1,716 research outputs found

    Explaining essences

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    This paper explores the prospects of combining two views. The first view is metaphysical rationalism : all things have an explanation. The second view is metaphysical essentialism: there are real essences. The exploration is motivated by a conflict between the views. Metaphysical essentialism posits facts about essences. Metaphysical rationalism demands explanations for all facts. But facts about essences appear to resist explanation. I consider two solutions to the conflict. Exemption solutions attempt to exempt facts about essences from the demand for explanation. Explanation solutions attempt to explain facts about essences. I argue that exemption solutions are less promising than explanation solutions. I then consider how explanation solutions might be developed. I suggest that a “generative” approach is most promising. I tentatively conclude that the prospects for combining metaphysical rationalism and metaphysical essentialism turn on the viability of a generative approach. This sets the agenda for defending the combination as well as the more general project of explaining essences

    An evaluation of two alcohol education courses in a military setting : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University

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    An evaluation of two alcohol education courses conducted in a military setting for a supposedly "high risk" group in terms of alcohol related problems, formed the basis of the present study. The two courses differed in length (3 x 2 hour lessons, 2 x 2 hour lessons), and comprized a combination of lecture, film, question-answer and discussion group instructional methods. Pre and post questionnaire responses of the two groups of course participants (n = 28,26) and of a control group (n = 28) were analysed. In addition a follow-up measure was taken of one group of participants four months after programme completion. Results indicated a significant gain in the course participants' knowledge as a result of the programme, but no change in attitudes, or skills-related responses. Despite a small positive post course reaction to the programme, the subjects self-reported alcohol consumption remained unaffected by the course, and on average placed the sample in the top 35% of the New Zealand population in terms of self-reported alcohol consumption. These results were considered to be reflective of the theoretical and practical distances between the concepts and processes of education, prevention and evaluation, by the present author

    The characteristics and impacts of scientific publications in biotechnology research referenced in standards

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    The integration of research papers in standards has not yet been addressed using quantitative approaches. This paper investigates the characteristics of research articles on biotechnology related to standards. The analysis is based on a study of standards produced by the standardization consortia BioSharing. Research, i.e. scientific articles, included in standards is more likely to lead to follow-up research and diffusion over a longer period of time than comparable scientific publications measured by the number of citations relative to most-related articles. In addition, research relying on scientific publications referenced in standards is more valuable for the research progress

    Cutoff for a One-sided Transposition Shuffle

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    We introduce a new type of card shuffle called one-sided transpositions. At each step a card is chosen uniformly from the pack and then transposed with another card chosen uniformly from below it. This defines a random walk on the symmetric group generated by a distribution which is non-constant on the conjugacy class of transpositions. Nevertheless, we provide an explicit formula for all eigenvalues of the shuffle by demonstrating a useful correspondence between eigenvalues and standard Young tableaux. This allows us to prove the existence of a total-variation cutoff for the one-sided transposition shuffle at time nlog⁥nn\log n. We also study a weighted generalisation of the shuffle which, in particular, allows us to recover the well known mixing time of the classical random transposition shuffle

    Herbicide-Resistant Soybeans in Arkansas: Lessons Learned and Future Direction

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    In Arkansas Delta soybean production, glyphosate resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth has significantly impacted weed management. The incidence of herbicide resistant (HR) weeds has farreaching crop science, economic, and communications implications, which have been explored by the corresponding expertise of our research team members to form a comprehensive literature review. The review was used to develop policy recommendations to address current and future HR genetically modified (GM) crop use and the associated issues. The review of crop science research indicated an overall increase in herbicide application, as well as an increase in weed management programs focused around glyphosate rather than the application of multiple herbicides. The review also revealed some management methods have potential to resolve the problem, including alternating herbicide application, avoiding sub-lethal rates, using “burn down” herbicides prior to planting, crop rotation, tillage, and zero tolerance weed policies. The use of fewer herbicides rather than multiple types creates a monopolistic edge for the companies producing those few herbicides, allowing greater market control. Crisis communication methods, including developing internal readiness, conducting needs assessments, developing a relevant message, and conveying the message through appropriate channels, can be used to develop a response to the issue that will best communicate necessary information to the target audience. The team used these findings to formulate policy recommendations, which include management, economic, and communication plans that may provide a starting point to address the issue

    Fundamentality without Foundations

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    A commonly held view is that a central aim of metaphysics is to give a fundamental account of reality which refers only to the fundamental entities. But a puzzle arises. It is at least a working hypothesis for those pursuing the aim that, first, there must be fundamental entities. But, second, it also seems possible that the world has no foundation, with each entity depending on others. These two claims are inconsistent with the widely held third claim that the fundamental just is the foundational. It is tempting to resolve the puzzle by rejecting the first or second claim, perhaps because it is obscure how the third claim might plausibly be challenged. But I develop a new analysis of fundamentality which challenges the third claim by allowing for an entity to be fundamental without being foundational. The analysis, roughly, is that an entity is fundamental just in case not all facts about it are grounded in facts about other entities. The possibility of fundamentality without foundations not only provides for a novel resolution to the puzzle, but has applications to some live debates: for example, it undermines Jonathan Schaffer's modal argument for priority monism

    A Puzzle for Social Essences

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    The social world contains institutions, groups, objects, and more. This essay explores a puzzle about the essences of social items. There is widespread consensus against social essences because of problematic presuppositions often made about them. But it is argued that essence can be freed from these presuppositions and their problems. Even so, a puzzle still arises. In a Platonic spirit, essences in general seem detached from the world. In an Aristotelian spirit, social essences in particular seem embedded in the world. The puzzle is that these inclinations are individually plausible but jointly incompatible. The essay has four aims: to clarify and refine the puzzle; to explore the puzzle's implications for essence in general and for social essences in particular; to illustrate the fruitfulness of the general distinction between detached and embedded; and to develop this distinction to sketch a novel solution to the puzzle

    Great South Metals: Slitter Head Building Process

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    Great South Metals (GSM) operates two steel slitter machines, which take large coils of flat rolled steel and cut them into smaller strips for use in customers’ applications. Setting up the working components of each machine, called the slitter head, is a precise and arduous task. This system relies on several manually performed calculations and acute attention to detail; and thus, is prone to human error. The management at GSM commissioned our team to simplify the slitter head assembly process by creating an automated computer program and make additional recommendations to improve their operations. The program we created is a macro-based Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that accepts the customer’s desired widths of cut and outputs a printable picklist of the required tooling and shim sizes for the job. This tool reduces the time required to calculate the required tooling by ten minutes or more. Additionally, the calculator is one hundred percent accurate in its calculations. This spreadsheet utilizes a graphical user interface for improved user experience, boosting adoption by GSM employees. Though the calculator removes defects in determining the tooling required for a job, selecting and installing individual tooling components that are themselves unlabeled and stored on disorganized racks presents another opportunity for improvement. Based on the concept of Poka Yoke, our team designed custom 3D printed end caps for the existing racks that have clear labels and include features to help determine the size of components to reduce the likelihood of an operator selecting incorrect components. These end caps help ensure pieces are returned to their correct location and the user selects the correct size when building out a slitter head. Recognizing that a cluttered and dirty workspace can hinder performance, our team utilized 5S methodology to recommend several improvements to GSM work centers. Old tooling components are stored near active ones, tooling components and hand tools are not well organized, there’s lots of clutter around the work areas, and dirty shims and machines are difficult to work with. Cleanliness and organization standards should be implemented and sustained to improve efficiency. Lastly, our team performed an ergonomic analysis on the 48-inch line and recommends changes to the current station layout. Relocating the shim storage rack and rotating the tooling rack to reduce bending and twisting movements for the operator. These changes can reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries for operators and reduce fatigue, reducing the likelihood of mistakes in the head-building process

    Physicalism and its Challenges in Social Ontology

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    This chapter will discuss the relation of physicalism to social ontology, and explores problems that social ontology raises for physicalism. Physicalism is often understood to be the view that all facts—the social ones included—are physical facts, or at least are exhaustively determined by physical facts. While this view is widely endorsed, social phenomena challenge physicalism in several ways, both challenging the coherence of claims of physicalism and raising potential counterexamples

    Etic Theorizing Unanchored

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    Etic theorizing uses the theorist’s social notions to theorize about their subject. This theorist may claim that Genghis Khan was a war criminal even though his actions predate the enactment of the Geneva Conventions. Brian Epstein considers a modal etic theorist who claims that Genghis Khan would have been a war criminal even if the Geneva Conventions were never enacted. Epstein argues that this has metaphysical import: it requires postulating a novel metaphysical notion of “anchoring”. Drawing from some familiar issues in modal actualism, I argue that modal etic theorizing does not support this postulate. But it does suggest a distinctive kind of modality at work in social reality
