology for robotic planetary science mission applications with potential future evolution to systems for piloted Mars vehicles. To advance the readiness of NEP for these challenging missions, a near-term flight demonstration on a meaningful robotic science mission is very desirable. The requirements for both near-term and outer planet science missions are briefly reviewed, and the near-term baseline system established under a recent study jointly conducted by the Lewis Research Center (LeRC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is described. Technology issues are identified where work is needed to establish the technology for the baseline system, and technology opportunities which could provide improvement beyond baseline capabilities are discussed. Finally, the plan to develop this promising technology is presented and discussed
Structural basis of template-boundary definition in Tetrahymena telomerase.
Telomerase is required to maintain repetitive G-rich telomeric DNA sequences at chromosome ends. To do so, the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) subunit reiteratively uses a small region of the integral telomerase RNA (TER) as a template. An essential feature of telomerase catalysis is the strict definition of the template boundary to determine the precise TER nucleotides to be reverse transcribed by TERT. We report the 3-Ã… crystal structure of the Tetrahymena TERT RNA-binding domain (tTRBD) bound to the template boundary element (TBE) of TER. tTRBD is wedged into the base of the TBE RNA stem-loop, and each of the flanking RNA strands wraps around opposite sides of the protein domain. The structure illustrates how the tTRBD establishes the template boundary by positioning the TBE at the correct distance from the TERT active site to prohibit copying of nontemplate nucleotides
Cosmological Radiation Hydrodynamics with ENZO
We describe an extension of the cosmological hydrodynamics code ENZO to
include the self-consistent transport of ionizing radiation modeled in the
flux-limited diffusion approximation. A novel feature of our algorithm is a
coupled implicit solution of radiation transport, ionization kinetics, and gas
photoheating, making the timestepping for this portion of the calculation
resolution independent. The implicit system is coupled to the explicit
cosmological hydrodynamics through operator splitting and solved with scalable
multigrid methods. We summarize the numerical method, present a verification
test on cosmological Stromgren spheres, and then apply it to the problem of
cosmological hydrogen reionization.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Recent Directions in Astrophysical
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics, Ed. I. Hubeny,
American Institute of Physics (2009
Examination of Bar Velocity in Barbell Back Squat
The aim of the study was to examine repetition to repetition changes of bar velocity and its variations from barbell back squat. Participants (N=19) performed back squat with a relative intensity of 78-80% of 1 RM. Bar velocity was captured using wireless device (PUSHtm) placed on their forearm. Data were collected from 3 sets of 10 repetitions. One-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify the velocity changes over 10 repetitions. Statistical significance was found (F(1,17)=45.06.~ 0 . 0 0 0 1 )T.h is indicates that the bar velocity decreased significantly over the 10 repetitions. At the same time, coefficient of variance also increased as the repetitions went higher, indicating that there were differences in individual responses of bar velocity changes. Further examination will be aimed to investigate the bar velocity changes from various strength level of individuals
Potassium Intake, Bioavailability, Hypertension, and Glucose Control
Potassium is an essential nutrient. It is the most abundant cation in intracellular fluid where it plays a key role in maintaining cell function. The gradient of potassium across the cell membrane determines cellular membrane potential, which is maintained in large part by the ubiquitous ion channel the sodium-potassium (Na+-K+) ATPase pump. Approximately 90% of potassium consumed (60-100 mEq) is lost in the urine, with the other 10% excreted in the stool, and a very small amount lost in sweat. Little is known about the bioavailability of potassium, especially from dietary sources. Less is understood on how bioavailability may affect health outcomes. Hypertension (HTN) is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and a major financial burden ($50.6 billion) to the US public health system, and has a significant impact on all-cause morbidity and mortality worldwide. The relationship between increased potassium supplementation and a decrease in HTN is relatively well understood, but the effect of increased potassium intake from dietary sources on blood pressure overall is less clear. In addition, treatment options for hypertensive individuals (e.g., thiazide diuretics) may further compound chronic disease risk via impairments in potassium utilization and glucose control. Understanding potassium bioavailability from various sources may help to reveal how specific compounds and tissues influence potassium movement, and further the understanding of its role in health
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